May 20, 2021
Chou Dokyuu Shoujo 4946
A great and fun read, especially for those who like feel-good mangas with good romance. Although somewhat filled with romance cliches very frequent in the genre, it still executes it properly, not once had I have an issue with the cliches used. The story's premise is simple and sweet, you have a gigantic girl and a dude who wants a girlfriend cause he just loves girls too much and then you delve deep into a fun battle-romance manga with a good conclusion. Overall the manga is a great read and it isn't a hassle to read through with only having 29 chapters easily finishing
May 16, 2021
Nozoki Ana
Who knew a borderline hent manga would make me feel other emotions with the exception of horniness. Nozoki Ana is a mature adult romance story that really is sort of realistic unlike other average romance mangas. The art is great and I see no issues with it. While for characters the MC is somewhat of a timid character that is most common in romance stories. Although other characters feel realistic and aren't one-sided stereotypes most known in the rom-com genre. Overall enjoyment is certainly a 9 for me it has moments of being a very intimate manga while also being one that delves deep into
May 12, 2021
Nozo x Kimi
If you're looking for a fun and wholesome ecchi to enjoy, Nozo X Kimi is a good recommendation. The story is fun and the same as nozoki ana, which makes sense since it is a spinoff story lol. The characters and their growth are great although issues with the MC being somewhat of a Shinji like character who doubts everything around himself is a prevalent issue within this manga. Overall I think this manga is a great read for those who want a wacky romance story where it's not super mature and deep but it has depth to itself that it can be taken seriously
May 11, 2021
Vampire Hunter D (2000)
Beautiful art, soundtrack, and overall a fun story to watch. The movie is beautiful and offers a very interesting setting and story. This is one of those animes you could just get lost staring at due to how beautifully crafted it is. Now on to the story, it's very reminiscent of stories such as the witcher where you have a bad-ass stoic main character where his mission is to hunt down monsters. The overall plot is somewhat cliche due to how it is an action-focused story, but that shouldn't sway you away from feasting your eyes on the beautiful art and great world building.
May 8, 2021
5-toubun no Hanayome
Firstly I'm not a big fan of Harem animes/mangas, but Quintessential quintuplets have provided me enough enjoyment to make it a good exception to most harem mangas I know. I really enjoyed the mystery to it and how most twists were really impactful although for me the ending felt cliche as there were already hints to it from the beginning of the story. Overall I enjoyed the manga/anime and the only thing that I think most viewers would be split about was the ending of it. I would recommend this to many who are fans of a slice of life and romance genres.