Nov 25, 2023
Ergo Proxy
Ergo Proxy, on the surface, is a rather dark and confusing show. However, as is stated numerous times during that last few episodes, what is actually true doesn't particularly matter as long as you know what's true to you, and what your purpose is. This is true for Vincent, as it is for everyone else. Even though his journey throughout the events of the show was to find out who he was, and what Proxies are, he finds in the end that what really matters is not that he fulfill his destiny as a proxy, but that he fulfills his love for Re-l. You wouldn't
Nov 8, 2023
Serial Experiments Lain
Serial Experiments Lain has some interesting ideas, but ultimately takes a lot of time to flesh out and explain what ended up being a convoluted retelling of the story of Jesus. The subtitles can be wacky in places, using the Japanese pronunciation of Latin words as their actual meaning, leading to confusion with the names of certain characters, namely "Arisu", who we learn in the last episode is actually named Alice. Not like that actually matters, but it rubbed me the wrong way. The show had a lot of good ideas that weren't explored as thoroughly as they could have been, such as the relationship