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May 17, 2012
So I just finished Sola. And I feel that my day is still incomplete. Most awesome possum anime leave you feeling sad, depressed, happy, you know the typical emotions that you feel after watching something that left a huge impact on you. And Sola, failed to leave that impact. What it left for me, was more of a "WTF? That's it?"
OK I'll be sincere here. It wasn't so much as a boring uninteresting story, it was a story that felt like it left out important details. Like:
How did Matsuri become a Yaka in the first place?
What are the origins or Yaka?
What the
crap is her power? Rusting objects? Why?
And if Yaka's cannot go outside in the daytime because they will burn from UV exposure (much like vampires) why not just use Google and buy yourself a UV suit? I just Googled how much they cost and they are like $5 for kid sizes! I'm sure you can find an adult size. There, problem solved. Now you can go outside all you like without the worry of turning into a walking ball of fire.
OK so enough with the obvious solutions to problems the idiots faced. The story had a nice end, but felt incomplete. You know when you have a delicious cake before you, with its beautiful taste of whatever your favorite kind of cake is but it's missing something? Yeah, it is missing those (insert your choice of topping). Or you're eating your favorite type of cookie but without any milk? (Idgaf if you are lactose intolerant. Milk is amazing with cookies) Yeah, that's pretty much what Sola did to me. It gave me an Oreo, but without any damn milk!
ART: 7
The art was decently and nicely well done. But sometimes, I look at Yorito's chin and I say "Man what the fuck is wrong with his chin? It looks so pointy. Well at least everyone else seems somewhat nor... HOLY SHIT Matsuri not your chin too! I don't want to feel like I'm watching Cyberchase!
The typical sounds of anime. As in the sounds from the early 2000 anime. I'll reserve this section for the actors/actresses:
Mana Ishizuki - VA - Honda, Youko:
Besides her name being that of a brand for cars she perfectly fit this character. Not squeaky or annoying, she sounded exactly like a normal high schooler. Just the way it was meant to be.
Yorito Morimiya - VA - Okamoto, Nobuhiko:
Oh thank you Jesus! He doesn't sound like a faggot! He sounds like any other real good protagonist that has no powers but has the gumption to take in the truth and say "Fuck it man, I've lived the way I wanted to of my own free will. And when I'm gone, I'll know I didn't regret smoking that weed!" Because I know I don't. ;)
Aono Morimiya - VA - Nakahara, Mai:
Oh hey it's Nagisa! Back from the dead I see? Oh wait, you're not Nagisa. You sound nothing like her. You sound like...Kanade? Except a bit more with a chilly feeling rather than a cute huggable, squeezable feeling.
Matsuri Shihou - VA - Noto, Mamiko:
Yes. Just yes. Hecate all the way! With a little of Tifania sprinkled on top. Maybe some Kotomi in there as well. Then again don't they all sound exactly the same? Anyways if you aren't familiar with this VA you will be now. Famous for her Hecate roll in Shakugan no Shana, Kotomi in Clannad, and Tifania in The Familiar of Zero, she fits so wonderfully with Matsuri and other somewhat soft spoken characters that she practically brings them to life. Although to me she is very infamous at the same time with her roles with vertically challenged little shits. Oh don't remind me of Kouta! Please don't!
Damn there was a lot of character development! I jizzed myself when a twist happened with Yorito! The sister's twist was obvious but even then still. WHAT A TWIST! Actually to be honest I'm dating this review as my most apathetic review ever! Every reviewer has to have an apathetic review to be known as a true critic. So this will be my first. Which means I can't be assed to write any further. So...
I enjoyed it yet wished it was done better.
Watch it if you are bored and want a neat little anime to watch but get an ending that makes you wish you were watching Clannad instead. Or skip it and watch something funny instead like Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? to make you hurt with laughter. That upcoming review will actually be my most put in effort review ever. So it will be like 4-6hours of thought put into it. As for this one this only took me an hour and a half to write so feel free to put it down.
As for the feedback IDGAF. I'm too lazy to continue on with the review as most people are going to say I didn't even help them anyways. So that discourages me to even make this review any better. Feel free to also leave a comment on my profile insulting me on how I wasted your time also. KTHXBAI!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 27, 2012
One of the best ecchi anime's ever devised. Well, at least considering the ecchi part. This one should NOT be viewed with family members nearby in anyway because of its content. (I had to learn that the hard way lol) An incredible amount of tits, boobs, ass, more tits, and pantie shots are shown very frequently in here. So I advise that if you can't enjoy the story because of it's constant nudity and fan-service then by all means avoid it and watch something different. Onto the review:
Starts out a bit weak but later grows potential to be amazing. Great thing is it does
take advantage of that potential, but only to be cut off because of the lack of time and episodes. You see the main kid as nothing more than a perverted shit who probably masturbates more than he does studying. Then he's introduced to a fake girlfriend, a big titted president, a shy nun (who is adorable), a pretty boy ( mmm you've got a purtty mouth), a vertically challenged super strengthened midget washboard, a sadistic bitch (she probably fantasizes about how she could go about zapping your genitalia), and an up-class faggot ass douche nozzle elitist as an antagonist. After the introduction of said characters you see what was a horndog now become a man with balls of steel. As boring as this may sound the way the developers executed this was what made it interesting enough to hold your attention for the brief amount of time the show had. Their method? Using an extreme excess of fan-service rather than plot development. With this strategy, your left with burning questions that result in confusion and frustration. What are the motivations of the three factions? You've got the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. But why are the fallen angels and devils on such bad terms? Going so far as to killing each other? Don't they both serve Lucifer? What ever happened to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Why wasn't the angel faction introduced? No insight was given at all abut them let alone at least introducing a brief scene of them. Why do devils appear good and honorable? Aren't they called devils for a reason? You know slaughtering mean sons of bitches? Mercilessness sadistic cruel entities that via to destroy you? Even tho I found this bothersome I still was able to enjoy the dose of tits, blood, and of course profanity Highschool DXD provides. I find it more appealing that if I don't give you a whole run-down of what to expect you'd be enjoying it a whole lot more than if I did. Otherwise you might just end up dropping it or avoiding it. As bad as this sounds it still proves it is worthy of at least half your time. And as much as there was an excess of tit in here I see the continuation of the incomplete story that can blossom through a second season. (And hopefully answer who, what, when, where, why, and how about the three factions)
ART: 10
Personally I loved the way the characters were drawn. The detail was carefully well done from the blood and guts to the tits and ass.
The music sounded very classy for a ecchi anime. I enjoy classical music so it was a delight to hear it. Surprisingly it also fit the action scenes very well. The voices were very well done as well as the sound effects such as explosions and magic.
I've seen a shitton of character development become wasted in many anime's. *cough* Kanokon *cough* And after evaluating each character carefully, from Asia to Koneko, I can conclude that there was not enough time (or episodes for that matter) to give in a nice full insight of each character. Issei was about the only character that had true development if any. Everyone else seemed more like a bystander or support character to me. Including Rias, which was a huge disappointment. I'll explain why:
Asia Argento: Ah! The timid and honest, perfectly innocent cutesy personality is given to such a beautifully well drawn character. What are her aspects? Just as I described. She's a bit shy, with the Goody Two-Shoes act and God fearing trait. She is affiliated with the fallen angle faction and is later reborn as a low-class devil (Former human)/Bishop recruited by a duke of hell known as Rias Gremory. (Ain't that a surprise?) If you found that surprising than you have very poor foretelling skills. (Saw that a mile away man no way is it a spoiler) With her twilight healing the only thing that DOESN'T make her useless as many other characters I could name from other anime's *looks at Kazumi Yoshida* that was about as much character development you're going to get from her. Now I can give the developers a great way in exploiting her personality. And I'll do just that. Avoiding the typical evolve her power from healing to super healing abilities! TWIST IT. Twist it as if your playing Twister. Make her a TRUE demonic demon who goes from the happy go lucky Asia to the cynical blood thirsty type who'd tear you piece by piece. Let her evolve into that after witnessing a traumatic event. Such as a fellow comrade falling into a life or death situation. (Use Issei for obvious reasons) Only to revert to her "normal" self after the situation calms down.
Rias Gremory: Here's my problem, the description in MAL explains perfectly of what and who she is. And the character development didn't help any in the 1st (hopefully not last) season. You see what she is here? Absolute no significant change that is worth mentioning in my review. If I were to say the ONLY change in her development it would cause a (minor) spoiler that would leave many who cannot see the obvious miffed. And my review here is aimed to help you decide whether it is worth your time to watch the anime in question. When I say you, I mean ALL of you regardless if you are young, dumb, or full of cum. So those of you who know what her development is, I say hope that the second season gives a shit more of development for her than what we have received in the first. (Last episode completely shows her only development) Those of you that cannot see the obvious, refer to Sora no Otoshimono and compare our main male protagonist here with the one over there. Now notice the change in attitude toward the main male lead of the female protagonists in Sora and compare it with Highschool. What can you draw with these similarities given that both main males are extremely perverted with many "hot" chicks surrounding them? What can you predict on how the female leads will react with the male leads now that they have become men with balls of steel? Bingo. ;D
Akeno Himejima: Should be considered as supporting. Little to no insight/background given whatsoever. Description in MAL provides everything you need to know about her.
Issei Hyoudou: "An 11th grade student. Stupid, lecherous and a pervert. A normal high school student born in a normal family, but is in the possession of the Sacred Gear "Boosted Gear" which is listed as one of the ultimate Sacred Gears. He was killed by his then girlfriend who was a fallen-angel; later on was revived as a devil, becoming the servant of Rias Gremory. His new master. Now he aims to become a Harem-king by gaining a peerage, unaware of himself attracting the very girls around him." Perfectly given. So how about the way they executed this? Of course the typical cliche way of introducing a near impossible obstacle only to be overcame by a miraculous event such as taking advantage of his Boosted Gear and learning its abilities and advantages. Still very perverted, he gives meaning to "character development" in Highschool DXD's first season. He becomes a man that is comparable to Duke Nukem. (Without the shit one-liners thank God) The similarities? Well, none really other than a shitton of hot chicks surrounding him. Actually now that I think about it would you say Duke Nukem is the American version of a Japanese harem? Anyways you will see this kid grow the balls to announce to the world (and antagonist) SPOILER,,ɹıɐs,s ʌıɹƃıuıʇʎ ıs WINƎ¡,, END OF SPOILER. Google upside down text and enter it there if you'd like to see the spoiler. Concerning his aspects, it shouldn't be much of a surprise he'd do such a thing. But nonetheless you can perfectly notice how such a wimpy dog becomes a howling wolf.
Yuuto Kiba: Should be considered as supporting. Little to no insight/background given whatsoever. Description in MAL provides everything you need to know about him.
Koneko Toujou: Should be considered as supporting. Little to no insight/background given whatsoever. Description in MAL provides everything you need to know about her.
As much as I wish there was less fan-service and more plot/character development it was still great to see a great amount of blood spewing scenes and dramatic twist of events in the last few episodes.
If your looking for a nice alternative to Sora no Otoshimono then Highschool DXD just might fit your expectations. Don't expect much from an ecchi anime that puts the "ecchi" in anime such as Highschool DXD, but know that this anime is still open to a second season that could blast you off to God knows where.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 15, 2012
I'm going to make this review my first shortest review ever. Actually it isn't really a review at all. If anything it just tells you to go watch it NOW.
The following occurred while I watched and finished the entire season from start to finish:
-_- :/ o.o o.0 0_0 D: :D XD :E D': :S T_T o_0 :'D
That's probably the best way I can describe how I felt while watching such an emotional anime that seems to dramatize 1st world problems to the umpteenth degree. Anyways I digress. I'll ask
the following questions to see if you'll find this tale worth hearing:
Do you like romance anime's that have NO COMEDY whatsoever?
Do you like to have your romance anime's start off Meh but begin to grasp you and hold onto you tighter than a python?
Do you prefer to have the main male protagonists oblivious or indecisive?
Do you enjoy seeing STRONGLY implied sex scenes?
Do you wish to see a conclusion that is cliche yet oh so satisfying?
If you have answered yes to 3-4 out of 5 questions then immediately stop reading and go watch it. Your still here? GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!
If you have answered yes to 2 out of these 5 questions than your better off viewing it regardless. It's that awesome/heart gripping.
If you have answered yes to all 5 questions then give yourself a cookie, some milk, and a box of tissues. You'll need it.
If you have answered no to all 5 questions then go fuck yourself.
No need to say anything more about this anime to clarify how awesome it is. I'm wasting your time if you continue to read this. Want something different from Clannad or Kimi ga Nozomu Eien? Here's you answer. This should be considered the most "helpful" "review" ever because it smacks you in the face saying "If you love romance anime's than watch this one NOW. You WON'T REGRET IT."
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 8, 2012
THE MOVIE IS SUBBED BITCHES! Is it worth to watch it tho? o_0
Well I might be able to help you out with that decision with these 3 easy-ass steps! :D
It takes up more than half the movie which sucks ASS! But nonetheless Skip to around 40:00 minutes. That is, unless you want to see commentary from Hiyori about how much she has fallen in love with Tomoki. And seeing somewhat through her perspective of Tomoki's "peaceful life". Other than that it is ALL recap about what happened in the 1st and 2nd season.
Either download the movie for crisp clear sound and pic or deal with shit buffering (My speed is at 25MB so don't give me crap) on shit servers that are hosted on shit anime streaming sites. Most (if not all) streaming sites that I went to had Toaster Strudel quality. (I HATE Toaster Strudel) And the ones that did have crispy clear quality had video players that were programmed to give you a "FUCK YOU BUDDY! You have to pay or wait 62 minutes to continue the rest of the video!" Thankfully, I chose to download it (Google it) which made it a whole lot easier to watch. But if Google becomes a bitch and you can't find it due to copyright claims or some other gay crap, private message me and I MIGHT be able to help you out. ;D
There is NO POINT in me organizing a huge list of complaints/compliments for you as your better off deciding what you think of it for yourself. It is exactly 2:21 A.M and I just finished the movie. I'm tired as fuck but the movie kept me up as it was good enough to watch. It could have done better (A LOT BETTER) instead of having a stupid recap. But what was left of the movie was good enough to make me stop looking at my hentai and porn tabs. If you do end up heeding all of my advice then you'll probably feel how I felt. Like you just watched a 30min OVA.
Oh yeah forgot to put this in: OVERALL: 7
BLAME THE RECAP YA BASTARD! *said with an Irish accent*
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 29, 2012
How should I describe Omamori Himari in a way that does not downplay it's worth of your time? Well if you like your anime to consist of at least three pathetic main characters who do nothing but bitch about how weak they are then you'll be fine. Then about 1/2 of the time watching you will see nothing but tits, panties, and more tits. Which isn't that bad if your looking for just that. It also has a decent but half-assed story line for those of you who wish to seek a half-assed enjoyable tale.
I'll be blunt. The story falls short of achieving
a memorable tale and exciting adventure. There wasn't so much a problem to where the story was going but to where it DIDN'T GO. There were many questions left unanswered which only left me miffed. Like what concluded at the end. *SPOILER* Mɥʎ ʇɥǝ ɟnɔʞ ıs ┴ɐɯɐ ıu ⅄nnʇo,s ɥonsǝɥolp¿ ∀ɟʇǝɹ ɐll sɥǝ pıp ǝɐʇ ɐ sɥıʇ loɐp oɟ ɥǝɹ oʍu ʞıup ɟoɹ ɥǝɹ dǝɹsouɐl ƃɐıu˙ ∀up Hıɯɐɹı pıp qǝɐʇ ʇɥǝ lıʌıuƃ ɔɹɐd onʇ oɟ ɥǝɹ˙ I ʞuoʍ ſǝsns sɐʎs ɟoɹƃıʌǝuǝss ıs ɐ ʌıɹʇnǝ qnʇ ɔoɯǝ ou¡ Mɥɐʇ¿ ∀ɹǝ Hıɯɐɹı ɐup ⅄nnʇo ƃoıuƃ ʇo ʞǝǝd ɐ ɔɐuuıqɐlısʇıɔ uıuǝ-ʇɐıl ɟox ʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥǝʎ slǝǝd¿ ∀lso ʍɥɐʇ ɥɐddǝuǝp ʇo ʇɥǝ ɯosʇ doʍǝɹɟnl ∀ʎɐʞɐsɥı¿ ∀ddɐɹǝuʇlʎ ʇɥǝɹǝ ɐɹǝ Ɛ oɟ ʇɥǝɯ˙ )┴ɐʎnʇɐɯɐ ɥɐs ʇɥǝ sɐɯǝ unɯqǝɹ˙ I ʍoupǝɹ ʍɥʎ¿( ┴ɥǝɹǝ,s ɾnsʇ so ɯnɔɥ ɔɹɐd ʇɥǝʎ lǝɟʇ onʇ ıʇ,s ǝuonƃɥ ʇo ɯɐʞǝ ɐ sǝɔoup sǝɐsou˙ Mıll ʇɥǝʎ¿ SHO∩˥p ʇɥǝʎ¿ I pou,ʇ ǝʌǝu ɔɐɹǝ ɐuʎɯoɹǝ ʎon pǝɔıpǝ ıɟ ʎon ʍɐuʇ ʇo ʍɐʇɔɥ ʇɥıs ɔɹɐd˙ ∀up ıɟ ʎon ɟlıddǝp ʎonɹ ɯouıʇoɹ ndsıpǝ poʍu ʇo ɹǝɐp ʇɥıs ʎonɹ ɹǝʇɐɹpǝp˙ *END OF SPOILER* (If you want to read the spoiler try Googling "upside down text".) Due to this glass being only half-way filled I found it quite similar to "Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity". Both have this issue of incompletion and both have their main protagonists seeking coexistence. However, I find that "Omamori Himari" did execute its story a lot better than its counterpart Tayutama. But it still failed to succeed where Tayutama also failed. And that was its useless characters and the unsatisfactory ending. Where it could have easily continued through a 2nd season and hopefully redeem itself through a well thought out conclusion. While there were many ecchi moments and romantic endeavors occurring everywhere in the story frequently, there was also a good portion of action involved which was very much welcomed. It could have been more gruesome and violent as it had a few scenes which seemed to beg for a violent outcome but this anime was aiming more for an ecchi/romance audience. Again, it could have done much worse than what other anime's who are KNOWN for gruesome scenes have done, *cough* Elfen Lied *cough* but the way it handled its plot it seemed to lean more towards Otaku's who love to see a Tig Ol' Bittied heroine.
ART: 8
I very much enjoyed the art of Omamori Himari. Not because I had a hard on most of the time since it showed so much tit and ass but because...OK so the tits and ass were drawn very erotically and nicely. To the point where I didn't care about the story anymore. All I cared about was "Are they...are they going to show me the nipples now or do I have to go watch a hentai?"
The music was OK and the sound of the characters fighting, arguing, etc is the same as any other anime and no different in anyway. TBH I don't even know why there is a sound section in reviews. Pretty much ALL anime's sound the same except for the voice actors, music, and special effects. And if the anime's do sound a bit off (or entirely) it probably is your speakers, download of the video, or streaming source. They should just name this section "Music" or "Actors" IMO. Speaking of actors Bleach's Orihime is in here and so is the voice of Makoto (School Days) as the main protagonist. And if your familiar with the voice of Nymph from "Heaven's Lost Property" and Erio from "Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko" you'll probably :D. In addition to all of these underrated voice actresses/actors apparently Holo is our main heroine.
Hmm...don't know how to start this part out as the character list defines all of them almost perfectly. So I don't really see the point in addressing this part of the review. I guess I could only just review how they brought upon themselves the belief of them being an actual character that has worth in the show. You've got:
Himari: A VERY sexy feline Ayakashi who serves as the body guard of our main faggot obviously. She has real nice tits...and ass...and..FUCK! I've paid too much attention to the fan-service that I practically forgot how she is. Let me see if I can remember...hmm....DAMN YOU FAN-SERVICE!
Shizuku: Um...why does she remind me of Nozomu from Kanokon? (That anime was TERRIBLE by the way)
Yuuto Amakawa: This guy is a FAGGOT and a PUSSY. (Not the feline kind) THAT IS ALL.
Lizlet L "Liz" Chelsie: She basically is in the show purely for comedic relief and fan-service. Nothing about her is interesting...AT ALL...other than she's a fucking teacup lol.
Kuesu Jinguuji: I didn't even give a shit about this bitch. OK MOVING ON!
Rinko Kuzaki: This pathetic use of a script and character reminded me of Kazumi from Shakugan no Shana. (Who I deeply hate with a passion) You wanna know why? She's practically an EXACT REPLICA OF SAID BITCH. Almost everything about her (excluding her voice actress) is exactly like her! Especially her uselessness. I don't know why the developers even put her in the show. She just gets all pissed when Himari try's to get it on with the main faggot. (Just to let you know I shall refer to him as faggot as he is indeed a faggot) Everything else is just her trying to claim faggot as her own. And if you think I'm wrong about her being a clone GTFO right now and watch SNS and then tell me she doesn't look and have the talent of being useless just like Kazumi.
I did enjoy "Omamori Himari" I will not lie. It's got good ecchi moments if that's what your looking for but with a mix of some action and plot development as well. Although it wasted a lot of potential of being beyond a typical Action, Comedy, Demons, Ecchi, Romance, Harem, Supernatural anime it still manages to do just fine. Which suits its score perfectly. Its just a fine anime.
If you like tits but no nipples, ass but not so much as the tits, and some plot and action development in between, then "Omamori Himari" just might be for you. Otherwise steer clear of this ecchi fest. And if your pissed that I wasted your time then blame yourself faggot. Your the one that decided to read a review than to go watch the damn anime in question. And this is just my personal opinion. That's what reviews are for! To let the ass who wastes their times writing these reviews express their ideas and feelings about the thing in question. Go ahead...click that "Not Helpful Button" I DARE YOU.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 20, 2012
If I could describe "Sora no Otoshimono" in a way that almost perfectly suits it I'd say "Sora no Otoshimono" = Epic Trolling With a Story and Plot. And here's why I believe that:
"Sora no Otoshimono" doesn't focus on the who, what, when, where, why, and how Ikaros became Tomoki's "Pet Class Angeloid". But it really doesn't need to as more than likely the sequels will explain that. In a Story perspective it mostly focuses on the daily events of Ikaros adapting to the human ways of life while attempting to understand her master and his perverted ways. As well as trying to understand
herself. The whole cast is constantly entangled with hysterical events such as flying panties that can achieve higher speeds than the famous SR-71 Black Bird (which leaves the pilot o_0 WTF?), exploring the new world that is the girls bathroom, a festival turned into a blood bath because of the attractive opportunity of 10,000,000 yen for shooting your neighbor, and understanding what it means to go on a date.
ART: 10
This was clearly for me one of the best hand drawn and partially CG'd anime's I have ever seen. Sora no Otoshimono stands rightfully and proudly next to Steins;Gate and Nisemonogatari. Kudos to the staff for such wonderful, beautifully hand drawn characters.
The opening was actually worth my time to watch as well as the different endings each and every episode had. I mean who else would watch openings and endings other than for the music it has? And as much as I liked Tomoki's song of "My Tingling Nipples" I still feel the music was just a tad bit shy of perfection.
I feel that all of the main characters deserve their own criticism from me separately as they have earned it so here it is.
Ikaros: Our somewhat emotionless heroine. It seems that the story leans more toward her than it does to Tomoki. As she attempts to understand what it means to be human and blend into society anonymously (tho fails epically). She unknowingly takes her master's and co's lessons that try to teach her to be more human like far too literally. Often concluding with humorous results. Such as lying. (The lying lesson was NOT given to her by her master and co but by a passerby) As this passerby tells what I presume to be his girlfriend "lying is human" Ikaros takes this to the extreme. Shockingly telling a chef his food looks like shit, while also declaring to a mother her baby is hideous. These are one of the many reasons why you might just fall in love with Ikaros.
Nymph: She isn't completely introduced until episode 6. A bit of a delay to present the show's tsundere but better late than never. I personally enjoyed the introduction of Nymph. What would you think if you woke up in your household, went to your living room, only to find a complete stranger comfortably making themselves at home in your household? You'd possibly freak the fuck out if you didn't have anyone else with you. But with Nymph having a connection with Ikaros it only made it more mysterious of why she'd even be there. Her characteristics are also very familiar but not despised of. With the traits of a tsundere and attitude of a smart aleck, she also attempts to understand what it is to be human. She is shown often calling Tomoki and anyone else she sees as an idiot a "bug". But as the story progresses she opens herself like every other tsundere would. She reminded me of Haruna from Kore wa "Zombie Desu ka?". (well Iori Nomizu does voice both Nymph and Haruna lol) Nonetheless, she is a welcomed character to the series.
Sohara Mitsuki: Sohara felt more like a side character than a real main character to me. After viewing the first episode and observing her characteristics, I quickly realized that I have found yet another typical childhood friend who fails to convey her feelings properly to the boy she loves. This is such an overused concept in anime that it has started to annoy me. Time and time again I frequently run into anime's that use this same concept. Whether it be "Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity" or "Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi". In the end the result is the same: Childhood friend either wins the heart of his/her love interest or doesn't. So what was enjoyable about Sohara now that you more or less understand what I am seeing? Nothing much sadly. The best way I can describe her is to say that she is a cup that is half empty. The description given about her reveals no spoilers and nothing new in the anime world. She typically karate chops Tomoki for not giving her the attention she utmost desires. Although he does deserve it with certain actions he takes, she shouldn't be frequently chopping him for every small perverted thing he does. He's a maturing man like he said and needs to tune his manliness. How could he help getting a hard on in the morning? Hasn't she ever heard of something called morning wood? I am fully aware that the developers put her in the story for a love triangle relationship and a comedic effect. But after a while I had grown more attached to Ikaros (and even Nymph) that I figured it probably would have been better to ax her and never introduce her to the story in the first place. It was funny the first few times she knocked Tomoki's lights out. But after a while of the same shit and repeat, it began to make me question if she was worth the time introducing and putting the effort to make her part of the show.
Tomoki Sakurai: A troll genius. Possibly every wish he has I wish greater. Whether it'd be the power to turn invisible to grope my girlfriends tits, or freeze time to run around streaking in public. It wouldn't matter as long as I have a beautiful Angeloid that obeys my every command and that accompanies me throughout my mischievous deeds. And that is precisely what this lucky little bastard has done and gone through. His motto (which is one that Me Gusta) is to live in peace and quite. But after running into and forever bonded to an Angeloid named Ikaros, that soon changes indefinitely. As he constantly throws himself into 100% lethal situations which he is only to be saved by his gorgeous Angeloid. Although ironically Ikaros is one of the major sources of chaos and disarray, he full knowing this continues to support and help her in her quest to be more human like. His characteristics are that of a perverse old man. His desire to sniff panties and wear them cannot be stopped. His raging hormones strongly portray what it means to be young, dumb, and full of cum. But despite all of this, he still has that soft spot for caring about what matters most. The well being of his friends and his Angeloid.
Mikako Satsukitane: The sadistic bitch in the series. Reading the description about her practically notifies you of what is to come when she is brought into the story. While her presence seems that of a bystander she is involved partly in the story. She is seen mostly around Eishirou. Conversing her thoughts on his thoughts of the new world. She and him feel to me more like background characters that fill in the empty space of what could have been. I do enjoy her haughty smile and deeply provoking comments, but this is one bitch you don't want to fuck with. During Ikaros's silver tongue moment, she specifically stated Mikako was "nice". Anyone with half a brain would instantly recognize what she meant by that.
Eishirou Sugata: The man who dreams to find the new world. Going as far as to creating his own home-made glider only to make a few "miscalculations" and plummet from the skies above to meet the concrete floor. It seemed to me that he was completely obsessed with the idea of there being a new world above us. He portrays himself as a shady character with little to no background. He is the founder of the New Continent Discovery Club and is found in the beginning of each episode presenting to you his pretty assistant and a "The More You Know" like dialog. He continuously provides information that should not be know by regular human beings. And it seems he has experience with Angeloids. As he states to Ikaros "Stop playing dumb, you couldn't possibly be a Pet Class Angeloid.", as well as having a high-tech computer that monitors Ikaros's state and condition.
A few times I almost fell off my chair laughing from its humor that it constantly loves to give to its viewers. It does have a lot of ecchi moments involved but I wasn't bothered by it at all. If anything I enjoyed it. I loved the story as well as the characters and the art was simply gorgeous. The sound was near perfection and the story set out for what it was going to do. And that is a humorous and enjoyable time.
"Sora no Otoshimono" is a Comedy, Ecchi, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Supernatural anime with some romance sprinkled on top for good measure of an amusing time. I most certainly enjoyed putting 312 minutes of my spare time into "Sora no Otoshimono". It may not be for everyone as this mainly aims for a comedic effect and an ecchi audience. But it also has some super cereal moments involved for you ManBearPigs. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an anime that aims to make your stomach hurt from laughter. This is one that should not be missed. I most certainly will not forget this anime like I have forgotten others. As this one has earned its right to claim its throne among the last that are to be forgotten.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 16, 2012
*Sigh* Another "what could have been" anime. So much potential only to be wasted and forgotten among the many anime's that have failed to stand out and place themselves on a well deserved throne. Not only did it fail to grasp my interest, but it also failed to distinguish itself from other anime's that have succeeded in doing everything Tayutama didn't. Well executed story, plot, and character development. Here are my reasons:
Hardly a story at all. This anime has been wavering from a 4 (BAD) to a 6 (FINE).
Almost all of the episodes are consumed about Mashiro and Yuuri fighting the three "strongest". Well
actually it's nothing more but talk about schooling, crap we don't care about, and more crap. Then the parts where he "trains" to begin his destined battle with them. But guess what? When the fights actually come your left thinking "That's fucking it? I've wasted a good 24 minutes just to see a fight scene that only lasted about 3? And the conclusion is (This is a HUGE spoiler) dıɥspuǝıɹℲ!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?" *Epic Troll Face*
ART: 6
Well they look decent enough for you to have sick fantasies about them you disturbed bastard. Then again LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND CHARACTERS! OMG! What happened to their color? Why don't they have faces? And what happened to my pants! Ö/
The music sounded similar to Inuyasha's. I know that much for sure. Which isn't bad but it didn't really give it its own music that it could call its own. When I noticed Satoshi Hino (voice for Yuji in Shakugan no Shana and Saito for Zero no Tsukaima) was in this waste of space anime and was performing the voice for our main faggot I thought "Oh Joy! A damn good voice actor is in here so Tayutama must be good enough to be considered awesome and unique right?" WRONG HERP A DERP! Though his skills continue to succeed him, his talent for giving characters life obviously didn't do shit to this dull ass trash. "Hey! I've seen this character before! Kind of reminds me of Saito from Zero no Tsukaima! I wonder WHY???" At least that's what I thought when I heard him. I definitively disliked Mashiro's voice when she was turned into a squeaker. For some reason when she talked like that I wanted to strangle her. She reminded me of all the kids on COD who think their tough shit but are abused at school and home. Then there was Ameri. God she sounded like a dying cat sometimes! She annoyed the shit out of me but looking at her design it suited her just fine.
Now this is where it really matters. How well you "bond" with the characters and how well you "deal" with the loss of one of them. Sadly, I didn't "bond" with any of them. They weren't really given much character to where you could feel a connection with them. Which is what many anime's actually succeed in. "Why should I give a crap if ______ dies?" Or "Why won't he/she just die already!" Or maybe you "NOOOO!! Don't die on me you piece of shit! If you die I'm going to go buttfuck somebody in the ass! Regardless of gender! Do you want that?! *Starts crying* Please don't die! I love you! My life is meaningless if I can't see your fictional face everyday! DAMN YOU JC STAFF!!!" Consequently, none of this occurred when I watched Tayutama. I didn't give a crap if Yuuri popped Mashiro's cherry or vice versa. And I didn't give a crap what happened to any of the other characters either. Mashiro continuously rambling about how she wants coexistence with humans and Tayutai. Ameri being a total pussy for not confronting Yuuri and conversing her feelings to him which are COMPLETELY OBVIOUS BY THE WAY. And then the oblivious dumbshit we all know as Yuuri. I could say so much about him and compare him with many other idiotic characters (I'm looking at you Taketo Akutagawa) but I'm tired of stating the obvious. You'll notice how much you hate the guy after (If really) you finish Tayutama.
The lack of character development dismayed me and the continuous rant of the last "strongest" stating how living with humans is absurd just annoyed me.
They really could have done so much more. At the last episode, at the last part, you can see the potential of an EPIC NEW STORY LINE waiting to be told and redeem its predecessor. They could have given Mashiro more background. They could have shut Ameri's fucking trap and tell her to go smoke a joint. As she is so annoying always talking about being normal and not having to deal with the supernatural. Then they have the audacity to say in the last episode that her "visualization powers" are amazing. When we have no insight whatsoever of what the fuck they are talking about. What power? SHE HAD A POWER? When? Why? NONE of that is answered. You know what else they could have done? *SPOILER KIND OF* ˙no-noH ɥʇıʍ ,,ǝuo ǝɯɐɔǝq,, pıɐs oɹıɥsɐW sɐ puɐ ɹǝʍod ɐ ʇoƃ ǝɥs uǝɥʍ ǝɯ pǝnƃıɹʇuı ʎllɐɔıʇɔɐɹd ʇı 'ʇɥƃıɹ s,ʇɐɥ┴ ˙no-noH ʎq pǝʇɟıƃ sɐʍ ǝɥs ʇɐɥʇ ɹǝʍod s,ɐuıɯn⅄ pǝʌloʌƎ (This "arc" is what saved this anime from being rated bad. And if you want to read the spoiler just Google upside down text and copy and paste it there.) Regrettably, none of this was addressed and properly executed in Tayutama. But there was only one thing that left me half-assed satisfied. I've noticed "fuck" was said x3! Well, it was apparently said in the subs I've read. :D
I thoroughly scanned each episode to make sure I didn't miss anything surprising or exciting. No luck. Just the same bullshit of characters that I have already seen but have been done much better than them. If I were you I would ignore it and move on to better anime's that would really knock you off your seat that is drenched with white stains everywhere. If you are a furry that is hungry for some fur then go watch Wagaya no Oinari-sama. And even if your not, that one is DAMN good. Although there is no romance involved in that one. There are so many choices other than Tayutama that would make you feel you've had enough of moe or whatever the crap your looking for. But if your persistent enough to watch a mediocre anime that will only leave you wanting more then go for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 24, 2012
OMGWTFBBQ?! I haven't reviewed my favorite anime because of forgetfulness and procrastination?! FOR SHAME! Well you don't give a crap (usually) what I have to say or any of us reviewers at all actually. As I haven't found a single review that does NOT have a single "Not Helpful" view. Well tell me how are we going to be helpful then you ass? Exactly! Then GTFO and stop reading (if you do read our reviews at all which I highly doubt) our reviews and start that anime and figure out for yourself whether its garbage or not. But enough about how your such a spaz.
Lets get on with my review.
Since I'm not allowed (as any of us are) to include summaries or spoilers, we can only tell you what we think of it. And personally, JESUS CHRIST OH MY GOD THE STORY IS EPIC! BALL BUSTING PLOT TWISTS! (You might find yourself saying "WHAT A TWIST!") PANT'S CRAPPING SETTING! EPIC ****ING CONCLUSION TO WHAT I BELIEVE TO BE IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! A worthy note of caution: You might find yourself constantly changing pants from pissing/shitting yourself to the sheer suspense and excitement you probably will experience just by looking at this anime. No...this is not just an anime, but an outstanding story that is executed beautifully and flawlessly.
ART: 10
The art is so gorgeous one can not express in words on how perfectly detailed everything is drawn. Down to the tiniest spec, I find everything so miraculously animated it helps bring this genius work of art to life.
The music, the voices, the atmosphere! So crystal clear I completely forgot these characters didn't have a voice of their own. Or at least, not one I can hear that is living and breathing proof that it exists and not a figment of your imagination.
Did I forget to mention that what we are witnessing here are the actions, motives, and personality traits that belong to what we call a fictional character? I know. I thought they were real too! D: JK but seriously if you don't fall in love with Kurisu then there is something VERY WRONG WITH YOU!
Regardless if you like tsundere's or not.
I found myself screaming at the screen, frequently changing pants then resorting to not wearing any at all, and crying that I had to wait for another spin off or sequel before I can continue the story and see what conclusive answer awaits in the world of Steins;Gate!
If you do not watch this then you are missing out on one of the best if not the best anime's ever made. Well, what are you waiting for! You can't redo the past like you can in Steins;Gate! GTFO MAL RIGHT NOW AND WATCH THIS SHIT BEFORE SOPA OR SOME OTHER CRAP CENSORS OUR FREEDOMS AND MAKES YOU WISH YOU DID GTFO! GOGOGOGOGO!!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 19, 2012
So here's the first movie of Hayate no Gotoku! Coming right after the 2nd season. Wouldn't really call it a "sequel" as it has no relation to the main story other than a opportunity for Hayate to gain enough money to pay off his debt and balk his career as a combat butler. Actually there is no relation to enjoyment what so ever. Care to what I have to say? Then read on.
Story? What story? If you count me making myself a guacamole taco with beans, chicken, red tomato salsa, and some queso fresco cheese sprinkled on top; then me eating it while
watching this disgraceful "movie", that dares to have Hayate in its title a "story", then I guess we are all writing geniuses who should be more famous then Mary Shelley and H.G Wells. After watching this I'm actually doubting what a movie actually is? I'd call this an over-lengthened OVA if anything! What? Your going to call the majority of the cast going to the countryside out of boredom; then meeting what I presume to be Hayate's mother who starts causing small confusions a "story". Then I guess now we're all the next William Shakespeare! As this is very poorly executed. I mean all she does is create a space where she traps part of the main cast and give Hayate a a gem that can pay off his debt for life. But guess what he does? Oh wait you don't have to what else would he do if he didn't earn it? And the next 30min of the movie is half of the cast in the closed space and the other half outside of it. Just trying to figure out how to get out.
Art: 6
Given that this is neatly done by a different studio but not by the original JC Staff, I'd say its pretty decent. I still prefer the original art over this one but it wasn't unbearable or anything. Just not as detailed. Still, I'd rather have season 3 and up always done by the JC Staff. As their art, is near perfection.
Sound: 5
I'm going to be blunt about this. The songs sucked ass and the only thing that actually sounded good was the same sounds that we hear all the time in anime in general. And Rie Kugimiya's voice. Which I love. In fact, when does sound in anime ever feel like crap? Unless it is unsynchronized and you start hearing the sounds and conversations before you actually see the characters talking.
Character: 2
I just could not enjoy the characters or the movie in general because the characters themselves didn't feel like the characters! Other than seeing them again and actually talking and conversating that was the only thing positive about this movie. What happened to my beloved Hina?! Other than about 2-3 minutes of screen time she didn't even get to show her personality as a tsundere! Is one moment where she blushes, becomes exposed, and yells "baka!" to Hayate going to satisfy ME?! No...just no. I'm better off watching Shakugan no Shana and seeing Shana do the same but a million times better.
Enjoyment: 1
NONE WHAT SO EVER. 'Nuff said.
Overall: 2
The only thing that kept me watching was being able to actually hear Rie Kugimiya and see Hina talking again. Trust me, your better off seeing "Spirited Away" (which is one of 2 references in here) or watching "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya". (which is the 2nd reference) Unless you just can't wait to see the 3rd season and see the characters again. Then again, what "characters"?
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 19, 2011
The most DEVASTATING anime that has ever existed.More than likely you WONT find this review helpful. So you know what? Instead of wasting time on reading this review why don't you go on and watch it? Why are you wasting time when you could be shedding tears like I ALMOST did. I don't know if I have the balls or the coldest heart to only get watery eyes, but you MUST be prepared mentally or you'll need a lot of tissues. Now, lets get on with this review since your such a stubborn bastard to even keep on reading this.
Story 10:
The story has an amazing
hook that will keep having you wanting to come back for more. Always wondering why the characters chose to do what they did. They have their reasons of why they chose their paths, and a result follows with it. So the story is very engaging. Once you hear the story, you'll want to find more about it. If you want to hear a summery of what I am talking about you WONT find it here. As there is already a synopsis written for you.
Art 10:
The characters look beautifully drawn, and all tho they are Moe characters, they still look adorable. If your not into Moe characters you will be now once you watch this.
Sound 10:
The sound is crystal clear if you download the episodes like I did. With the sound on, everything seems to have been given life.
Character 10:
Their personalities fit so well I completely forgot there was a voice actor voicing them. They seem to act completely like a real person would. So the characters are VERY lively. Each having their own feelings, perspectives, and motivations in doing something. So their choices and actions are very fascinating when they decide to do something.
Enjoyment 10:
I have completely enjoyed this as much as anyone else would. Anyone who does not enjoy this even in the tiniest bit has NO SOUL! O_O
Overall 10:
To say this anime did not move you like it did me would be proving your only lying to yourself thus hurting your SOUL! Either that or your a cold hearted bastard who deserves to be round house kicked in the face by Chuck Norris. Thus entering a universe where you have no significance in living and would be better off dead. So do me a favor, and at LEAST try to cry? Because I sure did, but I only got close enough to it where everything was blurry. Thus having watery eyes. As I said before, I DID NOT CRY! Yet I wonder why? This concludes my review in saying you just wasted your time in reading my review instead of using your time wisely and watching Clannad: After Story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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