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Jan 23, 2024
Art Style: ugly and inconsistent, specially when it comes to faces and ears, I laughted so many times because of it.
Story: really boring, gets political sometimes, which it's not my cup of tea. Also has too many technical stuff when it comes to medicine (I know the female lead it's a doctor, but I found it really boring)
Female Lead: she is a genius and I don't really like this time of characters because I prefer to see hard work and growth
Male Lead: Sooooo boring
Other Characters: I mostly forgot everyone
Romance: really boringing
Final thoughts: I know I repeated "boring" too many times, but it summarized my
feelings while reading it. Overall do not recommend it, unless you want something completed and simple
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 25, 2023
Female Lead is simple but good enough for me to route for. With a sad background that somehow reminded me a lot about myself. The Male Lead tho, we know almost nothing about him. Bit still, he's cute and their interactions are heartwarming.
Overall it's a very mid romantic fantasy. If you're looking for a plot and complex and well developed characters this is not the manhwa for you. At times it looked like it was written by a 12 year old. But it's a light short story, with fast pacing. If you're looking for a distraction this serves just fine.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 4, 2022
Well, first of all I would like to say that this review is based of personal preference (as all reviews usually are) and I only read 2 volumes. Also, english is not my first language.
My thoughts:
▪️A Cinderella type of story it's not my thing. The FL suffers her whole life until a male "prince", strong, beautiful and wealthy appears to save her, and he's the only reason she begins to overcome her traumas
▪️About the character development of the female lead, it's too fast, and too simple (if you consider the amount of trauma she's been through).
▪️The Kouji problem: Kouji it's a pick
me boy, he totally suffers from the "nice guy syndrome". He thinks he's the only one who can save the FL, and even considered a horrible thing as the only option, while thoghtout his entire life he just watched everything. He's pissed me off, A LOT
▪️The storyline is pure cliche. And don't get me wrong, I enjoy a cliche done right, which it's not the case here. It was just boring and looked like a manga that I would read in the 2000's. Villains that the only reason they are villains it's because they hate the FL and because they are bad people, like seriously?
▪️Initially I was going to give it a 7, but I read the first chapter of the light novel that this manga is based on and the writing it's so much better. Like, seriously, the manga did dirt to the original novel. That just proves that the same story can cause emotions in different ways just by the author writing skills. So if you like the manga, give the light novel a try. Knowing how the original it's better I had to give it a 5
Overall, week FL that are saved by the man around her and only manage to grown because of them, it's not my thing at all. If you don't mind that you probably will enjoy way more than I did, so give it a try. If you don't like this type of story like me there's plenty of good fantasy in historical setting with better storylines and characters, specially in korean webtoons.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 9, 2021
I couldn't pass chapter 6, so I don't know if things get better, but for me this is not a romance, it's a horror. The male lead needs therapy immediately. He has all the toxic behaviours that you could think about. And the female lead just ACCEPTS EVERYTHING. If it was for a different demographic I wouldn't be complaining, it's okay to portrait a toxic behavior and a bad relationship, but this is a story for teenage girls, where's the responsibility? I know because when I was growing up we had a lot of stories like this and guess what?
For me and my friends this obsessive toxic relationships was "our goals", for us it was romantic. When you're writing for a young audience you need to have responsibility of how you're portraying things.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 16, 2021
-English review-
A lot of people recommending this anime on social media and the high score convinced me to try it, although I don't like isekai (with some exceptions), but what a horrible experience. Basically, all male characters are pervs and all female characters are sexual objects that are harassed all the time. Not only that, but the protagonist, in addition to being a pervert, is a pedophile (even if he is on a child's body, he is an adult on the mind and he literally tries to remove the panty from a 10-year-old CHILD and puts the blame on her because according to him "
she was asking by being vulnerable while sleeping "). I saw a lot of people justifying the protagonist's behavior with "the good thing about this anime is that the protagonist is neither a good nor a bad person, he is a human being with defects". Harassing women and children IS NOT A DEFECT, IT IS A CRIME. Honestly, the only thing I could feel watching this anime was disgust. And I really tried, because I was hoping that at some point things would improve and the protagonist was going to learn some lesson, but I couldn't make it to the end. It's a shame, because the animation is amazing, the soundtrack too. Oh, and do not say that the behavior of men in this anime is like this because it is realistic, we are talking about a world with magic, species that do not exist ... the story is like that not because it is trying to be realistic, but because there is an audience that likes to see women being harassed and female characters that only exist in the history to be sexual objects for the male characters and for those who are watching, and if you didn't bother, you are probably part of this audience.
--Revisão em portugues--
Muita gente recomendando esse anime nas redes sociais e a nota alta me convenceram a tentar assistir, apesar de não gostar de isekai (com algumas poucas exceções), mas que experiência horrível. Basicamente, todos os personagens masculinos são tarados e todas as personagens femininas são objetos sexuais que sofrem NO MÍNIMO assédio o tempo inteiro. Não só isso, mas o protagonista além de tarado é pedófilo (mesmo estando no corpo de criança, a mente dele é de adulto e ele literalmente tenta tirar a calcinha de uma CRIANÇA de 10 anos de idade e coloca a culpa nela porque segundo ele "ela está pedindo por estar vulnerável enquanto dorme" ). Eu vi muita gente justificando o comportamento do protagonista com "o bom dessa história é que o protagonista não é uma pessoa boa nem ruim, ele é um ser humano com defeitos". Assediar mulheres e crianças NÃO É DEFEITO, É CRIME. Sinceramente, a única coisa que consegui sentir vendo esse anime foi nojo. E eu realmente tentei, pois tinha esperança que em algum momento as coisas fossem melhorar e o protagonista fosse aprender alguma lição, mas não consegui ir até o final. É uma pena, porque a animação está muito maravilhosa, a trilha sonora também. Ah, e não venha dizer que o comportamento dos homens é assim porque é realista, estamos falando de um mundo com magia, espécies que não existem... a história é dessa forma não porque está tentando ser realista, mas porque existe um público que gosta de ver mulheres sendo assediadas e personagens femininas que só existem na história para serem objetos sexuais pros personagens masculinos e para quem está assistindo, e se você não se incomodou provavelmente faz parte desse público.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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