what great anime it's sad i didn't i watched this before such a good story
it was told to me this was slow in the start but no it was great from the start the "when they cry" vibe of just doing the bad stuff and leaving the mc to experience the situation and seeing what he does is such a good watch
good op with some great eds such good song...Mc is so good not always compulsive but always ready to do what is required without whining about it Shinpei made this journey a hundred time better good characters with good development...this had such good feelings
Aug 4, 2024
this was a good season 1 with good ed i thought this would be a one shot so character being introduced in the end 1 arc after another felt rushed but other than that it had good fights with some cool scenes between them .
. . but the plot for me in the end where they say every family name explaining what they are doing without even knowing a single thing about them was bit too much . good character development for the main crew...only for them as other people like the little girl and her crew feels forced as they become the more focused point in the ... Aug 2, 2024
Ergo Proxy
good show nice ed op engaging story telling with great set of episodes in between
. . though after ep 20 its abrupt change makes me feel it was a bit rushed but they do such a good job in story explanation that you understand what is happening in the end that it creates a good plot . . story explanation is the main problem with this genre which is great here it does a better job of story telling than darker than black in the end parts specially i don't want to spoil but it has some great episode in between some explain you the story some are just good ... Mar 23, 2024
Rudy try to kill himself just after getting slapped is comedy gold....
Good season though it got slower in middle as everything felt like a filler but till the it got better ....feeling like some plot lines were there just to introduce some characters so they could be used in the future..like maou sama or julie they become just npc's maybe in prt2 something will happen... other than that i don't think everyone will like the middle portion of this season it just feels uninvesting... it's great to see our mc become normal after harnessing life difficulties gives the last episodes more feeling.. all n all feels like a ... Mar 4, 2024
these were great what a binging gold ...
but i would say nowadays ichigo trains super fast which is good cause the world needs him.... though there was no ichigo in the end but what great fights never knowing who's going to win... Bleach has always had unique villains but this arc took it to another level what great villains not all because some of them are a bit too goofy but not a single one gave a bad fight.....making every episode so investing ......like the one with the power of imagination seeing kenpachi cut a fking asteroid in two made me so hyped....crazy fights.....Squad 0's powers in ... Mar 1, 2024
crazy football anime does it need any other reason to be this exhilarating...Bachira my man plays like water passes like beckham...
. Mbappe giving guest entry in the end....good mc not so good credit content but great sports ... making every match feel like a new thing to be invested not the mbappe one that was pure annihilation... . and every character having full time to showcase there talent feels winning or losing more interesting good development of characters.. ' i've skipped every op ed just so i could watch the game it was so good... although i would say i was annoyed in the start because igrashi was thinking too much.. and does ... Feb 29, 2024
what a great season Ayanakojiiiiii love
. The fight it was so good and precise how i thought he would fight if ever op&ed were great . . i always loved how in the first season he had no feelings but would develop as a character and this season took it to another high.. manipulates lies fights has a shady past Still a great MC.. I like how these anime try to invest you fully in the plot so you can think about it too by showing everything with a good pacing it doesn't feel like too much we have a idea how will the mc be affected and it makes ... Feb 28, 2024
this series has been a part of my life for a great amount of time i didn't want to watch the finals because it would end no more LEVI titans fight my soldiers scared me but boy this was great ....
. i was a kid when i started watching AOT and now when i'm a kid but can't be called one.I can say this without a shred of a doubt or anything what a great experience was watching AOT and all these characters i never read the manga because i loved watching levi in action and that is the best feeling... I CAN'T SAY MUCH ABOUT THE ... Sep 23, 2023
Ousama Ranking
this was so engaging i was so surprised how quickly i got to 23ep
the songs are good and the overall vibe is so warm and happy(weepy too) . yeah the overcrying is something but it can hide behind the story and plots i got some seven deadly sin vibes for some parts but was really happy to see how it really turned out . the art is so great in both the dark parts and specially in the wholesome parts . the reason i want to recommend this is because this will surprise if u dislike this than too i think this will leave a good feeling in your mind i think ... Sep 19, 2023
[Oshi no Ko]
every time it says "last chance" it hypes me so much what great op ed
. the animation has so much feeling it reminds me of fate heavens feel movies . Aqua feels like Araragi just a less bit gloomy despite recommending it i can see why people can lose a little interest in the end but whole story keeps us hooked i really want more of Aqua and his life whatever comes in the industry and him as a star . i wanted to watch something like this for a long time serious but calm life changes like a slice of life but more serious and this ... |