Hanamaru Youchien revolve around Tsuchida, a clumsy person who has always been good with children. After leaving home and starting living on his own, he decides to work in a kindergarten.
Although Hanamaru Youchien isn't a masterpiece, it's certainly outstanding.
As the series goes on you find out more about the children their parents and all kind of fun story that will surly make you laugh and smile :} together with its fantastic art style, unique endings, fabulous background sound, and of course its funny and super kawaii(cute) characters, it may not be the best series out there, but you wont regret watching it! :}
Mar 28, 2010
The Sky Crawlers
The story revolve around a group of people who fly aircrafts.
*THIS REVIEW CONTAIN SPOILERS READ IT ONLY AFTER WATCHING THE ANIME!* Well I will start with the best, THE ART. Superb will be shrunken to the size of a microbe when compared to the wonderful animation art and style of this movie. The moment you jump into the movie is the moment you will see one of the most unforgeable scenes ever, the aircraft and the fighting were out of this world, the 3D and the 2D graphic combination is amazing, AWESOME in other word. but all good thing must end and the moment you get to ... Feb 24, 2010
Itsuka no Tsuki de Aimashou tell you the story of a young girl named Riha and a young boy named Miura. Riha's father was injured in a car accident, and when she lost her way to the hospital Miura stretch his toward her and guide her to the hospital. This was their first meeting.
Story: It was excellent! From the beginning to the ending it was well done, even though, like any other stories, it had its good and bad moments, it was really enjoyable and touching. Character: I'm really not a fan of outstanding perfect smiling loved by everyone guys, but I really liked Miura, his whole appearance ... |