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Feb 27, 2025
"It is a lost cause".
I hate how reviews works here, like, there is no much to say about this , but I'll have to be mumbling a lot of nothing just so it can be published.
Well, what is this anime? is a anime with cute girls, boo*s, nudity and a lot of fan service; I mean, those who likes this kind of stuff, will be satisfied, at least some scenes makes logical sense, but in general they have no excuse to exist; the girls are fine, generic, not much personality, boring most of the time; the survival guide stuff is kinda neat, some scenes when
the girls have to face the inevitable side of life and death add some flavor to the whole; the "rescue" episode shows some signs of writing quality, but the end doesn't ends anything, that's something to be expect for such a non serious show.
The anime is not horrendous, but it can't be more than "waste of time", just go watch something else, the fan service doesn't worth the time loss, there's such better animes full of fan service you can enjoy more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 20, 2025
[Tis Time for "Praise", Princess].
It's always remarkable how those shows of "One joke only" can find ways to use the same pretext again and again and yet never geting boring; when the usual approach is to always come with new plots for the public, there always those pretencious ones who proves that one scenario and a lot of creativity is enough to make something fantastic.
Himesama "Goumon" no Jikan desu is the best example for creativity, it's a mix of comedy, slice of life and nonsense that works pretty well, has obvious and subtle jokes, defy logic and knows well when not to throw it
off, and still have a not so serious plot that doesn't fail to impress. The characters are important for all of this to work, everyone has their own role that helps balancing all elements, "Ex", the sacred sword for example, helps to keep sanity and name crazyness, and "Torture" always come with the most absurd ideas, even little "Maomao" just being there to be cute become essencial to the whole; that's what makes this cast so good, everyone has their own objective and doesn't feel overshadowed by others, if you take someone out, you would feel the absence, because all of them have their own unique charm.
Although being a comedy, there is room for profoundness too, our little "princess" has that side "warrior" expressing proud, endurance, strength, courage; and then the "child" side bringing desires, dreams, inocence, exploration... and ends forming internal conflicts and expose fragilities, sacrificies, the hard expectancy put on somebody and how it can affect their minds, and that's why a character like "Mamma", this maternal figure who tender love and compassion, make such interactions so emotional and precious, or "Vanilla", the little version of our protagonist that shares the same mistakes and fears, forces our "princess" to see herself on another person and sympathizing to help to no see somebody else suferring doing the same choices she decided to make. And it's all shown without losing comedy, and turns such heavy topics light for conscious, and still sucesses on trasmiting the message, especially for those who reconize itself in.
Now, for being a repetitive scenario a lot of times, there is no way of watching this in one shot, ideally is to watch an episode per day, because it can lose meaning very quick.
[É Hora do "Elogio", Princesa].
É sempre impressionante esses shows de "uma piada só" que sempre encontram formas de usarem o mesmo pretexto de novo e de novo e nunca ficarem entediantes; enquanto a estratégia mais adotada seja a de sempre trazer tramas novas para engajar o público, existe alguns pretenciosos que provam que um único cenário e muita criatividade pode resultar em algo sensacional.
Himesama "Goumon" no Jikan desu é o melhor exemplo do que é criatividade, é uma mistura de comédia, slice of life e nonsense que realmente funciona, tem piadas óbvias e também piadas bem sutís, desafia a lógica mas também sabe quando mantê-la, e por cima tem um enredo nada sério que não falha em lhe arrancar suspiros. Os personagem são importantes para que tudo funcione, cada um exerce seu papel e ajuda a equilibrar os elementos, a espada sagrada "Ex" por exemplo, ajuda a manter a sensatez e à apontar o absurdo, enquanto "Tortura" a grande inquisitora sempre aparece com ideias mirabolantes, até mesmo a pequena "Maomao" que só serve para ser fofa torna-se essencial na construção desse universo; isso que agrada nesse elenco, todos tem um objetivo e não ficam ofuscados pelos demais, qualquer um que tirasse iria fazer falta, porque cada um contribui com o seu jeito unicamente carismático.
Apesar de ser uma comédia, aqui tem sim muito espaço para profundidade, a nossa "princesinha" com seu lado "guerreiro" expressa orgulho, resistência, esforço, coragem e etc; mas com seu lado "criança" expressa desejos, sonhos, inocência, descobertas... e acaba criando conflitos e expõe as fragilidades, os sacrifícios, a enorme expectativa colocada em um indivíduo e a pressão psicológica que isso causa, e é por isso que alguém como "Mamma", uma figura materna que oferece amor e compaixão, nos faz aproveitar essas interações com sentimento de preciosidade; ou "Vanilla", uma versão mirim da nossa protagonista que compartilham os mesmos erros e medos, e faz com que nossa princesa encare e tenha empatia de ajudar a não cometer as mesmas escolhas da qual lhe fez tanto sofrer. E tudo é feito sem abandonar a comédia, e faz com que essas cenas sejam leves mas que ainda transmita a mensagem, principalmente para aqueles que se identificam.
Por ser uma série que repete a mesma ideia várias e várias vezes, não há como assistir isso em uma levada só, a ideia é realmente assistir um episódio e dar um tempo, de preferencia um por dia, pois pode acabar perdendo a intenção.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 14, 2025
"It even seems like it's from another world"
It's confusing the way this anime works, things that should please you doesn't, and such non important things impresses.
The best way to describe it are the jokes; most of the jokes are beyond obvious and have silly punchlines and such a weird time, sometimes the characters don't react the joke for a few seconds and by the time you already realized the outcome and ends being so dull when finally happens, and then out of nowhere you see a unexpected reaction from a character and caught yourself laughing without noticing; it's something that makes you perplexed to the
point of questioning if there is some hidden geniality here you are not able to see, and the characters makes you even more perplexed.
The best characters are those who less shows, The "Demon King" appears about five times, but leaves a strong impression, without speaking a word, while "Jahy", annoys and does not pays off the attention it deserves; and it's not about her personality, her presence on the show is wasted by a lot of scenes that add nothing; it's not a excuse to serve as comic relief just for being a comedy, Kyoko ( The Magic Girl) shows much less but has such a good arc because her personality reflects on jokes and situations, and that makes her impression more concrete. On the design departament doesn't have much to be criticized, they are very unique and manifest purpose, like how all humans have such a generic design to fit on the ordinary, and other from the other world are clearly fancy.
A different point of view will be comparing this anime with ""Shinryaku! Ika Musume" who shares a similar premisse, and brings two unpleasant protagonists, and between the two you can understand what ""Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!" fails that "Shinryaku! Ika Musume" delivers; the way the protagonist adapt herself at the ambient more naturally, her personal growth matching with the learning time, emotions and humor on the right amount at the right time. It misses essential elements to be considered a good show, but it's still a unique experience to see.
"Até parece de outro mundo."
É muito confuso o jeito que esse anime funciona, as coisas que deveriam te agradar não agrada, e os detalhes mais insignificantes te impressiona.
O melhor elemento para ilustrar esse ponto são as piadas; a maioria das piadas são obvias com trocadilhos bobos, e tem um tempo tão estranho, as vezes os personagens ficam vários segundos sem reagir durante a piada e nesse tempo você já entendeu o desfecho e perde a graça quando finalmente acontece, e de repente logo em seguida o personagem tem uma reação inusitada e risos sai de sua boca sem você menos perceber; é algo que te deixa realmente perplexo ao ponto de se perguntar se há alguma genialidade aqui que você não é capaz de enxergar, e os personagens te deixa ainda mais perplexo.
Os melhores personagens são aqueles que menos aparecem, O Rei Demônio aparece em basicamente 5 cenas, mas deixa uma impressão forte, sem nem mesmo falar uma palavra, enquanto Jahy, irrita e não faz jus ao seu destaque; e isso não é sobre a sua personalidade. Sua presença na série é bastante desperdiçada em cenas que não agregam nada; não é desculpa por ser uma comédia que tenha que tratar como alívio cômico, Kyoko ( A garota mágica) aparece bem menos mas seu arco é muito mais safistatório porque as piadas e situações refletem a sua personalidade, e isso faz com que se tenha uma visão bem mais concreta sobre ela. No quesito design não há muitas críticas a serem feitas, são bem únicos e demonstra propósito, como os humanos tendo um design mais simples e genérico e representam normalidade, e os que são de outro mundo claramente sendo bem extravagantes.
Um ponto diferente, vai ser comparar esse anime com "Shinryaku! Ika Musume" que compartilham uma premissa bem semelhante, e trazem dois protagonistas antipáticos, e entre os dois você consegue entender oque "Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!" falta que "Shinryaku! Ika Musume" entrega; A forma como a protagonista se adapta e reage ao ambiente mais naturalmente, o amadurecimento que condiz com o tempo de aprendizado, as emoções e humor no seu tempo ideal. Faltou elementos essenciais para um ser considerado um bom show, mas ainda vale experienciar pela sua peculiaridade.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 19, 2024
"A Small Review, A Grand Play"
"Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko" is a example of the importance of short films.
In less than 30 minutes, it tells a story of growing up and the struggles it brings along the way, shows the peaceful side in death and the beautiful side of life, it's a type of narrative a full season show can't deliver, for not being tie-in on character development, tramas or dramas, it focus on the message and the better way to express it. It's poetic and romantic, full of meaning in every second.
Next time you don't have something to watch, give a chance for works
like this, some 30 minutes can fufill what you need.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 17, 2024
"A lot of quality wasted"
Pack your backpack e be ready for best time of your life, full of joy and fun; is that how people remember their days of school? hard would be one experience that doesn't share their bad days as a student, and that's something "Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku" should've treated too.
The anime is beautiful; really beautiful, extremely gourgeous, artstyle and soundtrack is the two aspects that impresses for the detail excellence, the ambient is perfect craved, and that will make the viewer discomfortable at some point, the excess distracts and make it difficult to connect with the world, the magic is on the
moments viewers are deserved of beauty, if everything is wonderful at all time, nothing is trully a highlight, but the hobbies kinda benefits from that. Art here is a spectacle of simbolism and meaning, sports are thrilling and what is strength when overcoming limitations and frustations, winning or losing, every hobbie is well described, how hard is to start something new that brings joy and satisfaction in the end, and how time and dedication is the only way of improving your skills, and every girl on the show helps reinforce the ideia of learning at your own pace.
In classroom there's a lot of diversity, every girl have their own unique interests, but they took "diversity" quite literal and took one important dinamic of sharing common interests, there are too many characters and subjects, decreasing everything and everyone would help the entire anime feels more fleshed out, and somehow, they trying to use "Akebi" to compensate it, poor one who's the star of the show but ends up serving as a narrative tool so the cast has a reason develop their own arcs and conflicts, has sacrificed her own development to be a solutions for the girls, in the last episode when she could feel like her own character, "Erika" walks in and takes all the spolight. The cast has a severe consistency problem, there is no time for everyone, so much good characters who basically don't come out of scratches, it would need a least three separately shows to accommodate ideally all this characters.
The anime is quite fun being just a thing on screen, it does have a lot of variety and a lot to offer as a distraction, but it can't be taken serious, if you do, you will get out frustated and unsatisfied.
"Muita qualidade que é um desperdício"
Arrume a sua mochila e se prepare para os melhores momentos da sua vida, cheio de alegria e diversão; será que é assim que as pessoas se lembram dos seus dias de escola? Difícil seria uma experiencia sequer que não tivesse passado por maus bocados no seu tempo de estudante, e "Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku" deveria ter tratado disso também.
O anime é lindo; muito lindo; extremamente lindo, a arte e a trilha sonora são os dois aspectos que impressionam pela excelência nos detalhes, todo o ambiente é prefeitamente esculpido, e quem assiste com certeza vai se sentir desconfortável em algum momento, o exagero distraí e dificulta o sentimento de querer se conectar com esse mundo, a magia está nos momentos ideais em que o telespectador se sente merecedor do belo, se tudo é maravilhoso a todo tempo, nada se destaca de verdade, no entanto os passatempos se beneficiaram com isso. A forma como a arte é expressa é um verdadeiro espetáculo de simbolismo e significado, os esportes são emocionantes e o que é a força de superar as limitações e frustações nas vitórias e derrotas, toda atividade é muito bem descrita, as dificuldades de se começar algo novo e a satisfação e alegria de conseguir conquistar os objetivos, e de como a dedicação e tempo é a única maneira de aperfeiçoar as suas destrezas, e cada garota fortalece esse conceito de cada um aprender no seu próprio passo.
Nessa turma a gente encontra bastante diversidade, cada garota tem seu interesse único, mas a diversidade foi levada tão ao pé da letra que tirou uma dinâmica essecial de se compartilhar os mesmos interesses, existe personagens e assuntos demais, reduzir tudo e todos ajudaria a tornar o show mais interessante, e de alguma forma, acabaram usando a "Akebi" para tentar compensar isso, a coitada que é a estrela do show acaba apenas servindo como uma ferramenta narrativa para que o elenco possa desenvolver seus próprios arcos e conflitos, sacrificando seu desenvolvimento para ser a solução aos problemas das outras garotas, no último episódio em que ela pode se dedicar ao seu próprio personagem, "Erika" entrou e roubou merecidamente todo o holofote pra sí. O elenco tem um grave problema de continuidade, não há tempo suficiente para ninguém, uma pena ver tantos personagens bons não saírem basicamente do rascunho, seria preciso no mínimo três shows separados para acomodar todos esses personagens de forma ideal.
Esse show diverte quando não se tem nada para assistir, tem tantas propostas e variedade que serve muito bem como fundo ou distração, mas não da para se levar à sério, se escolher investir no enredo vai sair daqui frustado e insastisfeito.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 24, 2024
"Isn't this a Shinryaku! Ika Musume review?".
Of course there is a anime of a girl that is a squid, what a suprise! And the title really reveal how basic it is, not being bad at all, everyone likes a quick and healthy entertainment. It could have had a little more development of everyone and everything, some elements asks to shine more, specially "Eiko n' Ika".
The series style is made to not be taken serious, the interactions are not canonical between episodes, that's how it works with "Eiko n' Ika" too, but it's clear that our main duo is treated with more care, they relationship subtly
grows into small and precious moments, and every great changes is well deserved, it's not a organic relationship but it is special your development, it makes you wish more and more of them two acting side by side. Now, "Sanae Nagatsuki" can simply disappear and no one would miss her, this character doesn't add much, besides some two or three scenes that are good, it's a total waste of time that could be used by other side characters, like the "three scientists", everytime they are on scene it's guaranteed laugh, or "Kiyomi Sakura" that is for sure more interesting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 29, 2024
"Another Good Unknown Anime"
Blue Reflection Ray is your tipic underrated anime that no one gives nothing and ends up being the best thing you've ever watched, although it takes a while to have that perception; It is divided in two halfs, two arcs and two different qualities.
The first half is what shows the most problems. The beginning is not one of those exciting ones, the characters are undistinguible by generic design without carisma like their personalites, a standard storytelling in the "Magic Girls" genre with all the "friendship power", "teamwork" and the old "Good and Evil" chiches being far of interesting, well, except for the
drama. The drama is the first good reason to stay, it's intriguing, even with all the unnecessary parts to fill the episode, specially the girls interactions, when the antagonists show up, things take a good turn. Shino, this misterious character and her antagonistic team is by fact a important part of giving a little impression on the essence of the series conflicts. Conflits, that term is the biggiest problem on the start, the fights and the action scenes are a immeasurable atrocity, there are no consequences and no difference in which side wins or loses, and the dialogues, my god, how bad are the dialogues that could make you want to bury you head on the ground by how cringe it is, and it stays like that for a good period, if it wasn't for the "villains", nothing else would made you keeping watching for what comes beyond
The second half is the first half with all the problems fixed and given meaning. The anime accomplished the achievement of doing something half of all animes out there couldn't do, give every feeling deepness and authenticity. The proportion and weight in every emotion, every line of dialogue, every interaction, elevate the complexity and the inifinity of what a feeling could be, everything and everyone's respected and not changed for the sake of the plot, it breaks the fine line between that "Good and Evil" thing, protagonism and antagonism distances themselfs of what's right and wrong, transform every individual, their motives, ways of dealing and how they interpret their own lifes in something unique, reflected in a grand and deserved finale. Congratulations to the creators for the good work and efficiency in taking the flaws and giving it meaning and deepness even to the most generic thing there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 25, 2024
"Boring, boring and more boring"
There's really not much to talk about this work that deserves a extensive review.
There is no story, there is no romance (at least not one that worth it), just a lot of visible cliches and a attempt of making something entertaining without success.
The characters are extremely unnatural and have no consistency, they shift personality and act like different persons in different scenes mainly because every interaction is blank and plain that there's no much to take out of each character.
There's like a half of dozen jokes that can make you laugh, and mostly are from Akina the supervisor. He's a dumb
genius. I would be more interested in a show with him just trying to bring couples together with the most crazy plans ever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 26, 2024
"Don't judge a book by it's cover... or maybe do."
When first seeing the art cover of this anime, most people would be like "No, thank you", and a some would think "... yeahh, whatever, I've nothing better to watch", giving some episodes a chance with low expectations and by the time it reaches the third or fourth episode, turns out... yeah, this anime is really bad. The animation is atrocious, the cast so boring and the main character it's one of those "degenerate guys" who insert sex jokes in every sentence who leaves his mouth, or his mind in that case, and nothing really happens,
just the interactions into the two main characters that makes everyone roll their eyes, so much things that for sure made a lot of viewers drop the anime as it is and just a few braves ones that continued it, for insistance or indifference, not expecting any more than this, has started to note that there was more to it.
As more and more come, the whole show speaks one undeniable truth, the story, it's really good, like really amazing. The animation lacks quality, but the writing is at it's peak; good storytelling, good plot and drama, good character development. Brace's Arc is by no exaggeration just perfection, a straight structure of events to a well-written character and plot; no unnecessary filling, and the main duo just gets better and better at every episode with a natural evolution of each one's feelings, and the worldbuilding is full of harsh social criticism not commonly told.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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