Chadgamesh strikes again:
be me.
the strongest servant on humanity's side
summon me out of my own at an all-out war to fight for humanity
just stand there and do nothing
say three sentences after the fight is over
refuse to elaborate
Jan 20, 2022
Dec 22, 2018
"We just finished the depressed version of SG and everyone wishes for a 24th episode, what shall we do?"
"I know what to do! Let's give them an empty and silly Valentine's Day episode!" Yikes.. Story: There is not much to say about the story, it is Valentine's day and every goddamn girl, who played a role throughout the series, decided to join the fiesta. It felt boring, empty and the jokes were so bad that I wanted to cry. Hell, they even lewded our innocent cinnamon roll Mayuri. The only good thing about the OVA are Hiyajo's and [Kurisu's] interactions, especially the last scene had at least some significance ... |