As a huge fan of the original 3 series I was excited when a new series of slayers came out, although not too expectant since inevitably it was much more likely to be an amusing expansion to the franchise rather than a hugely epic series. Still I expected I’d get some giggles and nostalgia and that would be fine.
Instead we got this hideous example of how to simultaneously milk your franchise while destroying it instead. It’s difficult to describe how sad this series made me after the ‘plot’ starts to take hold in the 3rd episode, and it only got worse until it finally
Feb 6, 2010
Seikon no Qwaser
Having watched the first two episodes of Seikon no Qwaser I have to say it wasn't a very impressive way to start a series, although I think my reasoning will be a little different then that of my fellow reviewers :)
Story - The plot is a fairly average recreation of a lot of other action/ecchi type anime series, the draw-card of course being that the heroes/villains seem to powerup by sucking breast milk. This didn't bother me that much in principle (ANIME OBJECTIFYING WOMEN?! SAY IT ISN'T SO! :P) although it would be amusing in the extreme to find out how this can possibly ... Nov 28, 2009
Kiba is a fantasy fighting anime that focuses heavily on battles involving summoned spirits and its own brand of magic and hand-to-hand combat. The story revolves mainly around the main protagonist as he moves through each of the series featured 'worlds' - although a fair amount of the series also devotes some time to the other main characters.
If your still with me now then here comes the fun part - this series is totally genocidal. It is amazing how often they introduce characters and then kill them off (and that doesn't even begin to cover all the fodder characters). Despite this the series ... |