This season of Takagi-san is simply beautiful, it is the season with the most romance and interaction that the protagonists have had and it leaves you with a warm feeling chapter after chapter.
Takagi-san begins to show his feelings more and simply purifies your soul.
Nishikata is again unable to cope with the great master of pranks and her beautiful feelings of love for him.
This new opening that Yuiko Oohara brings us is one of the best.
This new season gives us a different approach to the characters reaching great development, new scenarios and, what is more important, you really enjoy it and it makes you smile and
Mar 23, 2021
This review contains spoilers
Well let's start with That Demonic Teacher Will Be My Sister ?. Currently the manga has 8 chapters, and tells us the day to day of a young man with a high level of hormones. Art (8/10): I quite like the art, the drawings are well done and no complaints have been found about this aspect. Enjoyment (9/10): On the other hand, the comedy touches that they give to the work seem quite good to me. Characters (7/10): The fact that the younger brother wants to stop thinking badly about his sister which makes him more mature than the sister, who only incites the poor ... Dec 11, 2020
To be honest the movie is not so bad, the course of it is pleasant and funny despite the abusive cgi. Until we find the end of it, an immense confusion.
History: (4/10) The story from beginning to before reaching the end, would be even in a 7 of how decent it is, but the end ruins everything. An immensely confusing Plot Twist. Girl: He's not my dad! Me: WHAT? “Just a homeless guy...... I would’ve helped him if he’s injured” *HES BLEEDING PROFUSELY FROM ... |