Karadasagashi, also known as Body search, written by Welzard and drawn by Murase, is quite an unpopular manga in the vast amount of horror works. Since its fan scanlation has completed, I might as well write a review about it, since not that many people learn about its concept being good enough to invest.
While the story starts off in a rather easy way into a typical introduction to the main character and main story, unlike most horror movies and books where a sequence of very cheap jumpscares happens, choosing to build up the rumors and closed up the beginning ASAP. Yet, as the story progressed,
the mystery is uncovered bit by bit, leaving behind a simple but satisfactory truth underneath.
Asuka faced a girl named Haruka, who is her friend asking to search for her body which happened to many of her other friends. While trying to solve the game, they’ll have to avoid getting killed by a blood-covered girl, otherwise everything repeats. Now, let’s stop your re:zero meme and ask yourself a question: how will things turn out if you use this continuous revivals as a plot device in horror genre? Surely it can’t get to the exact same point as of isekai/fantasy one, or deaths aside, just redoing to progressing like many other stories eg Erased.
If anything, it isn’t. But again, for a horror manga, this kind of plot device although will undermine the significance of deaths which resulted in very stale storyline later on, it actually doesn’t care about it. Instead, the manga chose to continuing onto discovering and developing as much as possible, while wasting way too many panels for the same deaths and their buildup, but making it dramatic in the worst way: MONOLOGUES. So to speak, monologue should work in any manga format that requires characters’ big brains. Even so, the repetition in their thought process just to make sure the readers don’t forget anything that they just uncovered is seriously infuriating. Not to mention even after continuously dying over and over again, even after accepting the fate that they have encountered, their mind still dramatized the deaths every single second. This might seem not to be the worst case, but for a very slow-pacing manga, this is quite problematic. Sincerely suggest binging reading, even though that might ruin the weight of the plot.
***SPOILER: However, as the story goes on and how nice the story wrapped up in the end, their sacrifices go without saying to be, frankly, forgetful. Because of the pacing problem, this led to very underhyped conclusion. Still, with the focus mainly on the characters chemistry rather than themselves, the development really did end on a good note, even though the end in general still lingers some anticlimactic scent.
Fair enough like many where else. The shaders at least make clear of what happened, not too distracting or anything related to blatant fan service like many other horror manga. Characters are nicely drawn and put effort into their figures to strengthen their horrific death scene.
Asuka Morisaki is our typical good girl, cliche but not as lame as you think at the start of the manga. And yes, this isn’t the type of story where you want the characters to have some kind of development to become incredibly edgy and thoughtful (well, many side characters sure are) but then its focus on the relationship is what really shines here. What isn’t shit will surely be good, or at least decent. Romance is really a surprising great element in this manga, representing in such a common and nice way.
Half the story through, where a lot happened, or rather, repeated itself before discovering anything important to the plot behind, the main role is switched to another character, who is pretty much has the exact same personality as the first. You would think: uninteresting, for sure. Not exactly, as I mentioned above, that the story shone the most in chemistry, so whoever carried the plot, it hardly matters anything.
Problems? First is the side characters, who even though do contribute to the storytelling, have very outrageous personalities. “Edgy” and “cliche” are true words to describe. Despite so, their performance finally after dragging out their development is worthwhile, so it won’t affect much to the readers feels towards the ending. Second being the very mistakes that have been made in many horror products in the media:Illogical obviousness in the action and dialogue. However, differently, instead of seeing something supernatural and ghostly just to go: “Hey, I’m scared, but still let me check it out instead of running away”; it’s a sillier way around: *digging a grave* “There’s something, I wonder what is down there?”
Surely great and much better speed reading because of insignificant plot point along the slow progress of the story. Some downsides need to be addressed but quite a good read nonetheless.
Apr 26, 2020
Karadasagashi, also known as Body search, written by Welzard and drawn by Murase, is quite an unpopular manga in the vast amount of horror works. Since its fan scanlation has completed, I might as well write a review about it, since not that many people learn about its concept being good enough to invest.
While the story starts off in a rather easy way into a typical introduction to the main character and main story, unlike most horror movies and books where a sequence of very cheap jumpscares happens, choosing to build up the rumors and closed up the beginning ASAP. Yet, as the story progressed, ... Jan 9, 2019
I've read all of Junji Itou collection, and for those who don't know: this is one part of the whole compilation of short horror stories from the author. And people who read this already know, that these stories aren't even that "scary", but more of a shock factor or just an obvious twist which is repeated over and over in this collection.
Before jumping into the main point, let me clarify that I really admire how unique and creative Junji is in making these manga. That's also the reason why I keep reading this, even if it means having to deal with hard-to-read parts like Souichi, ... |