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Apr 8, 2018
Imagine Saber from “Fate Stay Night” was the primary character In a world reminiscent of the one in Full Metal Alchemist. There you go. It took me a second to draw the comparison between the two characters, but if you really think about it they may as well be one and the same. All the way from the character design, to the responsibility they are burdened with, to what compels them to carry on despite their misfortunes, to finally and most of all their personalities. I will say both characters made me a little uncomfortable with the fact
that even with them being strong female characters they required a “knight in shining armor” archetype to hold them together and show them the true depth of their own feelings. All that being said, it’s still a good show.
It requires quite the suspension of disbelief to get past some of the all too convenient or inconvenient injuries the characters suffer along with the unexplained physical abilities of the main character, however the overarching theme holds weight. The notions of overcoming, and redemption, and the brutality of war(straight out of the FMA playbook I might add) are brought to attention in a compelling, dark, but moving fashion. Warning this show is heavy on what equates to depression porn.
Throughout this series there are tons of orphans that only realize what their guardians meant to them when they are gone. As well as lots of barbaric battle scenes where no one seems really to come out the victor. I personally had to recalibrate my scale for plain out sadness after the first couple episodes. What will bring the audience through the pain and crushingingly heartrending portions of the plot however, is the noticeable growth in characters. This acts as a beacon of light that a viewer can hold onto in hopes of an eventual positive resolution.
The art is exceptional as well as the voice acting. The overall series is not what I’d call fun or refreshingly original, but it reminds you that, despite being constantly bombarded with media that desensitized you, you are a human being with the eb and flow of various characters tradgedies and triumphs . I’d say that’s it’s best quality and what makes this a recommendable piece of art for a wide range contemporary anime fans.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 5, 2016
Im not the type to write reviewsomething but this show is a doozy. Its original in its initial premise, the art is good, it's short and it has unique character motives apon watching the preliminary plot layers but as you can see from the aggregate score something is amiss. Well it turns out its actually a very very very conventional reverse harem at its core once you mentally shred away some pretty wrapping paper. What really hurt me was it took me so long to realize that. I did not take the time to find out pre-watch that it was based off a visual novel.
Everything else wrong about it is rooted in that. It weaves a shit ton of semi-explored subplots(as is the case with most harem type shows) Also as you would imagine (as is the case with most of these harem type shows) it drives the plot on getting finality in its conclusion only to leave the viewer with something left to be desired. This show is a show that disguises itself as your action/fight-to-be-the-strongest variety of show to gradually reveal itself to be a gimme-attention-from-multiple-members-of-the-opposite-sex category show. It is however one of a kind in that they managed like 5 filler episodes in a 12 episode series. Sad really... The premise aka the first episode could have lead to a very good anime unfortunately I don't think that's what the producers of this poor thing werected trying to do. Matter of fact I'm not sure what they were trying to do. If anyone knows, can you tell me what is the target demographic of such a series?
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 10, 2013
This review was motivated by my incredible disappointment with the emotional roller coaster that is this series.
Just to get this out the way, the sound and visuals are par for the modern anime course. Nothing offensive or of note to be found here. There will be references to significant points in the story so if you have not seen this show and intend to see it don't read this.
The gist of this is that the main character becomes a monster 4 episodes into the series. He was unfairly labeled a man whore by many, I prefer pipe merchant. Everything from fuckin bitches that know each
other to runnin trains to cheatin at will( he takes care to avoid fat bitches). Now what initially bothered me was the lack of conscience shown by the main characters. For instance I never in my life saw a more selfish player. His friend can't get twot to save his life and he can line him up with some second string whores.And another thing aint no nigga on earth that fucks that many whores( and they was whores) an does'nt tell anyone. Makota was so much of a sociopath it was like he forgot he did all that shit. Then he got the orgy poppin, and as a dude as deplorable as it was for a guy that wasn't single to do, you gotta take that. Once in a lifetime opportunity there, but once again his selfish behavior drives his homeboy to rape or at least heartbreak sex. (We don't condone that).He did however take one unselfish action, when the girl claimed pregnancy he told her to get the abortion. That was for the best for both of them and yeah it was that bitches fault, he didn't get pregnant she did. Unfortunately it made the girl psychotic. She did however get the abortion postmortem only to find out it wasn't nobody in there. For someone like me thats a relief. You don't know what its like to have your friend callin you every day talkin about "She won't get the fuckin abortion maaaaaan!!!!" Sheesh its not my fault, but after my friend got her to get the abortion I slept better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 4, 2011
That nigga that brought you such poorly received reviews for Chrome Shell Regios, Starship Operators, and Rumbling Hearts is back again by infamous demand and mistrust to bring you his latest review for DNA2. I try to avoid watching shows that take themselves too seriously and because of that its hard to make critical reviews for shows that don't take themselves seriously anyway. Lucky for the my millions of fanboys and tramps I've found yet another show worthy of reviewing.
Nigga DNA2 is flat out stupid. I revolves around a guy whos supposed to be a looser that has potential for a rare genetic
trait that would allow him to take over the world. No not really he could just bang and impregnate a hundred hoochies ( apparently this is supposed to be uncommon).It should have been calledl the "Antonio Cromartie Story" or Cromartie High School( I think someone already did that). This is near and dear to my heart because I know niggas like this,shit my brother is like this. I had seven nieces and nephews by the same guy before I was ten, seriously.I saw all seven of them at the club last week. That ability however was not passed to me, I feel lucky enough to get some action that I wouldnt even consider askin for raw sex because I might not get no bunz at all if she say no. Anyway someone from the future is sent to stop this gene from activating so he won't overpopulate the planet when he passes it along to his one hundred seeds. They not only fail they partially activate the gene. Once again what fuckin gene? There are a lot more of these guys then people would think. Why bother stopping the gene? make him pay child support (hell of a contraceptive). He transforms a ton of times but sadly enough getting girls pregnant doesnt seem to be number one on his to do list, pun intended. More so he seems to just like seducing them.
The art sucked but it had to be ok for the time. Same for sound.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 4, 2011
This show is the prime example of why the points scale for ratings on this site will never be able to reliably encompass the opinions of raters. The show has really good art and sound and for people that watch a lot of anime its hard to give shows like this poor average or poor ratings. You just see too much crap art to demean a show that goes the extra mile in the aesthetics department, But the plot is fundamentally flawed and stories make the show, no getting around it.
Most negative reviews point out cliche stuff like shallow character development and poorly thought out
ending but this show just, ugh, it's just not right. The story's attentions is to diluted. Following characters for long periods that don't effect or convey the themes efficiently. There are a lot of flat out unnecessary characters. This is compounded by not streamlining the driving forces of the story. For example, fine you wanna spend time following some little kid for hours to show his difficulty with his upbringing and parent loss but then, instead of showing other characters issues with child rearing and relationships with parents the next scenes are that of some place getting bombed. They then will bring up questions involving existentialism and what no,t when all though that may relate to parenting they haven't began to tie it in to the theme of the plot. It'll be like one characters mom died, then a scene of someone unrelated to the character hvings their arm blown off, then they show the military performing morally questionable experiments and then they focuson potentially developing relationships between characters. NOT JUST LOSE ENDS, BUT A BUTCH OF SIMULTANEOUS SUBPLOTS THAT ARE NOT RELATED TO THE CORE STORY. In the end I don't know what the conclusion is supposed to bring, a end to the war, romantic relationships, uhhhhh, temporary fixes, or reflection for lost lives. What was Akiyuki trying to do this whole time? Really if you have and answer tell me. Save the world, save a girl, save a marriage, save a people? and which one of those was accomplished that warrented a definite conclusion? If I sound flustered its cuz I am. Whatever, just tell me what happened in the climax that resolved the major issue whatever it was?
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 20, 2011
I took the opportunity to write this review on 4/20 after being inspired by one of my personal favorite 4/20 rappers. Curren$y released his Covert Coup mixtape to day(4/20/11) and it included the song " Full Metal" produced by Alchemist. The song is raw as fuck and of course they add a sample from one of the more poignant scenes in the first Full Metal Alchemist anime (I believe its from the second to last episode) and its dope combined with the beat and Alchemist's sample style. Now I'll get to the show. This will
be one of the more serious reviews from me.
Story: The story is crazy. Its actually one of the most depressing stories you'll see for a show so popular. What these brothers are subject to at such a young age and the fact that for the most part they are treated as adults because of the path they chose to walk can be overwhelming on first watch. I've watch the show a ton of times over and it took me a while to accept that this was a journey of perseverance and attrition as apposed to the typical shonen train, power up, and defeat enemies type show. What makes this show special for me is the moments where Ed or Al need to be "picked up". Those moments where Ed questions if they'll ever get their bodies back or if its even worth it and the various other characters that help him solidify his resolve. I also can relate to the angst Ed feels toward Hohenheim.
Art: The art is great. For a show of fifty or more episodes it has to be the best and most consistant. The fact that there's a large cast and they all have distinctive looks without resorting to putting x-shaped scar on different parts of every other character is quite an accomplishment.The colors are nice and suite the show and the animation is smooth throughout.
Sound: The sound is exceptional. The dub is the best ever, I mean considering the complexities of some of the stuff Ed was saying the fact conversations weren't chopped and there weren't to many added phrases to match lip movement is exemplary. Plus the voice actors were jus good. The acting was just good that's the only way to say it. How they delivered the lines matched the mood of the moments perfectly. Add that with a dope ass soundtrack and you get something only comparable to "Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood". The music wasn't just good it also complimented the mood as well.
Characters: I believe this goes without saying that this is where Full Metal Alchemist shines. A ton of characters that all play curtain roles. Some are there to comfort Ed and Al when they rarely take time to act like the kids they are. Some are there to, as I said before solidify their resolve, and some just remind Ed and Al that though they isolate themselves from others they are not alone. The collection of characters on this show make for brilliant chemistry and if you take into account that a lot are military veterans they all seem to have their own crosses to bear to borrow a cliche. Which helps because Ed and Al obviously have one big one of their own.
Enjoy/Overall: Enjoyment and overall are to similar to me to separate. Look, this show is one of the quintessential anime works period, along with the likes of Dragonball, Death Note, Mushi Shi and Akira, all for different reasons. It goes into almost all of the major anime sub-genres except Mecha, so it will appeal to a large audience as long as they are mature enough for an apologue such as this one. It is extremely enjoyable and the number of moments in the show that will stick with you with some even haunting you is uncountable. Simply put It's the shit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 18, 2011
Apparently im a heartless bastard, but I'M BACK BABY. Last time I wrote a review for this show it got removed I guess because my language was too foul or the fact that it really was'nt a review. I think it was because I called the show a mental vasectomy. It was though. If yo masculinity aint take a hit after watchin this show then nigga you was suspect to start with. Now listen, ahh this show's story was flat out disturbin at times. It included one character that did not know how to set up the sex game, (all she did was take
off her clothes, throw herself at her partner and start cryin, unfortunately it worked cuz she a slut like that).I spend more time in anticipation of beatin my meat then she did givin niggas signs and foreplay. She does however redeem herself by a highly touted slut move of goin on a date with two men at once and gettin hammered Elimidate style.(Hammered means she got drunk not what you were thinkin) But I digress, this isnt what it was all about. The show chronicles the trials and tribulations of interpersonal relationships of all kinds, which is vastly overlooked. When people talk about this show they talk about it from a dating sim's perspective , which it was, but the show addresses things like juggling work and Kinship with bosses and just general stuff. Jus to let yall know I added actual review criteria to this rant in hopes that they won't delete this shit again, not because I wanted to. Rumbling Hearts should be specifically noted for its handling of a drama with a motif of complexed relationship dynamics, combined with the feelings of the central characters and emotional abandonment across the board. This is what separates this show from contemporaries of this genre. I know plenty whores and what bothered me is the whores I know do they thing and walk the streets like no one's the wiser. The whorin (I invented that adjective and it its copyrighted) that goes on in this show is laser guided. Meaning they do it to set in motion a domino effect. AHHHHHHHH the soundtrack is alright. The art is pretty tight considering there are no action scenes outside when they bang each other; oh yea another thing about that, why a nigga can't watch them get it on? I mean I'm not watchin the show specifically for that, but shit if you gon nudity show it all, DAMN. They show them butt neckit gettin in the bed but then decide to be "tasteful" and cut scenes?Don't draw the umbrella if it aint gon rain!!! FIN tramp
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm gonna start off off topic. I was watchin x-men last night and a continued subplot is how Rogue and Gambit can resolve their intimacy issues, because she can't touch no one. Why that nigga gambit did'nt just weara fuckin condom baffles me. Now thats out the way ill talk Chrome Shelled Regios. This was the first show where I wasn't put totally off by the fan service. Keep in mind I hate fan service, even though im the type of guythat never hesitates to glance at a girl's breast if shes not paying attention. I watch porn at work and force coworkers to watch
porn I put on my iPod. That being said, bein the dirt bag that I am I don't like the idea of the writers and directors bein in on it with me. Its corny when they take time to draw a cartoon up skirt. What type of shit is that? but this show did it the right way. I can't quite put my finger on it but I think it was because the fan service was gratuitous, but was at appropriate times. For example there will be really tense moments and then they'll just show some nice knockers to diffuse the tension. Well thats it beside that I thought it was a sub-par show with predictable stereotypical characters. Really its like a 5 overall minus some fan service and descent visuals.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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