Jul 27, 2016
To me this anime was very good but at the same time it was a little boring. The story was pretty good I mean they stuck with it unlike some animes i know. The only thing I didn't like was the romance the main characters had i liked them as a couple, but remember you guys don't have to agree with me. They had a sexual/awkward relationship I liked the fact that they weren't so lovey dovey, but the awkwardness was a little much. They had a comedy but I put wasn't my type of comedy but it may be for you. The characters
Jul 26, 2016
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan
I personally think that this is the best physic anime your probably ever going to watch. It has great comedy and this serious attitude of the character just makes it more hilarious. Of coarse this is my opinion you don't have to agree with it. It also has a certain comedy that probably only a few like. I don't like the fact that it's only 5 mins last time the made a anime out of it they only had one episode I'm not sure if the other adaption was a OVA or not. But I definite recommend this show I just hope it does