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Jan 20, 2022
I'm sure every person here has, at one time or another, gorged themselves on something sickeningly sweet and ended up making themselves feel really ill. Well, this anime has the same effect. The main character is one of those nicey, nicey types who smiles with their mouth wide open. It's supposed to make them look adorable, but actually creates the impression that they're a brain-dead halfwit. A lovable one, of course.
This anime was so annoyingly nice, and everyone was so loving and friendly, after only a few episodes I wanted to set fire to my television. It was cringe-worthy.
And yet the worse was still to come. In episode 8 an American appears. Sally. For those who can't abide dubbed anime because the horrible, valley-girl accents make characters appear one dimensional, dim-witted morons, her inclusion is horrifying. Although she speaks in Japanese, they made her accent that of a dubbed anime character. That's right, she spoke with that infuriating, moronic valley girl voice that has ruined translated anime since the dawning of time. I still don't know how I got to the end without shooting myself. It was horrible! Please, give this anime a miss. There's a fair chance it'll make your flesh crawl.
Excuse me, I need to go and throw up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 2, 2022
Yes, I know. Cute girls doing cute things. Boring! I agree, such shows can indeed be tedious, but not this one. This one actually has depth to its humour, which makes the world of difference.
Bakuon doesn't just focus on the cute girls, it actually goes into great detail about the ways of motorcycle enthusiasts. It mocks a bikers love of their own bike over that of all others, yet at the same time embraces how wonderful it feels to have that love. It explores both the upside and the downside of motorcycle ownership without prejudice. That honesty makes
the whole thing relatable; even to those of us who have no interest in bikes. And that's an essential ingredient for any comedy to work. And what great comedy it was.
There are no cheap laughs here. The jokes are extremely well thought out and it had me in stitches at times. The relentless mocking of Ducati for their lack of reliability; the shameless behaviour of dodgy backstreet dealers and garages; the delusions of Suzuki owners; these are all very real things, parodied beautifully. Yes, it has some ecchi moments, but who really cares as long as the comedy element makes you laugh? I certainly don't. I loved every minute of it. The characters worked really together. Their rivalries and friendships were excellently portrayed. All great comedies need a degree of reality and seriousness or the jokes just aren't funny. Not all writers manage to strike that balance, but the creator of this one got it spot on. 10/10 from me. A joy to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 2, 2022
After watching the first six episodes of this anime, I was thinking to myself it would score a rare 10/10 from me. It was extremely well-written, the characters were well-thought out and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Then came episode 7. Oh, dear.
Why do so many Japanese writers suffer from an uncontrollable urge to add an annoying nuisance character half way through and ruin all their hard work? We've seen it so many times. Well, Citrus does this in some considerable style. The last six episodes were about as enjoyable as sandpapering your buttocks. A younger character with
a vile personality joins the show in episode seven and serves no purpose other than to get in the way. She's so irritating, I lost all interest in the show and getting to the end was a struggle. After such an excellent start, my rating dropped from a ten to a six. Ten for the first half of the anime, two for the second half; averaging out at six.
Would I recommend this show to anyone? Put it this way, I'd recommend watching the first six episodes; after which, you might as well bin it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 8, 2017
This is a superb anime, there's no doubt about that. The stats don't lie. It's popular for a reason. It isn't perfect, however. There was one issue in the storyline that I couldn't reconcile myself with. If you think like I do, it might just ruin everything for you. Allow me to explain.
Imagine you have the power to kill people just by looking at them. Fed up with certain individuals in your life, you decide to take two of them out with a fatal glance. What would happen next? Nothing! The police would never suspect
you. And even if they did, what could they do? They'd never prove it. Even asking you about it would be humiliating. "I have reason to believe you've been murdering people using special magic eyes." You'd just grimace at them as if they were insane; at which point they'd wander off feeling silly. End of story. Well, the same scenario applies to what happens in Death Note. Someone writes names in a book and they dropping down dead. Nobody would ever suspect him and they'd certainly never convict him in a court of law with such a silly accusation. And this is where the show failed for me. It was 37 episodes of unnecessary investigation. All the main character had to do was deny everything then keep doing it. Nobody would ever have suspected that notes in a book were the murder weapon. I had difficulty getting past that fact. The whole anime was based on the main guy trying to disprove something nobody would ever be able to prove anyway.
Other than this nagging problem, the show was really good, it has to be said. The police were a bit too meek but beyond that the characterisation was superb and the story-telling was intense. You just have to get past the fact that the story itself was built on a seriously weak premise.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 14, 2017
Nobody can complain about the smut in this anime. It's not a secret. You know what you're getting when you watch it. If you're okay with lewdity, fine. If you're not, don't watch it. It's very simple. There are no surprises in that department and no need to include it in detail in this review. So I won't.
If you're okay with lewdity and tempted to watch this, I feel you should be forewarned. The main character is a whimpering annoyance. Her squeaky, cutesy, nervous, whiney voice WILL grate your last nerve. Guaranteed.
If you can handle her, and don't say you weren't warned, this anime is actually very watchable. The story isn't great but the characters are reasonably interesting and there's enough going on to keep you interested. It's not a classic, by any means. It's just a bit of fun for a few hours, providing you can tolerate the main character.
I apologise for not going into too much depth about the story, but an anime this shallow doesn't require it. Girls fight each other. That's pretty much it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 2, 2015
A lot of people love this show so it must have something going for it. I just can't tell what. To put it simply, it was just several hours of smutty jokes; and not even good ones. It was puerile, weak and childish.
When you're eight years old, someone saying "boobies" is hilarious. Even as an adult, you still might snigger. Sitting through 13 episodes of an anime with humour at that level, however... that takes a special kind of person. The story was non-existent, the jokes were obvious and desperate... it has no redeeming features.
love a bit of smut and innuendo, I genuinely do. I'm not one of those deluded buffoons who thinks a dirty joke is beneath them. Quite the opposite, actually. I did, however, get past giggling every time someone mentions bodily functions before I hit puberty.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 5, 2014
I really enjoyed this anime and I would have scored it higher but for one thing. The writers made a gargantuan mistake towards the end which rendered everything that went before it completely pointless.
I'm sure everyone knows by now that this anime is about a group of students who choose to do battle over half-priced packed lunches in the supermarkets. It's a novel idea and an interesting one. It certainly caught my interest and I was thoroughly enjoying it, right up until that woeful bit of writing at the end.
Early on, the writers went to great lengths to make it clear that
there's two types of people who fight for ben-to. Some fight in groups, or packs, and are known as dogs. Others fight alone and are known as wolves. It's made abundantly clear to the viewer that being a wolf is what matters. Wolves fight with honour and are the true legends of these battles. Dogs, we're led to believe are lesser mortals. An excellent point and they explained it well. Then it all went south.
Towards the end, without giving too much away, a pair of siblings turn up and join in the battles. They fight as a team and use baskets as weapons. In keeping with what the writers had informed us, this therefore should make them dogs as they fight as a team. Dishonourable dogs at that, because they use weapons which is cheating. Alas, no. The last few episodes are very much about the fact that these cheating siblings must be accepted as they're the best wolf; and any wolf should always welcome the challenge of beating the best. Now, hang on! Of course they're the best, there's two of them and they use weapons. They're dogs. The writers seemed to miss this however. They were written in purely as wolves even though they fail to fit the show's own definition of what a wolf is. They do however, match the shows description of what dogs are. To make matters even more bewildering, at one point the siblings decided to dub two of the males wolves "two dogs", an attempt at a nickname. Not once did it occur to the writers that in that situation at least of one them would have said, "That's rich coming from you."
I watched the last few episodes in the hope that it wasn't a mistake and something might be revealed to let us know why these two obvious dogs were being heralded as the ultimate wolf but it didn't happen. The writers had simply set up guildelines for us to understand then ignored them and wrote something that didn't fit. That bewildering oversight pretty much ruined it for me. I was very much enjoying it until then. I'd still recommend people watch it but I'd advise them to pretend the siblings are actually one person and overlook their use of baskets as weapons. If you can do that, you'll enjoy this show immensely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 28, 2014
This anime starts with a hook. Without giving anything away, it leads you to believe a major event occurs somewhere in the story and it instantly pricks your interest. It suggests the characters formed a unique bond over some event and you can't wait to find out what it is. And so it begins. You sit and you watch; and you wait. Initially nothing happens then a character appears who makes you extremely curious. Who is he? Why is he there? What is he? It's all very mysterious. So far so good, right? Oh
how I wish I knew what was to come.
The anime then goes through all thirteen episodes with very little happening. Scenes are repeated ad nauseum and your nostrils will start to twitch. It does however, keep harping back to the hook and you feel you have to keep going because something big is going to happen sooner or later. Alas, it does not. The hook turns out to be merely something that was suggested in passing; and the mysterious character? The attitude is that he is what he is, get over it. He's barely even explained. No major event, nothing. It comes to an end and you're left sitting there with your jaw on your lap, insulted to the core of your being by a story that promised to go clubbing with you all night then went to bed at 9pm with a cup of warm milk instead. It's like waiting all day for the Olympic 100 metres final, only when the moment arrives, the gun goes off to start the race and all the runners slowly get out of the blocks then go home for tea and cake. You feel like you've been conned. If you want to avoid that feeling, avoid this anime at all costs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Feb 19, 2014
I've never written a review before but I just had to write a review for this one. If I can save one person from the misery of sitting through this tripe then I'll have done my duty as a human being. I've forgotten the names of the male and female lead but it doesn't matter. As this review focuses solely on them, the words "he" and "she" should cover it.
So here it is: The idea of a romantic comedy is to make the viewer/reader root for the couple in the spotlight; to cheer them on in their quest to find
true love while at the same time, giving us a good laugh in the process. Itazura na Kiss does none of this. Unless you find a girl's miserable existence, trapped in a one-sided relationship with a bully, great comedy material, you will not enjoy this.
The female lead in this show is a salivating halfwit and the male lead is an egotistical misogynist. For some reason, despite the fact this simply horrible man treats her like something most of us would avoid stepping in, however, she adores him. The show covers nine years by my recollection and this never changes once. She remains smitten by someone who clearly has no respect for her whatsoever and he never stops being a hateful scumbag.
As the show goes on, you find yourself rooting for the male lead to die. Not just to lose her love, but to be killed in a horrible accident. Alas this doesn't happen. If it had, this alleged comedy might finally have given us something to laugh about, but alas he does not.
Without saying too much and spoiling anything, the show follows their romance from high school up until they're in the late twenties. They get married and eventually have a child together, then finally our hell is at an end because they stopped making this rubbish. During those years covered, the male lead sneers at and looks down on his dimwitted other half constantly. He gets nastier and nastier by the minute then every now and again he'll say something like, "You may look like a mutant from the planet uggo but you're not the least prettiest moron I've ever shagged." At which point, she will go starry eyed and drool, taking his words as a compliment. The real insult there being that as the viewer, we're supposed to find his back-handed compliments endearing too. We don't. They just make us want to drown him.
Finally, just to hammer home the point of what a nasty show this is. At one point the female lead actually stands up for herself and screams at him, "You don't love me." Finally, I thought. It's about time she stood up for herself. Sadly no. He hits her! Yes, he resorts to domestic violence. To make matters worse, she then finds herself feeling guilty and blames herself for putting too much pressure on him. Oh yes, he whacks her and she apologises. I kid you not! If this was a subjective look into the mind of a battered woman, I'd say give them an Oscar. However, it is not. This is apparently a comedy. Maybe if you hate women you might find this quite the turn on or indeed worthy of a chuckle, for decent human beings, however, this anime is quite frankly wrong.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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