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Dec 10, 2009
May contain some spoilers, please read at your own risk.
This manga had a lot of loopholes. Events were too shallow and rarely were there any big conflicts or challenges, which makes it a lot less realistic. Also, events happen very fast and if any challenges are met, they are often resolved quickly by very random acts of hugs or kisses, which again shows the unrealistic nature of the manga. There was often a lack of capturing the right sort of emotions or mood that was needed to reach a certain point for a particular event to progress. For example, Hinako and
Mr. Hokari broke up, got back together and then married all in one volume, and we don't get to see the emotions or problems faced leading up to those events, we were simply told of what happened when Hinako tells Suzuna. This makes everything very cold and makes it harder for the reader to become engaged in the story between Hinako and Mr. Hokari.
I liked the drawings, it's very pleasing to the eye, and not difficult at all to get used to. The drawing style is also very suitable for a shoujo, romance type of manga.
Characters seemed a bit lacking in defining feature that can help you distinguish between one character and another. I had a lot of trouble distinguishing between Yuki and Fukami at the start, also Inabe and Eichi.
I enjoyed this manga greatly for one reason; I find it to be a great comical relief from reading other more intense romance mangas like Hana Yori Dango. It serves as good get away point and just not have to get overworked up in very conflicting situations. However, this enjoyment was only achieved because I had read it at the same time as other mangas, I can honestly say that on it's own, it's unlikely to be as enjoyable because you will find a lot of things lacking in this manga.
Hence, although I highly enjoyed reading it, it wasn't because the manga itself that captured me, but merely the timing of reading it. I recommend to anyone who wants a light, cheerful manga to read to ease the mood.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 9, 2009
Was trying to add spoiler tags but they don't work:
*Warning: contain some spoilers, read at your own risk*
I just watched this, so thought I'd write a review for it. To be honest, I've read and seen a few yaoi series before, but Enzai can be labeled as one of the unique ones.
The story was what attracted me to the series, it's one of those a moment in one's life type of story, compared to a lot of other series out there that show a character's life and their growth. This sort of captures that moment, from when Guys is framed to prison life
to proven innocent; sure it might not be completely realistic, but it does portray some part of the real world. This is what makes it quite interesting because you learn about a part of the world that exists but personally you've never experienced. Whereas in most other series the world is fantasy or sci-fi and knowing its never real doesn't give me that contemplative feeling. On top of that, what's different about Enzai to the other yaoi's I've read/watched is the yaoi aspect of it seems detatched from the actual plot. Essentially the yaoi needn't even be present to tell the story, so I don't know why it was included; it felt just like an random add on. And honestly, the yaoi wasn't good, so if you want to watch this just for the yaoi, I suggest you turn elsewhere.
Animation and art are not bad, I quite liked how they included the still images of everyone at the end. It provides uniqueness compared to the type of anime I've mainly been watching.
Music is used well in this series, character's voices seem to be ok too. I did find Vallewida's voice a little too feminine. Also, Guys' voice seems a bit fake at times, particularly during the yaoi, but like I said the yaoi needn't really be present, so it eliminates a bit of that fakeness.
Just one word: Weird lol. There's too many weird pairings in this, and just when I thought it was over, I get that scene when Lusca and Guys kiss and it just leaves me shaking my head. The characters designs are not bad in itself, just the way the characters are presented seem a little bit overdone. Since this is a short OVA, there isn't a real need for so many characters to be involved in sex play, it just makes me less able to connect to any of them.
Putting everything together and probably ignoring the yaoi, it would be quite unique and interesting. Throw in the yaoi, it's still good, but there's just presence of an additional unimportant aspect.
Though it's quite hard to explain about why I enjoyed this series, because I know most people won't understand or appreciate it; I still want to say that I enjoyed watching this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 30, 2009
Prince of Tennis, a sports anime and one of the few sports animes I've watched and happened to enjoy watching. I won't waste time here with the synopsis, I'm sure you can look it up yourself if you really wanted to.
Story: I think the story progressed nicely as you watch the rise and fall, the hardship and the many lessons our main star endures to reach his goals. Many sports animes tend to focus on the main character working from being a total clutz with zero talent into the world's greatest *insert sports here* player. This anime moves slighly away from that
and we start to understand that, life doesn't end when you become great, there are many more lessons in life one can learn, lessons from many different areas. This series mixes fantasy well with reality, making it both informative (learning about the rules and regulations of tennis) but at the same time entertaining with the various skills and attacks observed throughout the series. Another great feature of this series is the use of fillers to the right amount. Unlike other series that tend to have fillers to no end and bores the audience, Prince of Tennis actually uses just enough fillers in between matches for comic relief, contrasting it nicely against the seriousness of the matches.
Art: Not really much to say about art. It's pretty hard to keep coming up with new things, so you find certain frames etc. being repeated. However, they are used in repetition well, so you can't usually tell if you doesn't watch it too carefully.
Sound: Same as for art. But I found certain areas, the sound didn't match too well with the situation being presented, it was either too serious or not serious enough. Hence the given rating.
Character: I would have to give credit to the characters in this series. It would been really difficult trying to come up with so many different characters and be able to make it so that the audience can distinguish between each based on looks, personality, playing styles etc. It was great watching better, stronger, more skilled players being introduced all the time, and it keeps you entertained with the different playing styles. Also, although the characters do not seem to age greatly as the story progresses, however they do develop and become more mature, learning the lessons and achieving their goals. It's nice watching them grow up as the story progresses.
Enjoyment: The series is very good. Other than sound, which pulled it down a little, overall you can learn a lot from watching this series. I enjoyed every episode and I find that none of the episodes are a waste of time. They come together nicely to make the story whole.
Overall: The series is great and highly recommended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 4, 2008
Ranma 1/2 is one of those typical old school animes, you don't watch it expecting awesome graphics or great sound effects; you basically watch it for two reasons. Reason 1, cause you want to and enjoy it or Reason 2, you want to, to fill up your anime list.
Story: the whole series is split into little stories, though they don't contribute greatly to the overall picture, they do provide some kind of comic relief at times. It might be good in one point, having missed one or two episodes here and there doesn't really hinder your enjoyment and your understanding of
the plot; but at the same time it does create a downfall in that one might say there's no real plotline involved. I happen to agree that you could watch the first episode and then skip all the rest (maybe just watch the ones where new characters are introduced) and watch the last episode and you would still understand what is going on.. but then let me ask you, what purpose did that serve? you didn't enjoy it one bit, so might as well watch it in the whole and laugh at some of their "try-hard" jokes.
Art: old school art, nothing spectacular, graphics can be considered old times. But it's anime nonetheless and quite well given if you watched it in those times.
Sound: same goes for art.. expect a few muffled sounds etc. But the background music and various other music pieces were chosen pretty well, fitting to the current situation presented.
Character: new characters get introduced quite frequently at the beginning, which was pretty interesting, but then it just kind of halts. It's ok in a way, I guess you don't need to remember another new face and a new name, but it does get dull, especially if there's no new change for several seasons. Also a disappointment was the seclusion of developing characters, ie. characters do not age. But that could just result from the way the series was intended to be presented.
Enjoyment: I quite enjoy it. The ministories, though have little impact overall, are sometimes quite funny and enjoyable to watch. However, I still vouch for a continuous storyline, at least some form of connection would be nice, just enough to show that time is ticking and things are moving forward.
Overall: So, given all that, the overall is a 7. It could be better, but instead it's just average. Oh and if you really wanted to know, I chose to watch this series for reason number 2, but I do not regret watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 16, 2008
Naruto is really typical, it seems like one of those infamous series you hear about all the time, so you tend to watch it to satisfy your own curiosity. It's not as bad as some people claim, yet I wouldn't say it's the best I've ever watched.
Story: Here's the thing with the story of Naruto, it's really a good plot, it is, minus the fillers that is. Once the fillers kick in, the whole enjoyment aspect of it just fully decreases. I'm rating the story aspect of it based on the story itself, not the fillers, hence why I said it was
very good. The rating for this anime would really improve if they did it in seasons. Sure, the thought of waiting months for the next arc is a bit frustrating, but at least the fans would get something worth watching.
Art: Nothing really to say about art, it's really typical so I wouldn't say it stands out.
Sound: Most of the opening and closing seem to fit appropriately with the genre of the anime, same goes for the background music used in the anime. Character's voice all fit nicely with their respectively characters, which helps to bring out their unique personality.
Characters: The characters themselves are average, like most series, they all tend to wear the same clothes all the time, probably to better acquaint you with them. What I'd like to comment about is the use of skills, at first you see their unique skills and you find it really exciting, but some of them are really getting overused (Naruto's Rasengan), this again, leads back to the fillers. If there were less fillers, their wouldn't be a need to do such a thing and fans wouldn't get so sick of seeing the same skills over and over again.
Enjoyment: I did enjoy it, but you have to look at it as a whole, which means in the presence of the fillers, in which case my enjoyment decreased as each episode goes by and getting frustrated at seeing Naruto's Rasengan for the billionth time really didn't help either.
Overall: A good anime consists of many different aspects, each must come together nicely for the series to be successful and for a good rating. Naruto lacks in some areas, and no surprise, the ratings are what it is. I'd still recommend it to those who wishes to enjoy all anime like I do, but for those easily frustrated by long series, this is not for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 20, 2008
This was the first series that I actually finished, and it was also the series that got me interested in the whole aspect of manga and anime ^^. I hope to one day re-read it if I can get hold of the books, since Tokyopop disabled their upload on online manga sites.
Story: The one thing I love about this series is that there's no one set genre. One moment, you can explore deeply into your conscious, the next you can be laughing your ass off at a joke Shigure makes. Though the sudden change, the events that unfold still seem to follow
very smoothly and it's very easy to link what's happening at any one part with any other parts of the series. This series also has a really good ending, it wrapped up very nicely and it leaves you with a heart-warming content feeling.
Art: The drawing at first felt weird. I think I was overwhelmed by Tohru's large eyes lol. But I think it's becoming my idea of manga drawings now, I tend to compare other series drawings with fruits basket. Just a habit of mine.
Character: Developing characters worked nicely into fruits basket. You find yourself following the path of each character, experiencing all their joy and sorrow; this allowed me to connect better with the characters. I don't think I'll ever forget them :)
Enjoyment: It's the highest scoring series in my list so far. Only reason I gave it 9/10 is cause saying it's 10/10 is saying it's the best, but I don't know if a new series will come that will beat it. So, for me 10/10 is reserved.
Overall: So very good, if only the anime is as good as the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 20, 2008
The first time I read this series was when I happened to pick up a copy at the library. At first, didn't really think much of it, but eventually it's grown on me.
Story: most of the cases they present are really entertaining, and often suspenseful. I find myself anticipating what will happen and I enjoy the suspense; I think that's what pulls you to the story. However, having read so many chapters now, with almost one case every 2-3 chapters, you start to find some ideas being repetitive. Overall though, it's still good.
Art: not much to say for art. It's
a little different to the typical drawings of manga, but that doesn't make it bad. The more you read, the less you'll mind the drawings.
Characters: repetitive use of characters can be good or bad. Good thing is you familiarize yourself with them, bad thing is it does at time get boring. However, I like the cast of conan, it fits with the story pretty well, so, in this case I don't mind repetition :)
Enjoyment: same as for the story. At first it's very thrilling but I find it's slightly repetitive now, so it's not as good as when I first read it. But the cases itself are really cool, you learn a lot of new things. Sure, not all the things are probably accurate, but they are cool nontheless.
Overall: I think the only two aspects that kind of pulls it down the score are story and characters. But overall, it's worth a read if you're into crime solving stories. There's also slight comic relief in this manga which contrasts nicely to the seriousness of the cases.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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