I just want to say one thing: all bad reviews are somewhat understandable. But I still believe this is anime of the year. I'm going to comment on the controversy because that's absolutely needed and there will be a few spoilers (for the first 3-4 episodes maybe), and then I will talk about everything else which is amazing.
This show brings a very complicated (and impossible) scenario, and it's actually good that there is such a controversy surrounding it with many points of view. I would feel really uneasy if everyone did ignore it.
So the main confusion is, our mc is a 40 yo that reborns
as a child, and then he will be seen in some ecchi/pervetic scenes, some involving other children too. And the thing is, he keeps (at least part?) his adult mind. It's not hard to see how this is linked to a very serious problem that we have in society, pedophilia. Now, like I've said, this is an impossible situation - this kind of shit doesn't happen in our universe, no one is reborning and keeping the old mind within. Because of this, I think it's a very personal thing on how to judge this scenario since it's 100% fantasy. The way I see, his mind mixes a bit with his new life so it's unfair to say he is a "40 yo old creepy in the body of a child", it's proven in the very first episode when he says that he is not attracted to his mother because she is his mother, even tho he says that she is very hot., also although he is very mature for his age, he is often doing things exepcted for his age.
There is a real confusion of his past life with his new life: instincts, values, morales, and sexual desires are all twisted and modified due to his new living conditions. I guess it's natural for him to be interested in children that are the same age, but I can also see people being disgusted by it, it often bothers me as well (especially when there is narration with his mature voice), it would be way easier to digest and create our own canon if his older self was dropped from the story somehow, but it is what we have. Everyone is free to think differently on this.
We also have a big thing directly related to it, that's add more to the controversy: there is a scene that implies his older self was caught fapping to child porn games, or something along these lines. He also had a very bad childhood, being heavily bullied in school and things like that. It doesn't matter tho. That's a very serious crime and disgusting, he died and that's it, good fucking riddance. Now, the other controversy is how do we see that in regards to him living in his new young body and having interaction with young girls? Again, another scenario that is not real to us, so we can only especulate. I believe that us society should bring our own justice here in this planet. He was caught, beaten up, and died shortly afterwards. What do we do after that? If you believe in life after death, then either you believe in hell/heaven or reincarnation. And that comes the question, he was already punished in earth, should his punishment keep going forever as long as his soul exists? Should he be eternally hated and his good deeds ignored? For me, you either believe in redemption or you don't at all. If you can forgive murder, if you can forgive cheating, if you can believe someone can become better, then that's it, and I do believe that. He was reborned in this new world, let's see how his attempt at redemption or atonement will go.
Well, that was a lot but that's how I view the whole situation. It creeps me a bit still but I can flow with the show, I can accept its universe.
Ok, right, let's go into the amazing stuff. Now, everything else in this show is just fucking amazing, that it's easily the anime of year for me. It's going to be a reference in isekais in the future, that's a classic being created.
I don't usually give a shit about art, but the art in this anime is something I've never seen before, I've read that this studio was created just to animate this show. There are so many details. There are scenes where it would be easier to just have the speaking character animated but they will still keep everyone else doing something at the same time, the attention to details is just ridiculous. There is no real opening, there is just the OP music, and they will play it while showing more of beauty of the cities, it would be easier to just use an opening on every episode, but they chose the hard path. The world is great, and it will bring all those fantasy/medieval feelings way better than any other show I've seen. The scene where he casts the last spell Roxy teaches him, it's just so beautiful oh my god.
Now, onto the story. The story is very unusual, while there hasn't been any big plot twists so far (I've only seen the first 10 episodes) the plot and the direction the show takes is very interesting and unique. There are almost no useless information. I won't give spoilers but I was very impressed with some of the plot decisions on the first few episodes, there is stuff there that I haven't ever seen being handled in other anime. The whole magic system is cool, so far looks very well thought, deeper than most isekais.
Characters are also good. His family is very unique, and seens like we'll have a love triangle or harem being built just right. Aside from some unneeded fan service, I feel that the two love interests shown so far are fun, and what is even better, the show is moving along with time, time is passing by really quickly in this beggining (he is 10 by the end of the season), MC is probably going to reunite with the girls when they are all older and it's going to be interesting.
Overall, very solid isekai, outstanding art, very well written plot, nice characters, very very promising.
Mar 20, 2021
I just want to say one thing: all bad reviews are somewhat understandable. But I still believe this is anime of the year. I'm going to comment on the controversy because that's absolutely needed and there will be a few spoilers (for the first 3-4 episodes maybe), and then I will talk about everything else which is amazing.
This show brings a very complicated (and impossible) scenario, and it's actually good that there is such a controversy surrounding it with many points of view. I would feel really uneasy if everyone did ignore it. So the main confusion is, our mc is a 40 yo that reborns ... |