Grand Blue is the kind of show that doesn’t worry about being over the top. This isn’t a bad thing either, as Gurren Lagann has showed us. Grand Blue uses expert comedy that goes along with theme of the show. The way Grand Blue uses comedy is making everything so over the top until its funny. While it does a good job of this its impossible to not get a little repetitive.
What makes Grand Blue so great is how it uses every aspect of the show and ties it to the story to be even better. The colorful animation and tropical opening both tie
Jan 26, 2021
Log Horizon
In my opinion there are way to many isekai video game anime being. While Log Horizon is one of those it takes a different approach to the genre. This review will be on seasons 1 and 2 of Log Horizon.
Story:7 Log Horizon has a good story that I was thinking about giving an 8 bet the plot is to overused that I have to give it a 7. As I said before it does take a different approach to the genre because the show uses aspects of trying to create a suitable government. Art:7.5 In Log Horizon the art is fairly good but nothing that will ... Nov 25, 2020
Death Note
Dear Note is probably the best anime I have seen. It has a great story with lots of plot twists. I would say that the only thing Death Note lacks is some likable qualities in the main character. I will list the pros and cons of Death Note.
Pros: 1. Unpredictable plot. 2. Good theme songs. 3. Amazing story. Cons: 1. Takes a turn for the worst in episodes 15-23. I would say that when you watch Death Note in no way should you expect anything that is happy it is a very dark show. In my second pro when I say good theme I say that meaning the first theme ... Nov 24, 2020
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Assassination classroom is the kind of anime that does not belong into any particular genre. I would say that assassination classroom has a good main character Kuro-Sensei but most of the students are not great. This is said with the acceptation of Karma who is a very good character. Here are the pros and cons of assassination classroom.
Pros: 1. Good animation. 2. Plot that does not make the show repetitive. 3. Amazing main character. Cons: 1. The kids in the show are not great. 2. Not repetitive but not enough plot twists. ... Nov 24, 2020
Trigun is probably the most fun to watch anime out there. It could be put in the same category as Cowboy Bebop. I will list Trigun pros and cons.
Pros: 1. Fun to watch. 2. Very good character design. 3. Exiting plot. Cons: 1. Good overall music but not great intros and endings. 2. Trigun is short and did not adapt the whole manga. ... Nov 18, 2020
Dr. Stone is a show that is easy to binge watch and is fun. It is pretty much an isekai anime (trapped in another word). You can learn some science from it. Here are the pros and cons.
Pros: 1. Good theme songs. 2. Characters are well developed. 3. A plot that keeps you excited. Cons: 1. Animation is average but could be better. 2. While generally good the pacing can get weird. ... |