You know how sometimes people say "it was so bad it was good"? Well this is a case for that.
The story is pretty lame. The MC, although he has a cool voice, he really is just too OP. The side characters feel empty. And I spent half the time wondering what was going on. Oh and these are probably the worse action scenes I have ever seen.
However, I thought the random breaking into song parts were hilarious. I also thought the random magical girl transformations were super funny. There is no better moment then when halfway through a bad fight scene, a chorus of
Jun 10, 2016
Seishun Pop!
**There may be slight spoilers in this review**
Although many people seem to have not enjoyed the final arc of the manga, i found it very fitting. For the whole buildup, everything in the manga goes so well. The story has a ver "normal" feel and all the characters are well developed, but you can still sense that there is something missing. In the final arc, we slowly start to delve deeper into the characters and finding all their hidden sides. We notice that everyone has a dark story behind their big smile. I found it so fitting, and this definitely left a mark in me ... |