What to expect from this manga;
A simple story of a guy that is an Otaku. Ooyama-kun wants to be alone with his video games and manga. But a girl comes to bother him and raid his private sanctuary. There are typical ecchi tropes. But it is silly and light hearted. That should be taken at face value. Nonetheless, the art and story are simple, because sometimes simple works.
What not to expect from this manga;
It is not a story that has any depth. Or have some sort of deeper meaning, that allows the reader to look at it at introspectively. If you want that, there
Mar 29, 2017
Kyoukai no Rinne
Let me say this from the get go, this anime will not be for everyone. So it will largely subjective whether you find this anime to be the following; funny, entertaining, or have any qualities in an anime you would enjoy. What I can do is tell you why I find this anime to be largely under rated, so this is not a review to diminish anyone's opinion, rather provide more insight why someone should reconsider. This review of mine, will not have any spoilers. Rather it will give out little clues in the show of why I think it is largely under rated.
My ... preface, and this has to be said, is that this anime is VERY Japanese. It mixes Shinto Buddhism with typical sociological theme's of Japanese culture. So studying Japanese tradition and culture would help out immensely. This anime does not compromise its Japanese roots, and does not jeopardize itself with western theme's, unlike most anime's have done in the past. Rather it parodies itself within its own culture. It could be said, that most people want drama and character development in anime. Not to mention, our western world likes things to spelled out, mean while Japanese culture would declare that would not be modest. I do not mean to impose, or come off too radical, but it is very easy for us to view anime through a western lenses. Another words, it is very easy to put our own expectations into something. Then it becomes easier to dismiss something and not give it a proper chance. The second thing, its very nice to see an anime that does not play on typical character tropes. Rather it concentrates, on its light hearted nature. With this, it oozes with charm with its off colored and sly little remarks. Like for example in episode one, with the spirit cracker, and the remark of commentator said, "a real could have the same effect." Its humor it uses is very settle sarcasm and also uses satire. This is what makes the manga artist more brilliant. Rather than being bombastic, and having huge battles and spelled out tension that is flung in one's face like her other work. Another great example of a very settle sense of humor, is having cats in a shot in the anime. Another example, is when Rinne said he does not do relationship advice. Its hinted that its his pride is in the way, and plays it off melodramatically he would rather die from starvation than to diminish his image, and to stoop to that level. Another words, Rinne is a very stubborn character. While he is caring and compassionate in some sense towards Sakura, this is where having a female character makes him reconsider his character. She also provides money for him but later he starts to feel guilty about it. Which is unlike his previous character. He would rather be poor and independent rather than depending on someone. But later he starts to rely on her emotionally and financially when gets over his guilt. This is character development in a nutshell. Here is a tip for seeing character development in general to see the settle nature of Japan culture, compare what they did in the past, to what they are doing. In contrast to what the characters say is less important. When the protagonist saves a character, because it is common in Japanese culture not to meddle with other peoples affair since they believe in karma. Nevertheless, their problems will become your problems. So misfortune could ensue. Since it is not common for people to meddle, it is hinting a hero would. Their version of a knight and shinning armor. Basically it is a form of counter culture. Coming back to how this relates to the review, Sakura supports Rinne. She is the true heroine rather than avoiding him. People forget that. The third thing, is the show is an oxymoron. So of course, how the shinogami world uses real world objects on spirits. So, How does tangible things have an impact on the ethereal plain? Well of course it couldn't but that what makes the world even more settle and funny. It also alludes to fact there is a form of a modern bureaucracy to this shinogami world. There is quota's, licensing, directors of this world, industry, markets in a world that appears to be in the edo period of japan. This also not only applies to the shinogami world, but the underworld as well. It takes jabs at the underworld like one of the directors of the underworld is some sort wealthy Japanese business man that throws money at his problems. Another great example, is how does yen currency in modern japan be the same in both the shinogami world and the underworld? One would think that materialism would not be an issue, or perhaps have some other form of currency. This only gives more credence that trying to be an oxymoron. Furthermore, one would think these worlds would be more communist or socialist rather than capitalistic. Since you are dealing with death money and commerce should matter less but it doesn't. Edit; I forgot to mention the music in this anime. Just like any anime, music really sets the mood. Whether it is Naruto, Noragami, or Akame Ga kill. So, I cannot stress how beautiful it is; how mysterious, eternal, magical, haunting, ethereal, and ancient it makes you feel. It takes you to a place where Edo period, where nature and the gods have clashed to keep the harmony of the universe. If you really want to understand YouTube "あの世のテーマ" meaning; "The Theme of the world." Or 地縛解放 "To the liberation of the liberation" Your welcome! :-) The last thing is my critiques on the show, because it does have flaws. Even though I find them to be minor other people would disagree. As I have seen in other reviews. Yes it is true that the manga creator and artist does tend to recycle characters from previous works. There are other reviews here that did this well, but here is another the forgot. One of the Shinogami's that is infatuated by Rinne, reminds me a lot of Kodachi the Black Rose from Ranma 1/2. But yet again, these types of character and cookie cutter tropes tend to be very popular in Japan. She does this within her own work, so it could be said, that could create conversations within the Otaku culture and her fans. Like for example, best girl in a harem is a very popular past time in otaku culture. So its not a stretch that her dedicated fans would have similar conversations. Similarities is bad within American culture but in Japanese thinking it is familiar and comforting. Another point, the story has very little depth. Which is true. It does not dealing with dark theme's or any real human element that any person could relate to. But yet again, this story was never meant to. But it wouldn't of hurt to do that. The manga creator has done that in the past very well, but she some how didn't do it in this series. So I cannot blame a person for feeling a bit disappointed by this. P.S. If you disagree with me, by all means please do so. You can talk to me and we can have a conversation further if you like. But there is one request I would make, please no hate (But yet again this is the internet) If you do, it will be ignored. :-)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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