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Mar 16, 2025
Weird, I had it as a 10 for the first 24 episodes, but here I am ending it and I doesnt feel like it deserves anything more than a 7.
I really enjoyed the show at the start, it felt like an anime of a story similar to Lazarillo de tormes, a classical spanish book, an autobiography set around that time aswell, which is weird cause it ended up having a story just like that inside the anime itself, I was excited to see where it was heading but then it goes nowhere.
The show was supposed to be about small stories that are connected by the
movement of the earth, the idea was that it would ultimately end up to the discovery itself, even if this is fiction.
In a more simple term it was a story about a little spark in a random town making a big fire and revolutionazing the world, but hardly feels like it, it feels more like the spark was setting the fire on and some dude came over and poured a bucket of water over it.
I know the mangaka wanted to mantain the realism of what actually happened but we watched 20 episodes of this fiction, at the very least make it mean anything at all, the discovery of the movement of the earth ends up having no relation what so ever to what we have withnessed, which is about the biggest atrocity you could make given the situation, just awful 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 16, 2025
For a 13 episode anime that ends, it is very good. The last episode by itself even if a little edgy, surprises me by how many things happened.
It is not a mindblowing anime but as far as 13 episode animes it was a good watch.
Characters feel alive, the style was well suited for teenagers though it failed for adults (the limusine driver for example, I feel like he was supposed to be 35+ but he looked like a 20 year old), animation was decent, very consistant and they made sure the powers felt good to see.
7.5/10 Is about right for its rating.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 14, 2025
I have no clue how this show is close to an 8. It is probably the worst anime about music that I have seen so far.
All songs are 4 verses repeated over and over, with a lot of these verses being a single word repeated multiple time.... yeah. And btw in this universe good song = high pitch.
Not only that the finale might be the cringiest thing in the world, somehow they predicted the covid actors singing *for all the people*, cause the last few episodes is literally just that.
Most of the show is not focused on music, but they have random pointless tangents like
a dipshit being depressed over nothing, and people we dont care about being depressed over other stuff. Instead of showing us songs, they decided it is better to show the reaction to the songs from the producer, sounds like fun :) !!!
Atleast the show has a point with the last song, you would think, but nope the mother was going to resign anyway, wow.
Atleast the anime is about humans beating AI in songs surely, right? Nop, think again the mc's arent even in the top 10 and everyone likes the AI songs better.
Yeah just terrible, dont watch it at all cost, every episode is worse than the last.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 15, 2024
I am beyond bored, counting episode 1 as 6 episoeds I have seen 13 episodes and nothing happens, supposedly a year has happened and no character has grown, this is his first death after the witch reveal and he reacts by doing nothing.
A whole year for the mc to mature and instead of asking for help, he continues to charge in like an absolute moron when he supposedly learnt his lesson in season 2.
It is just awful, a bunch of characters thrown togheter doing nothing, the show is beyond bloated, it has been totally reduced to waifus and nonsensical fights. I cant stand the amount
of freaking monologues that say nothing in this season, how did this get so bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 17, 2024
The anime is a constant bretrayal of the things it wants to tell, the author clearly has good ideas but his excecution is just really lacking. The serie is just not focused, what does it try to say? You can try hard to overcome things, yeah if a weird guy comes to you and gifts you a power, heroes are good and needed, yeah if you ignore all the violations they do and how frugal they treat other heroes lives including that of teens. The villains are in the right then? Hell no, one of them wants to genocide all non powers, other wants to
kill everything and everyone, other wants to dominate humanity, it is just plainly bad things without much characterization.
Now lets go over specifical things of the season which dissapoint me.
You got tomura with the most tame backstory and trying to justify constantly he is just a product of the enviroment.
You got off screen deahs of dozen of heroes instead of anything that might impact the watcher at all.
Society turning on heroes for what is the tamest things possible, they only have two reasons, a killing of a villain that was gonna kill people and the son being one of the villains, thats it, and the fact that "oh you didnt protect us so dont protect us anymore", instead they could have perfectly made it so more classes participated into the attacks, which would make more sense than only class 1-A and B, with all of two and three years missing apart of the three seniors, make it so students die and now the media has a reason to hate heroes institutions, but oh well.
I still have no idea why they didnt just kill all for one in prison, surely aizawa could show up, erase his power and they get something to chop his head or something but okey let this guy that has been 100 years terrorizing socierty live because no reasons.
I dislike the direction of going towards more quirks for everyone, it doesnt feel at all earner for any party and the fights are just a mess.
Really dont know why the author idea of a long time is a week, hawks infiltrates the enemy surely he has been doing it for months atleast no? Nop it was just less than a week, midoriya has been training after the heroes collapse for a while to get a hold of his new powers for sure right? Nop just 3 days. Surely the anime will use the fact that the academy is 3 years long and not just cram everything into a single year, nop lets fucking go year 1 baby.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 28, 2024
I did not realise how much of a trainwreck this was until episode 4, the test simply didnt make sense in the anime, I have no idea how it might have gone in the webtoon and I have zero interest in it, we are watching an anime and I will judge it by what they show me.
Whole episode 3 was stating the test and setting it up but episode 4 simply had no payoffs. Rules are simple but explained in a compelx way, initial groups of 2, one must always be guarding the room, the other can move freely, you can recruit people, you need
atleast 7 people and 6 rooms, with one of the rooms must be Bam's. Every room has a controller, with that controller you can open the door, recruit people or take control of their room (in the process dq'ing whoever is in the room).
So lurker got bam's room, he got wangman's room, and he had a group of 7, but even then he decided to not take either of the rooms and to not win for no reason.
To me that feels like a betreyal of the test which means last 2 episodes were worthless pieces of crap.
Not to mention that the new art style sucks, the animation is subpar, the bgm is way more forced than season 1, they dont resolve in the screen things like supposed deaths, they get another mc from nowhere which does nothing all and every single episode, the tests dont make sense. This is just bad.
Lurker was a really boring enemy too and you can argue they used the first 4 episodes as an arc a against lurker and he ended up doing nothing. His reasoning to betray the boss is never explained more than "I failed the exams so many times that he offered me a job", there is no real explanation why he didnt betray sooner if he wanted to betray him, if his dream is to climb up the tower why not take this chance that the boss has given him to finally do it? It is just trash, this seems like someone that watched hxh wanted to copy it but had no sense about what characterization, story, likeable mc's, tests and arcs, are. 0/10 it actively makes me hate season 1 in retrospect which I liked, it even deserves a negative score of how godawful it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 26, 2024
If you wonder why this anime has so many negative reviews, it is because this whole season as a whole should have been cut from the story, so much exposition, we had 2 or 3 combat episodes in a wapping 16 first episodes, this is a combat shonen, this has killed all what I thought I liked about slime, rest in peace.
Watch it if you want stuff like meetings, meetings, meetings or maybe some meetings, specially alone with an old merchant man, so he can exposition stuff to you and only you for 20 straight minutes, enjoy!
The series used to have a cool progression of
characters, some hidden mysteries scatered around places, now everything is revealed, the power system has honestly gone to shit for the most part and it is just not interesting, not worth to watch 24 episodes for 3 fights.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 4, 2024
Had to suffer through 4 episodes for something hype to happen only for it to get crushed by shitty dimming, you cant do that with what should a fight that draws people in, imagine if might vs noumu had this horrible dimming. It is incredible how it is 2024 and studios still cant plan for this, or streaming services both domicile and overseas have no acess to a version without it? Not everyone is affected by seizures, imagine if they passed a law to make peanuts unavaible anywhere instead of marking plates for peanut allergies so people can have both options, give as many options
as possible.
Not only that, everything else is also just bad, all characters are just bland, nothing happens every and each episode, the fight choreography is non existant, it should have been kept as a manga. Every single thing in this anime is just bland as hell, cant imagine that the last two thirds of the anime can be any better, and now that the fights will be butchered by dimming everything I dont even know why people are watching it anymore.
Nothing in the world is explained, none of the characters are developing at all, they seem like empty husks that do nothing, to me this just seems too similar to the current shonen troupes, doesnt seem to do anything unique and it will remain bland forever, I am not staying in to finish the last two thirds, see ya.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 21, 2023
This is the most non-sensical anime I have ever seen, not even in the good way or anything, it is just like someone vomited nonsense after nonsense. Firstly I will briefly complain about the animation, there is a handful of shoots and animations that are excellent, everything else is kinda meh, a lot of times actions resolve out of the spectator eyes too.
Firstly, yoneda is just wrong in so many levels, nakaumi when is made god can even observe how yoneda was wrong in his theories and refuses to accept anything, to the point of killing himself. Yoneda says god is really just a leech
of humanity, "it is wrong for god to exist cause humanity should be the one and only observer and creator of humanity end" sort of thing, obviously it wasnt the thing and the viewers are even a little gaslighted because something leeching god was a thing but it has no relation at all to what yoneda was describing, nakaumi ignores it, he also ignores the fact that he is creating humanity, inner god even says to him that he is creating humanity, that perhaps humanity created him but that he could not know who created him, he only knew that he was creating humanity, he ignores it and kills humanity.
To be honest this is not even the most frustating part of the story, most frustating part is how the author keeps decieving the audience about stuff without giving any payout or anything in return, "metropoliman did a nonsense plan, but wait there is someone behind it", procceds to be a character that does nothing the rest of the show and that just follows the mc. Same about lying that god would have the power to change humanity, "he would be able to use any of the wings and arrow powers without limitation" and a lot of stuff is justified behind it, like why they choose people that were suiciding "because they are the most appropiate to change the world", but around the final we are revealed that god will have no contact with humanity at all, so in the end god really couldnt do anything, which also causes that the fact of nakaumi getting confused by the previous god to have done nothing, more stupid.
In this case god selection would have been completely pointless, never the less, maybe I understood it wrong, after all the angels said that nakaumi should pay more attention towards humanity, then why did nakaumi basically ignore the proposit of god selection by his only one action being killing himself. He even wanted to help humanity and decided to prove something to yoneda for some reason, he was not able to accept that yoneda was wrong. Which again goes back to the point that there is no payoff, nothing is really explained, I guess there were entities that created god, we dont really know what their purpose is if after the death of earth they are content with death. Nasse being weird, again no purpose, I guess she was a microorganism and thats it.
Regardless of this, the story is just pointless, we get an initial part were the basic rules are explained, we get to see the mc grow a little and even get two buddies, the show goes from a free for all to a strategical use of the powers, then it procceds to be a 6 episode long fight were it is all out, go foward battle. Not much thought into it, even the last standoff, I guess it was cool how metropoliman died, but the entire time the fight just didnt feel like it should have been in this show, it doesnt even feel like smth metropoliman would do, which we get revealed at the end, but for what? for the secret bad guy to not be a bad guy at all, they are almost a non-existant character in the end.
Then we get basically preached by yaneda on how he is so right, mirai tells him logically no one extra would die if he became god, but if there would be no god there could be extra deaths, yaneda just refuses to accept anything else, this goes on for like 5 episodes. In this part we get a lot of missrepresented info, a lot of talks are repeated over and over, like the girl just wanting to keep living a rich life, or nakaumi thought process, it was cool at the start but it comes down to being the same thing over and over.
Finally, the end is approaching, nakaumi basically ignores everything god should do to make his yaneda sensei proud even when he is told and sees that yaneda was wrong, he procceds to do exactly the opposite of what every god candidate agreed on, kill himself, all this after seeing how humanity was suffering and how he should change things.
There just isnt interesting subtext to this, there is no deep meaning, there is nothing, things just sorta happen almost in a random manner, you cant predict the story not because it is intelligent or sofisticated or creative, you cant predict it cause it is just random shit happening lol.
If you want to see smth that makes you reflect or seek a deeper meaning while watching smth entertaining, I recommend from the new world, even deals with some similar stuff, it just does it right. Thats all, platinum end is super shitty 3/10 at most.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 1, 2022
It gets a 2 because of the cool flashback of amuro and the crew, otherwhise it would be not recomended and a 1. Honestly if you are unsure about viewing the film but you are a detective conan fan and are tired from the films, just watch from 29:30 to 39:10 and dont watch anymore.
Why is it so bad? Why did a famous bomber that is contracted to do bombs in certain places wants to get revenge on 4 random detectives, 3 of them dead and zero alive. After all that went for multiple years of dating a random police guy to marry him even
though she (the bomber) didnt love him and did all this so in their wedding she could explode shibuya (even though no one contracted her to do that), meanwhile somehow the random russian from the european group to hunt the bomber knew that she would bomb shibuya in advance for some reason, and didnt contact his organization at all, instead he decided to go all the way to tokyo to contact matsuda.
The bomber got exactly what she wanted at minute 0 when she got the bomb on to him, although for some reason she didnt try to detonate it at all until the end when it was already too late. Not to talk about how ridiculous is to capture zero by capturing matsuda's bomber letting him free to then explode him when zero was around, hoping he would have no backup at all and could put a bomb onto his neck, while not asking for him to do anything nor any intention to blowing him up, while praying that the secret police wouldnt get a way to desactivate that neck bomb.
So yeah, the movie is beyond absurd, I dont mind absurd moments like date going up 5 floors with a car door to save matsuda from a bullet in less time than zero going down a floor, like atleast it was a cool moment. This movie had really good moments but all dc movies have good moments, it is what dc movies excel at, this movie star moment (aka giant football) was worse than any of the other movies star moments, I am not even exagerating, it is by far the worse out of the 25 movies.
Marrying a policeman that she doesnt love with no purpose at all is ridiculous, why did she even need to be near shibuya to explode it? How did she even get access to all ballons, why did she put a bomb onto zero if she had no intention to kill him or control him or people close to him threatening to explode him. Why did she wait for the russian to get near the police station to blow him up.
The movie is just a series or random things put there to try to make it cool while making 0 sense through the whole movie, literally the worst detective conan movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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