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Nov 7, 2014
“Fun, funny and packed with well-achieved action scenes. An enjoyable show with a great premise that lacked the backbone to end with a bang. ”
Let me begin this show with two statements I said on the review of the first season.
1) A plot built around arms dealing isn’t one of the most original things ever, we have seen it in movies such as “Lord of War” (Nicolas Cage) or “The International” (Clive Owen), nevertheless the use of this plot isn’t overused as many others subjects related to war, which makes this show sort of “unique”.
2) The first season was more of a
planning for the second season, by this I mean that the “pieces” –characters and situations- where being placed just like chessboard. In order to achieve –probably- a more detailed story with a background.
Having said these two statements, I will rate this show in view of that –that it’s a whole- and not just as a simple “stand-alone” season.
-STORY: 7-
Selecting a title for a “work” –whether a movie, book, TV show or whatever- is one of the most important things for sometimes the title is slightly counterproductive or it might give hints of the direction they are leading towards, such is the case of this show –in my opinion-.
If you know something about Norse mythology, a word or name such as “Jörmungandr” (aka Midgard Serpent or World Serpent) will definitely give you a very strong idea of what the characters are trying to do.
Whether they achieve it or not is one of the things that will get you hooked up.
Now, leaving aside the fact that the title –amazingly- “spills the beans” of the show, the story of “JORMUNGAND” –season 2- is interesting and to some extent original, after all, since the beginning of the show the MC’s are trying to save the world. Each and every one on their own way –thing that I find delightful and well-achieved-, BUT it IS predictable. Does this means that the story on the second season is unoriginal or boring? No, it is original, more importantly it is unique on the way they –the writers- are doing the story, and by this I mean the main focus. Although you shouldn’t get carried away. Yes, the story is well-written, it entices you and it makes you want more, but in the end the show fails to achieve the “explosive” final that seems to be guaranteed with the premise and most importantly with the “journey” of the characters.
The second season pics up after the “cliffhanger” –to call it somehow- and the revelation of the first season, leading to a better-grounded plot and most importantly to a “richer” story, nonetheless the writers of the story didn’t deliver, they looked, self-complaisant, lazy and most importantly conformist, the story containing a better “pillar” wasn’t “squeezed” and the story just kept on following the same repetitive “straight-line” showed on the previous season instead of the “adventurous” path they could have chosen.
-ART: 9-
With so little time between season one and season two there’s not much difference between both arts depicted in both shows. Still, the art is remarkable; it’s well detailed but not perfect. Although, the actions scenes were incredibly well achieved, and the characters and guns are amazing. Slightly better than in the previous season.
-SOUND: 7-
I usually open with the voice actors review, but there’s a reason why I will open with the soundtrack part.
My statement on the soundtrack of the previous season was that it was good but it wasn’t imposing anything new or interesting. Regretfully for the soundtrack team on this second season of “JORMUNGAND”, I will use one word to describe their work, and the word is “Slothful”. Being a musician isn’t something easy -I know myself that, after all I create/write music- but falling into the same pattern or in this case “recycling” most of the previous soundtrack by just remixing it’s sad. There was nothing new except a few songs. The work they displayed was just a back-step instead of a progressive one. Don’t misunderstand me, the music is good –not great or bad- but the lack of creativity was a demotivation.
In the “SOUND Department” the voice acting IS the jewel of the crown. The script reaches –in comparison with the previous season- a more deep and meaningful dialogue. And the voice actors where capable of transfer that “deepness” –especially Mitsumi Tamura (Jonathan Mar).
The “Character Department” in this second season amazed me, THE best thing in the show. What they lacked in sound and other areas they have it on the character development, for the writers of the show gave them a very well deserved attention, and not just to our MC’s but also to the side characters. But the jewel within the character development is Jonathan Mar. He grows up and gets an amazing development.
Meanwhile Koko gets a poorly made development –in my opinion- getting a typical and predictable crazier/obsessive look in this second season, UNTIL the last episode. Still she’s a character that is lovable and memorable.
After this entire critic I made about “JORMUNGAND” I still think that is an enjoyable show, and as I said previously it’s mostly because of the characters within the story. And of course, because of the action within it.
I will say this again, “JORMUNGAND” is a show that fails to deliver an explosive final, BUT it gives something else, something good and deep.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 6, 2014
“Fun, funny and fast-passed, a well-driven action focused show… A ‘Lord of War’ (movie) meets ‘Black Lagoon’ (anime) kind of thing”
We all have seen war, whether depicted in movies, games, books or through news channels or even in your own life, but not many things talk or show us about the dark and “behind-the-scenes” scenario that takes place during those wars, revolutions or fights of any kind, and by the “behind-the-scenes” I mean those person that finance –whether a group or militia- with weapons. Movies like “Lord of War” (Nicolas Cage) or “The International” (Clive Owen) come to mind, so what makes
“JORMUNGAND” such an acclaimed show?
Let’s start.
-STORY: 7-
As I’ve already stated on my “introduction” something that its main focus is built around arms dealing isn’t one of the most original things ever, nevertheless it IS a setting that hasn’t been overused like let’s say the topic of WWII. So one of the main things –probably- that has captivated the viewers –in addition to the story- into watching “JORMUNGAND” is the uniqueness of its main emphasis, the arms dealing and not like most action/adventure shows which main focus –usually- is the war itself.
The story department is simple –at least the first season-,it’s filled with well-achieved action moments, there are some “meaningful” and “touching” memories of the main characters and it’s well-driven, but then again the show falls a few times on one of those typical repetitive patterns shown in plenty other anime. Don’t misunderstand me; the story is great, not a masterpiece –without a doubt- but not a boring one. In addition, “JORMUNGAND” is one of those shows in which every single one of the main characters are bad-asses, which means that they will always find a way –effortlessly, if I may add- to save the day –their day, of course- thing that by the end of the show leaves you wanting something “else” or “more”, maybe a little more passion or meaningfulness should be thrown into the story.
One of the characteristic that I find attractive and kept me watching the show is the fact that one of the main characters –Jonah- is against guns and thus bringing an interesting “sub-plot” within the show. Another characteristic that makes this show “likeable” –or pleasant, if you will- is the fact that is engaging, interesting and enticing for it isn’t you every-day-war-kind-of-anime. Another aspect is that the show wasn’t always about just guns, most of the times it is but there are some moments that are more focused on the characters.
To conclude, the first season of “JORMUNGAND” was probably just made to place and prepare the “board” for what’s –probably- coming-
-ART: 8-
“JORMUNGAND” the art shown on the show is remarkable, it isn’t a masterpiece or the jewel of the show but it isn’t something “wanting” either. It’s detailed, in most aspects, especially when talking about guns and action scenes, that’s where the magic of the art team of “JORMUNGAND” shines. Also, the characters designs are appealing and believable.
-SOUND: 7-
The show contains very talented voice actors that transfer their mood/feelings to the viewers, although the script isn’t one of the most “deep” and meaningful things in the world, it looks like it was more action oriented but still, there ARE indeed some reflective moments.
The music by Takau Iwasaki is good, it’s a wide range of music styles from music containing ethnic sounds –focused on the country they’re in-, or fast passed compositions made to fit in the moment. Nevertheless, the soundtrack isn’t a masterpiece or something that is imposing anything interesting, it’s just a soundtrack that tries –and fails, in my opinion- to hype you up. To put it bluntly the soundtrack is shallow, it’s like they tried to have a soundtrack for the sake of just having a soundtrack and not to evoke feelings –other than excitement-.
“JORMUNGAND” is made in a 12 episode-format show, which –as I’ve stated before- is usually counterproductive when talking about the “Character Department” subject, since most shows aren’t able to develop something or they just lack it or the characters just lack to back bone, but it is probably –in my opinion- the best department in “JORMUNGAND”.
There’s not much character development per se in this show, it has some but most focused into “friendship” in a dimmed kind of way, its faint.
What makes the characters so well-achieved is that they’re interesting, they are appealing, they have a past and most importantly everyone has a goal or a believe, making the character department rich and slightly well-grounded.
“JORMUNGAND” is one of those shows that you love primarily because of the characters within it. It’s a fast passed, well-driven enjoyable show.
But as I said before, the season one looks like just like a preparation for what’s to come.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 5, 2014
“Majestic, bizarre, violent and dark. A surreal and poetic journey that turns into something more profound than what it looks like”
-STORY: 8-
"KUROZUKA" it’s a well-founded and rich story. Its narrative could divide people, some by saying it’s boring and unadorned –or complicated- and by others –like me- saying that is meaningful, metaphorical and gorgeous.
The story of this show could be like a stream, whether it calls you, takes you and embraces you leading you swiftly –although, trough some “what the hell is happening here?” moments- across the tale or it rejects you for it isn’t a plain and simple story of vampires
and war, it is complex.
-ART: 8-
The art depicted in this show is marvelous. The designing of the characters is believable and the action scenes are appealing and not exaggerated like most of the vampire/action shows out there.
-SOUND: 10-
The voice acting is a jewel. It is passionate, it is deep. It’s calculated for the type of show that “KUROZUKA” is. The voice actors are believable since they’re transferring the feeling of solitude shown in the show through their voices.
Meanwhile, the soundtrack has a dream-like ring to it. It’s a delicate mixture of instruments. It is cold, sad and dark, like a mirror of the situation the surrounds the characters and their own feelings.
The deepness carried through most of the show –superbly if I may add- in most of its features: Script, voice acting, art and soundtrack is something amazing, yet lacking within the character department. Don’t misunderstand me, the characters are well-defined, distinct and incredibly well depicted –and I liked them, to be honest- but there’s an important aspect that the show didn’t display, the “backbone” of the characters –or in other words, their backstory and development-. To put it bluntly the characters look like they’re just there, like a superfluous, convenient and momentary entertainment without a direction or reason, just a cause. But let us remember that this “cause” this “reason” IS the backbone and the main focus of the story, making the character development/background faintly unnecessary. After all, we as viewers we want to know about the characters we are watching, we want to get “closer” to them, we want to understand the: “why’s, the where’s and the when’s” of each characters, even if the story doesn’t really depend on such things, which is clearly the case of this show.
“KUROZUKA” is a difficult show to watch. As I said before is complex, and for moments it looks like the show doesn’t know where its leading, but the end it’s what makes it a whole. Is it enjoyble? Yes, a lot. But you need an open mind and most importantly understand that this show is meaningful and not just action after action scene.
A really amazing show.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 4, 2014
“Original and different yet wanting. A well-founded mythological world that reveals a very interesting concept and focus within it, but lacks that something to become something transcending”
-STORY: 7-
To set this show as just a typical adventure/fantasy anime would be a shortsighted description of it; after all, this show has more potential than just that. “MAOYUU…” grasps into things –more complex- such as politics and economics –although they are observed from a very basic and simplistic point of view and nothing more complicated, probably for the sake of the aimed viewers -. But let’s not get carried away, this show isn’t a masterpiece
either, although it has potential to be bigger, by this I mean that the show doesn’t reach its fullest potential but let’s not forget it’s made into a 12 episode format show.
Even though being an original show –mostly by the focus shown- the show falls sometimes into the typical dull and repetitive routine shown in many other shows. Although, the characters make you forget this stalemate and those repetitive moments don’t last long.
-ART: 8-
So to tell the truth, besides the fact that this is a fantasy anime something else caught my attention/interest too, and that “something” was the art. The art is neither the “state-of-the-art” nor something antiquated; it was pleasing to put it bluntly.
Now, the fact that the art in the show is pleasing it doesn’t mean that it’s one of those arts that immerse into the show after all; the art in the show is a mixture of the old –shown mostly on the scenery- and the new –shown mostly on the character.
The palette is amazing ranging from dark oriented colors to bright and beautiful.
The ART team did a remarkable job.
-SOUND: 7-
One of the main goals of voice acting is to stimulate and transmit feelings through voice and sounds, sadly the voice acting in this show didn’t achieve such a thin., The voice acting isn’t bad, but it isn’t great, it isn’t transcending and thus it isn’t memorable.
There is a quote by William Shakespeare that says: “If music be the food of love, play on”. The context in which the character –Duke Orsino- says this words is because he’s infatuated with Olivia, and she’s not interested in him, so he asks his musicians to play some music, so he can surpass -or “overdose”- his appetite and let such feeling –love- die.
My point here is that there’s a reason within a soundtrack or the ambient shown in a show, and it isn’t having music for the sake of JUST having music within a show, it is because you want your audience/viewers to experience the feelings of the characters in an “enhanced” way, through music. Regretfully that’s a potential that they couldn’t fulfill, a potential that they couldn’t squeeze right.
There’s a thing that I dislike and find boring about short anime shows and it’s the fact that most of them lack something essential in a story –every story- and it’s the character development. Blame it on the lack of time; blame it on the writers or whatever… If you want a character to be memorable you need to make him or her transcend, and not just by giving him a cool sword or bad-ass armor, I mean by making him/her relate to us the viewers whether by making him mature through the show or change or have some new goals and most importantly by making them have a believe as their foundation, those are the character that are remembered in the hearts of people.
Sadly this is the aspect in which the show fails –tremendously if I may add-.
The characters are well done –yes- and some are cute but nothing else was achieved.
So to put things shortly. The show is enjoyable? Yes. It IS original and it has an appealing and easy on the eye art, and it has a sweet –but not amazing nor memorable- soundtrack.
There’s some “fan-service” focus shown on this show –for those interested in such things-.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 31, 2014
“Superb, violent, dark and calculated. A composition that starts with a pianissimo and ends with a fortissimo... A masterpiece.”
Hopelessness against a stronger foe, an overused plot in the literature and movie business. Works like: Independence Day, The War of The Worlds, Alien, Falling Skies –and others- ring a bell with that sort of description.
So the question is: What makes “ATTACK ON TITAN” that appealing? What makes it have such great reviews? We will see…
Let’s start…!
-STORY: 9-
Despair is a word that would describe amazingly this show. As I previously stated the “base” plot isn’t one of the most original things out there, but the aspects and “lore” used within the show are what makes it original and most importantly a show worth watching.
Another characteristic that makes the story innovative is the fact that it isn’t just your ordinary and plain shows about humans against a “foreign” adversary or the typical “humans aren’t THAT weak” show, but in reality this story is more complex, it’s a story about the human nature. What makes us strong? What makes us weak? What makes us so corruptible? The fight between what’s right and wrong? The value of friendship and trust in others. The why we fight or why we should fight?
So, enters “ATTACK ON TITAN” a world under attack by titans, titans that have something mysterious within them and not your typical “I just want to destroy humans because the writers where lazy”
To put it bluntly the “myth” in which “Attack on Titan” is created around is rich, huge and amazingly well-grounded.
The starts begins with a “bang”, followed by another –and vaster- “bang” that leads to an perfect and well-coordinated climax that ends in a massive, ecstatic and well-obtained ending. By this I mean that this show isn’t the average let’s throw some problems, problems that by the end of the show will get out of proportion and we –the writers- will have to use something absurd to contain it. No, this show is as I stated before “calculated” –like a composition that starts with a pianissimo and ends with a fortissimo-.
“Attack on Titan” is the type of story that will make you feel many mood changes within the lapse of each episode. Some moods will be because of the situations, some because of the corruption and others because of the friendship inside the show. It’s a show that transcends from the screen to your heart and mind.
-ART: 10-
Mesmerizing. The art in “Attack on Titan” from the moment it start it catches you, it immerses you within the show, it’s like a slap in the face for it catches your eyes and every one of your senses.
It’s colorful. It isn’t depicted by your typical “Dark Palette” used in shows like this. No, it is delightful; it’s an explosion of color that depicts the situation and mood in the ambient which are perfectly detailed and believable. And the characters are amazingly well achieved and also believable.
-SOUND: 10-
As I’ve said before I place the sound and music of a show as -probably- the most important thing of the show –aside from the story of course-. And in all honesty the ambient sound, the voice acting and the soundtrack left me speechless.
The voice acting is a piece of art, filled with passion and each line of the script has a meaning behind it, it isn’t your average script.
Meanwhile the soundtrack, a work by Hiroyuki Sawano (Aldnoah.Zero, Ao no Exorcist, Guilty Crown and KILL la KILL) is AS ALWAYS perfect. The opening song of the album “At’aek ON Taitn” with the beautiful voice of Mika Kobayashi is a song that shows the passion, the darkness, the despair and the feelings behind the whole album AND show.
Some of the most beautiful violin arrangements.
This is other aspect in which “ATTACK ON TITAN” shines. Mainly because of the character development within the show and not just a “department” in which only the MC’s (Eren Yaeger, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert) take part, but even the supporting characters have an amazing development within the show, something that usually doesn’t happen for the main attention given just to the MC’s.
Each character has his or her own will, goal and believes, making this department another jewel within the show.
“ATTACK ON TITAN” is one of those shows that make you feel what the characters are feeling. It’s one of those shows that leave you wanting more for being that good.
It’s super enjoyable and recommendable.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 30, 2014
“Dark and mature. A predictable physiological anime. A diamond that choose to stay coal”
DEATH NOTE one of the most well-known anime worldwide and highly ranked.
Let's start! :)
-STORY: 8-
Don’t get carried away, the story isn’t really unique, after all it is –almost- your typical “vigilante” –or hero of justice- anime with a twist. The “lore” –to call it somehow- used in the story IS what makes it unique.
Enter Death Note, a book that falls from the sky, a book that is able to kill people by picturing the person on your mind and writing his or her name on the book –probably the most original thing in the shows-.
The story starts with a bang, a very well-grounded “myth” and focus but after some episodes it becomes dull, repetitive and unimpressive -thing that usually happens with some mystery/police/detective anime shows- losing the decent ambient showed on the first episodes.
From the start of the “second” part of the show it becomes predictable. I understand what they were trying to do; displaying a bigger and more intricate situation and world but what the writers achieved was to create a boring way to create the climax that would lead to the ending of the show –a very predictable ending if I may add-.
The beginning of the “third” part, “the real climax and ending” –the last 10 episodes- are probably the “best”. As I’ve stated before since the beginning of “part 2” the show becomes predictable and it doesn’t promise anything more but a great, expected yet graceful ending. The climax starts from the episode 30 –more or less- leading to an ending of “fireworks and explosions” –I mean this. You’ll need to see the show to know if it’s symbolically or literal-.
To be completely honest, I was disappointed that the “myth” in which the story is based –the book and gods- doesn’t evolve it just gets “stuck in the back” of most of the story, like an inconvenient thing that will be used when it becomes convenient.
The thing that saved –in my opinion- the story department in the show is three things: One: the ambition of the writers, a very interesting premise that will lead eventually to better things –in the end of the show-. Two: the suspense carried through the entire show. As I said before some episodes are dull and repetitive, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no interesting or good closing scene. And three: Something so small yet so important in the whole show the debate of what’s right and what’s wrong. Or in other words Light or L?
-ART: 7-
Outdated. That’s a word that I would use for the art in this show but let us remember that it was aired from 2006 to 2007. Death Note doesn’t have one of those art styles that “immerse” you into the show. It’s just generic. Does this means is bad? No, not at all, it just means that the art isn’t the most important thing in the show and that the art isn’t something memorable. The dark “palette” is good but it’s just there to give the mood and not to amaze the viewer.
As a psychological show, most of the time the characters are talking and there isn’t really “that much” action making me believe that the ART team could have done something more or something better.
In the last episodes the art becomes –really- much better, the “palette” changes from dark colors to brighter color giving a better sensation that in most of the show.
-SOUND: 6-
The voice acting isn’t a role model nor inspiring, it isn’t imposing something good. It’s typical and not passionate –until the last episode-. Meanwhile, the soundtrack is forgettable and uninteresting with some good choirs or piano compositions thrown at key moments. There’s nothing left to say except for the main themes that slightly save that department.
Disappointing, That’s the word I will use, other word would be “wanting”.
The presentation of the characters is great. Here you have Light, a character that looks amazing and really interesting but the through the show becomes typical.
The rest of the characters regretfully as it may sound, are boring and plain. With the understandable exceptions of “Light” –of course- and “L”. Characters that are incredibly smart, making the rest of the characters look dumb and ordinary with no business there; this in my opinion is short from all the potential they could have “squeezed” from most character (ex. Touta Matsuda).
Being a show that depicts very intelligent people such as L and Lightning, to be honest, I’ve seen better portrayed “masterminds” in other anime -predominantly Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass) character usually compared to Light-
The most disappointing part of the characters is their development which is your typical “development” in a psychological show. The typical cold and calculating characters that turn into the obsessive and mad characters, nothing new there. What started as a great mastermind character –Light- ended as an average psychological MC.
I would be lying if I told you that I didn’t enjoy DEATH NOTE, the waiting –through some boring episodes- to see how the -obvious and unavoidable- ending would unveil itself. The show isn’t bad, the premise as I told before is good, it promises something great, but the journey from begging to end its just boring in most episodes and the ending –expected I’m sure by most- is beautiful and as I said “poetic”.
Would I recommend it? Yes, but it doesn’t reach the potential it promises.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 30, 2014
“Delightful, alluring, absorbing, attractive, mature and fast-paced. A ‘diamond’ within short anime for sure, deep and beautiful”
The fourth anime I ever watched. So let’s see…
Girls and guns, a combination that ensures the attention of most people –mainly and without doubt males- to be honest. Here’s where “Canaan” comes in, to break the stereotypical –boring- “Girls with guns” type of anime.
I’ll be honest, on the outside “Canaan” –might- look like the typical fan-service kind of anime, focused mainly on the usual action and sexual innuendos, but in all honesty, Canaan is different.in that aspect, it’s deep and meaningful.
In all honesty short
anime shows are a bit of a gamble for they usually lack something whether some back story, or the sound or the character developments, but to put it bluntly Canaan has everything and it’s worth watching.
Let’s start
-STORY: 8-
Probably the most “lame” thing in the whole anime is its premise, the typical good vs evil kind of environment. But let me tell you that by lame I don’t mean that the story is boring nor interesting, I just mean that it isn’t the most original” thing in the world but it has something unique. It’s a story that is easy to understand even if you haven’t played the game –and base scenario- “428: Fusa Sareta Shibuya de”.
“CANAAN” is one of those shows that -because of its story- it leaves you wanting more, and not because it has plot holes or anything but because it’s that good.
It has one of the most alluring and absorbing starts that I’ve ever watched in a anime.
-ART: 9-
One of the things that captivated me before watching the show was the art. Usually before watching a show I try to uncover or “study” the anime –to see if it’ll be worth my time-. The show is a “role model” of animation. The scenarios –the festival, restaurants and the city- are believable and incredibly well depicted. The art developers “immerse” you inside the show in a way that back in the day I had never seen or felt before. And not just that, the characters were made in such a beautiful way to, the artists didn’t just make a face for the characters, the made simple things a memorable thing –like the eyes (and their expression) of Maria Oosawa, the hair of Canaan and the tattoo of Alphard and Canaan-.
To put it bluntly… whether you’re talking about the scenarios or the characters they’re all “attractive” to the eyes and mind of the viewer.
-SOUND: 10-
As I’ve said before I’m a guy that places the soundtrack/score of a movie/TV show as probably one of the most important things of them all, and I must say “Canaan, oh! Canaan”
It doesn’t matter if you’re watching this show subbed or dubbed (I watched it both, and the first time was in English) the voice acting is incredible, the actors performed beyond words. And the work of Miyuki Sawashiro or Shelley Calene-Black (Canaan) and the work of Maaya Sakamoto or Lesley Pedersen (Alphard Al Sheya) is a work that transcends. It’s emotional.
The soundtrack/score in my opinion is the “jewel of the crown” –as I usually say- it was made by Masumi Ito (under the pseudonym Hikaru Nanase). It’s one of the best works I’ve ever heard on my life. A work very swayed by oriental music/instruments –obviously-. It’s a very memorable soundtrack with some of the most superb violin and piano tracks ever.
In the same way that the art designers immerse you in the anime by the way they depict the surroundings and characters, it’s the same thing with the music, transcending for it isn’t just a plain soundtrack, it’s depicts the mood or creates a mood within the show.
Here’s another aspect in which “CANAAN” excels.
“Oh! Look at that! ANOTHER boring show with pretty girls and guns, right?” Well WRONG. Canaan has both things -YES- but it IS more than that. CANAAN is a show about fighting, about learning the truth but most importantly about relationships. Don’t misunderstand me “CANAAN” isn’t the typical “misogynistic” lame story as twilight in which the MC can’t do anything without her vampire lover. No, this is deeper than that.
It’s a story about changes in a personal level.
Different from most short shows CANAAN excels in character development. With the unique friendship between the two MC’s –Canaan and Maria- or the relation between Canaan and Alphard. Relations that take this anime to amazing “places”.
The characters are believable. They’re humans and show emotions. Although Canaan is a really stoic person, but her journey will “open her heart”.
Super enjoyable and recommended. Although the show leaves you wanting more for being that good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 29, 2014
“Mature, innovative, fun and mesmerizing. A journey of epic proportions in a well-grounded mythological world based on reality, a masterpiece”
As I have stated before in my reviews I’ve been watching anime shows for a short period of time -3 years-. And as I’ve said before, thanks to the help/aid of some of my friends, I’ve had one of the best beginnings/introductions to the anime world, and here’s where “FATE/…” comes in, more specifically FATE/STAY NIGHT. [I know this is a “FATE/ ZERO” review]
FATE/S. N. Was the third anime that I watched. I’ve been a fan of magic stories since I can remember,
and when you connect: Magic, the modern world and a “dark” “mysterious” mood in the story you have my whole attention –as long as the story is interesting of course-.
So naturally after watching –and loving it- FATE/S.N. I heard that the prequel of FATE/ S.N. was going to be broadcast, so obviously, I was ecstatic.
Back in the day I didn’t really knew about the previous story of “FATE/…” except for the things that where told on STAY NIGHT. So I knew was going to be on an amazing journey on this new chapters/episodes.
Let’s begin…! :D
-STORY: 10-
To put it bluntly it’s a masterpiece. From the first seconds of the first episode, I could see that the story/idea had matured, it wasn’t a show focused –mainly- for a younger audience, now it was darker, more mature story. It revealed more, the preparations that the main characters/fighters had. Comparing S.N. with ZERO, ZERO immerses you -from the start- in the lives of those who were about to compete for the “Holy Grail”, revealing not just characters and situations but the mythology behind it all, AND the magic in it, giving it –the show- a well-grounded myth and not just a plain story that will unfold in the next episodes.
If you’re interested in the occult, or the mysteries, or simply if you like well-founded or good ”epic” stories this IS the anime for you.
-ART: 10-
Colorful. Probably the first thing that catches everyone’s eyes from F/Zero is the Art. The animation IS flawless, perfect, an “eye-candy” to call it somehow. The surrounding ambient is perfectly detailed and believable and the characters are mesmerizing to the point in which you ask yourself what will come on the near future.
If you’re interested in art design, by all means this is for you.
-SOUND: 10-
Personally I’m a guy that places the “sound/music” of a show as one of the most important things of all. And I must say the ambient sounds and music of this show are hypnotizing. Leaving aside the “ambient” sound which are breathtaking and perfect I will “talk” mainly of the music behind the anime.
The soundtrack/score of this anime was composed by Yuki Kajiura (Sword Art Online I & II, Pandora Hearts and Noir)
Yuki Kajiura’s work in this anime is as usual –for her- a work beyond words. To put it bluntly the first song of the score “Fate to Zero” resumes her work perfectly. Its dark, it’s sad, it makes your skin crawl reaching deep in your bones, it’s a soundtrack filled with emotions, and it’s a work of epic proportions, a journey into the dark world of “FATE”. A very memorable soundtrack.
If you like/love or you’re just interested in not great but amazing music arrangements, this is the show for you.
FATE/ZERO shines for its uniqueness and most importantly for the uniqueness of its characters. This is one of those shows that have a very high amount of MC’s. Usually I avoid this kind of shows/movies for they fail amazingly in one important aspect: the focus, and this –the focus- is one of the most remarkable things in this anime, each character or correctly put each “group” of characters is given a very important place/moment. Each one has their own goal and believes which makes each and every one of these characters believable and most importantly, you can get “close” to them.
Another incredible aspect of the characters within “FATE/ ZERO” is the “character development” department in which many shows fail –which is not the case of FATE- Each character changes, matures during the whole season/show. Some change ideologies, some find a new way to fulfill their beliefs, revealing things of themselves to the audience.
If you’re interested in character development THIS IS your show.
FATE/ ZERO is one of those shows that leaves you wanting more, and not because they fail to answer things, it leaves you wanting more because of the superb way the show is made.
Another masterpiece in my books.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 29, 2014
“Mesmerizing, fun, funny, beautiful all encompassed in the –probably- most epic anime show of all history… in other words THE masterpiece.”
FMA: Brotherhood THE highest ranked show on this site. But for me is something more important than that, so let me try this again…
FMA: Brotherhood THE FIRST anime show I ever watched.
Let me be honest with all of you, I started watching anime 3 years ago –and manga a few months ago-, so in all honesty I am a newbie, but since the start –my start- I’ve been able to watch some of the most fantastic histories/shows of my life, leaving aside
“real” –and by real I mean with actors in flesh and blood- shows like: Twin Peaks, 24, Lost and others.
I am lucky to have friends that have immersed themselves since children’s in the anime world, an those friends showed me an amazing way to start watching anime, and amazingly, now I’m doing this review for a friend of mine –and of course all those- that want’s to start watching anime.
Since the first time I started watching FMA: Brotherhood I heard very mixed reviews. Some call this one a masterpiece, some others call it a shameful thing in comparison with 2003-2004 FMA version. But for me both versions are amazing, but I hold dear this version a little bit more for being my first anime show.
FMA: Brotherhood is one of those “weird” anime that has everything and still their foundation holds perfectly because all the plots, all the drama, all the fights and scenes are “one for all and all for one” or in the words of the joker “They complete each other”.
So let us begin –finally- this review.
-STORY: 10-
To put it bluntly the story is neither great nor good. It’s fantastic, original –word that I don’t use very often- amazingly developed, in other words an EPIC MATERPIECE.
FMA: Brotherhood attempts –very closely- to follow the line designed in the original manga as opposed in the original Show.
It’s a story of friendship, of brotherhood, of moments filled with happiness and saddens, of regrets and treasured memories it has EVERYTHING.
And it has one of the most –or probably- the most AMAZING ending of them all.
-ART: 10-
In all honesty “huge pockets” will always save everything, whether a movie, a TV SHOWS or an anime.
It’s easy to see that the team that made “FMA: Brotherhood” a reality had a very good budget just by looking at the art. But let’s not “mess” with the amazing work made by the ART Designers of this show, for it doesn’t matter what we are talking about –in the art department- it is easy on the eyes. So beautiful and inspiring.
The characters are probably my favorite part/design in an anime that was made perfectly.
-SOUND: 10-
Let me tell you this, FMA: Brotherhood soundtrack is the first soundtrack I downloaded -from an anime- it’s mesmerizing, it’s perfect.
If I remember correctly no other anime has made me sing their main theme: “Again” by “YUI” or a song like “Lapis Philosophorum”.
And most importantly it doesn’t matter if you watch the anime subbed or dubbed, it’s amazing.
It’s a soundtrack that is memorable, a soundtrack that can change the mood of the moment by itself without the need of words nor actions.
To call anything in this show “the jewel of the crown” is honestly a waste of time after all, the wholeness of the show IS THE “jewel of the crown”. But I WILL waste my time by naming the CHARACTERS of this show THE “jewels of the crown”.
Every single character is memorable and distinguishable. All of them are entertaining and most importantly everyone shines on their own way. Ed in all honesty is one of my favorite characters of all time, Roy Mustang is a character filled with life… wait EVERY SINGLE one is filled with life, something that isn’t easy to make, they shine whether individually or in a group. Enough said.
This is one of those shows that everything is perfect.
It’s a masterpiece, an anime worthy of your attention and love.
As I stated before “most epic anime show of all history… in other words THE masterpiece.”
That line is enough to describe this show.
Thank you for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 29, 2014
Unoriginal, predictable, repetitive and for the most part boring and “wanting”
When I start doing something -whether reading a book, watching a movie or in this case an anime- my attempt and “promise” –to call it somehow- is to watch it completely, it doesn’t matter how good or bad it is. Eventually you’ll –might- be able to find something that “catches” your eyes –whether a characters aptitude, or the art or even the soundtrack- so I’ll start this review, keep in mind that this is MY PERSONAL review, in no way I’m telling or trying to mess with your own opinion:
-STORY: 3-
From the start it was
your generic “I have superpowers, so I must defend the world –country- but I must remain hidden because that’s how we roll” anime, pretty much the same premise showed in other (in my opinion, better) TV shows/ movies. In the first 8 episodes (more or less) there’s the typical repetitive pattern in this kind of anime: The detectives are called in, they face a problem and as predicted they solve the problem.
During some episodes there’re the small hints that there’s a real problem/ adversary underneath it all. Nothing surprising, and even less surprising in this kind of story –which I’m not going to unveil for respect of those who want to see it-.
We can compare most of these characters with those on “X-Men” and “Tokyo ESP” (Shows that have better story, or better said, they’re better in every sense. Period).
To be honest the last 4 episodes are the “best” and that’s saying waaaay to much.
The climax if we can call it a real “climax” doesn’t reach the desired level, but still it gets you a little more excited than the start of the anime.
-ART: 8-
The art is one of the “highpoints” of the whole show, it’s so colorful but that colorfulness sometimes is weird –when they use their powers the colors seems odd. Nevertheless, the art was really enjoyable.
So I’ll call the art of this TV Show the jewel of the “wannabe”-crown.
-SOUND: 8-
The second and final “Highpoint” of the whole show.
A soundtrack that doesn’t reach the level of “memorable” but that it’s still surprisingly well done for a show so… lame. A “collection” of sad, “dark”, “blue” and “grey” compositions and ambient sounds that will make the experience of watching this show a lot more acceptable.
As a writer –in my own language (of course)- I know it’s difficult to create a character that’ll be remembered or that’ll break the “generic” mold.
But these characters are boring, predictable, they don’t “grow-up”, they don’t change. I know it’s a 12 episode format, but I’ve seen better character development in other anime’s with the same amount of episodes. And most importantly the character didn’t make me feel “in” the show.
Probably the best character in the whole show was: Art. The only character –in my opinion- worth watching
If you’re interesting in watching a typical and predictable show and if you –really- have time to waste this is your show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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