So being honest, when I went into this show I was expecting it to be a full-on fanservice machine until I was quickly proven wrong in that it has a well-grounded story behind it. Seriously, job well done by making me love the characters by the end of the first episode.
Not only does this anime have a story, but it explains how its sport is played by having us go through the experience that the main character had to go through as well. Another job well done.
In all, this series is definitely worth a watch. It combines fanservice, story, cast, art, and an
Aug 4, 2018
Overlord III
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I could gush over Overlord forever. But for those of you wondering about Season 3, I'm gonna assume you already know what makes Overlord a great show and dive into my thoughts about this current season.
Watch this show. Season three is showing us that this show has lots more political aspects and character building than ever before, and is starting out, in my opinion, even stronger than in Season two with the lizardmen. This show has amazing potential in its very large cast and dedicates enough time to make you care about them. You WILL be pleased with this season. Bone daddy has ... Aug 4, 2018
Shichisei no Subaru
Surprise, surprise, we have yet another Isekai on our hands this season. As per usual, a few questions would come to mind when dealing with this genre like,
Is this anime just Sword Art Online? No. Is this a good Isekai? No, but it has the potential to be. Is this a bad Isekai? At some times, yes. Is it worth the watch? That depends on you. What this series has shown us so far (being 5 episodes in) is that it has a unique gameplay element based on their visual reality headset that classifies users into roles based on their 'sense'. It truly is an interesting game quirk, partially ... Aug 4, 2018
Grand Blue
Let's cut right to the chase: should you watch this show?
Hell Yes. Grand Blue is the first anime in a while that has centered its story around the college life (last I have seen being Golden Time), but with this time, it embraces the partying aspect of it... a lot. It is a show with a really awesome cast that all interact in different and funny ways with each other, making for some seriously hilarious jokes throughout the show. Seriously, I've almost died of laughter from this show many times. While Grand Blue is a comedy, its storytelling is also decent, as we learn how serious ... |