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Feb 17, 2025
Hajime and his harem are back for another season. We are digging deeper into the world's story while meeting new and old characters, with it still being a power fantasy.
In this season do we follow Hajime and the others after they have saved the rest of their class from certain doom. We then see them travel towards the last couple of dungeons they need to conquer, to hopefully find a way back to Japan, though they might be sidetracked a bit on the way.
For the plot of this season we follow a couple of arcs, with each putting focus on different aspects of the characters.These
arcs both make direct progress to what seems to be the show's ending, while also expanding on the world's setting. The arcs vary slightly in the quality when it comes to plot, with some feeling more influential and others less so. This does not necessarily mean that any of them are bad, but just that some arcs are more endearing than others. Though overall does the plot fit into the rest of the show and is a nice extension to previous seasons.
Where this season really shines is actually the characters, with how we see multiple characters evolve and show previously unknown sides of them. This is done differently for each character, with some having a gradual change through each arc, while others have a major change in a single arc/episode. But it is all done quite seamlessly as it fits smoothly into everything else around them. These changes in the characters overall really helps the show take steps away from it being Hajime and the girls, and instead moving towards being a group of individual characters.
Probably the only place where the show feels like it has gotten worse, is the animation. This is not to a degree where it is painful to watch, but is something noticeable. The way it mostly shows is through an increased use of still images, still backgrounds, and some fights have lost their flair and instead seem slow. The style is still the same and it is not ruined by the issues in the animation, but it just fell a bit in quality.
With all that is the show still not necessarily a masterpiece. But I would still recommend watching this season, if this has been a show you liked. Since it sticks to the show's core and is a nice continuation to the story, even though the animation is lacking a bit behind.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 28, 2024
When you can't win in a fantasy world, then why not try in a cyberpunk world instead? That’s what ended up happening to this demon lord after losing to the hero.
This show follows the demon lord Veltol and his subordinate Machina. We see them as Veltol reawakens after 500 years of slumber, where his only subordinate left is Machina and he is not in his usual fantasy world, but a high tech cyberpunk world.
First the plot of the show is very straightforward in each arc, with a new goal being clear after one goal is achieved. This is supplemented with a few twists that are
built up by minor details throughout the arcs, which helps keep the plot from being too predictable. The pace is also very nice, with it not being too slow or fast and thereby giving room for just the right amount of detail of the world, plot and characters. Combined, does this give the show a great feel for the plot with it making the viewer comfortable in both the world and story, while still keeping it interesting.
When it comes to the characters, are they following a similar pattern as the plot, with the characters being fairly straightforward with a few twists to them. Especially looking at the two main characters, since their character type is very much set and does not have the most character development, but still has some significant change throughout. But what really sets the two apart from the others, is their quirks about being immortal and the view at life it brings with it. For the side characters they are the ones carrying the most character development, with that more directly following the plot of an arc, which tangles greatly into the plot. All the characters together give the steady core from the main characters, and with it helping the side characters bloom with the story arcs.
The show's animation is great, with it paying attention to both background, characters and the combat scenes. First the backgrounds are both detailed and animated to some degree, which really helps give the feel of it being a cyberpunk setting. While the characters are shown to have details in their movement and facial expression, this really makes the characters seem more alive and enticing. Finally the combat scenes are done with great attention to both magic and melee combat, with it being able to follow in great magical spectacles and high speed clashes.
The whole aspect of combining fantasy and cyberpunk is a major thing for the whole show, since it sets both the tone and the atmosphere. There can be many problems in combining these two things if not done right, since one can easily over shadow the other one. But the show really brings the two together by thinking into the way of how magic and technology would work with each other. This is the main reason why this show successfully pulls off doing both fantasy and sci-fi.
To conclude, this is a great show, with an amazing plot, nice characters and great animation, which has successfully combined fantasy and sci-fi. So if you are at least a little interested in such a combination can i only recommend this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 25, 2024
First being hunted by your fiance, because of false charges of treason. To then be taken back in time and become betrothed to your former enemy, is certainly a hard start to a new attempt of life.
This show follows Jill and Hadis, who have become betrothed after Jill was taken back in time. We see them have to figure out their own situation and relationship, as Jill also tries to stop certain events from unfolding the same way as they did in her previous time.
The plot of the show very much revolves around Jill wanting a life that doesn't end the same way as the
last one, and to avoid a future where Hadis turns into the enemy she formerly knew. This is done with fairly straightforward plot arcs, where throughout there are a few flashbacks to Jill's former life. Through that do we get a broader perspective of situations and with it more insight into the plot, characters and setting. So we get a smooth straightforward plotline that expands itself with flashbacks and sometimes some unknown twists, which really makes the story appealing.
For the characters they are well written and have some unique details to them, with some having more underlying details then others. For the two main characters, they are very much built up to have their big character progression happen over the full length of the story, with the show only showing some milestones for their development. But when we then look at the side characters, is it actually clear that they are built to be able to go under transformation and change their ways. We also see how some of them harbor greater secrets then others, and some take more time to acclimate to the coming change. This all gives a feeling of knowledge in relations the characters have between each other, which overall shapes a great dynamic that forms around the plot.
Animation wise do they switch between some different styles, where each style is very clearly connected to some type of scene. This is for example more chibi design for the silly and fun moments, while combat and serious scenes has a more mature and detailed animation style to it. Though throughout the show there is a more cartoonish feel to it, which is not necessarily bad, since it gives it a bit of uniqueness to the show. This choice in animation also really pairs up well with the characters and plot.
Sadly for the whole show there is one big drawback, which is the age difference between Hadis and Jill, Jill being 10 and Hadis around 19, Jill was 16 in her former timeline. This type of relationship and those ages, can easily become something very wrong. But the show has saved it in a way that makes one less critical around their relationship, which is done through no fan service, no sexualization, and generally building it around wholesomeness. With it they succeeded in it being a cute relationship, instead of a sexualized one.
So with all that it is a great show with a questionable couple they portray in the best way possible. Thereby I will definitely recommend you watch this, if it is a genre you like or just that you find the idea of the show interesting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 24, 2024
Once again is a person reborn as the villainess in an otome game, but unlike most times, does this one want to stay as the villainess and do it better then the original one.
For this show do we follow the reincarnated villainess Alicia, who has reincarnated into the child body of her future favorite villainess character from an otome game. But unlike what happens in the original game’s story, will Alicia strive further and truly become the greatest villainess there ever was.
The plot of the show revolves around both the childhood of Alicia and events that originally happened in the game. We see how her
take and plans of her future shape those around her, which starts to affect the original order in the former games story. This is done both in some bold actions that have clear effect, but also through some subtle changes that slowly accumulate into a larger plot point. This gives a nice balance with some episodes having bold plot movements where big steps are taken, while others seem like they are mostly slice of life with the plot moving in the background. This together gives a nice smoothness to the plot that also keeps the viewers on their toes for potential hidden details.
When it comes to the characters in the show, are they fairly detailed, but with most of them having a very basic background. A lot of the characters are also shown from childhood which leaves little space for them to have undergone some big events in their past. But it is also not this part of the characters that is most emphasized in the show, what they really focus on is their interaction with others and how that evolves. This is especially clear with how people react to their interactions with Alicia, and how she brings change with her, both through conscious and unconscious actions, even though herself doesn’t change as much. So the show is more focused on the character interactions and the relationships between them, then the individual's character progression.
Animation wise for the show, is it fairly average. There is not very high emphasis on big spells, combat or character designs, so nothing special really shows up in the animation. Of course there are still some scenes that are shown some more attention than others, where they are done with more detail and effort. But other than that there is not anything really special about the animation.
Overall is it a great villainess anime, with a character that is not oblivious about the world around her, and a plot that shows both big events and subtle details. It also gives a great flow between the characters with how they affect each other through their actions. So if you are whatsoever interested in this anime, I would definitely recommend watching this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 23, 2024
We return to another world where Rio just has rescued Celia, as new people from Japan arrive in this unfamiliar world, now what do they bring with them?
In this season of Spirit chronicles do we once again follow Rio, but added to the cast is some new visitors from Japan. We follow them as Rio tries to uncover how and why they have been summoned to this world, with that he meets new people and gets deeper into the movements of this world.
For the plot of the season it is in itself pretty interesting, with Rio having to handle newcomers from his original homeworld, while
trying to figure out what is happening in this situation. This gives some great insight into the larger world and the overarching plot that was hinted at in the previous season. The issue with the plot is that it feels slow or more like there isn’t happening enough, which sometimes makes it feel like there is barely anything happening in the scene. So the plot’s story in itself is pretty interesting with it building up to a larger story, but the pace and lack of details just makes it feel slow.
When it comes to the characters, are we once again seeing a similar situation as with the plot. There is laid some great groundwork for some interesting character plotlines and possible growth. But the actual character growth in the characters is limited, though it is there and fairly interesting, it is just hit by the same issue with not having enough being done in the season. With this is it just clear that the groundwork and possibilities were there, there was just not enough time put into it.
The animation of the show has sadly fallen a bit in quality since the last season, with there being used more still images and less details, especially out of combat. Monsters are also done with CGI which gives them a more monstress look, but also seems cheap.
When it comes to the show overall there are two things as repeating problems, the pacing and lack of details. Both plot and characters are affected by the slow pacing with the whole season moving slowly, and they don't make up for it by putting more plot and character details in to fill it out. This is also made worse by the animation having more still images with less details, so the viewer also visually doesn’t have enough going on.
To conclude it, the story and characters alone lives up to the first season and is bringing some great progression. The issue is just the pacing is too slow and the animation is slightly worse, which spoils the story and characters. So if you are interested in this story and want to know what comes after season one, then watch this, if you are not that interested, watch something else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 22, 2024
When your only power is plot armor and it has carried you to a position where one wrong step can easily result in your demise, does it make sense to wish for an early retirement.
In Let This Grieving Soul Retire do we follow Krai, the guild master of the strongest guild and leader of the strongest adventurer group in the country. The only problem is that he is the only one in the party without any powers, a thing of course no one believes,which gives people a completely different idea of what he is actually capable of.
The plot in the show is very much driven
by Krai trying to run both the guild and his adventurer party in a way that keeps him out of trouble. But this is easier said than done, since everyone often takes his word either as a lead to a greater truth or maybe a bit too literal. Which results in all kinds of situations where his luck has to come in and save him and those around him. Which gives a fairly interesting plot, that includes some nice action and sometimes humoristic moments as well, it just feels a bit lackluster at times.
When it comes to the characters are they a bit of a hit and a miss. The thing they do great is put in a variety of characters for Krai to interact with, that each see him in a different light. They also know how to give characters some good details that slowly are unveiled as we get further into the show. What most are lagging behind in is actual character progression since we are meeting most characters after they have “peaked”, and there is no real progression in their opinions or skill sets, which makes the great unveiling of their secrets feel a bit dull, since it's not really followed up. From this it is clear they have some great groundwork for the characters, there is just not enough that really pushes them forward.
For the concept of the show, which is having a weak person somehow leading the strongest, is it a concept seen elsewhere. That does not mean that the concept is bad, and the show is definitely doing the concept in itself justice, they are keeping a nice play between people seeing Krai as he is and who they think he is. Which makes it quite interesting, but what makes it fall a bit behind is that they also sometimes play on ecchi scenes and humor. This just draws away from the original concept and takes room from the places that could use a bit more attention, which is slightly disappointing.
Animation wise is it fairly good, with it having smooth animation through both in and out of combat. There are a few moments that seem a bit more clunky, but they have generally attention to the characters movement and a great choice in colour pallets.
The show overall is not a bad show, it is just falling short in some places which is resulting in it being less captivating. So if you are really into this type of show and want to see more of it, then i would definitely recommend it, but if you want something with more detail in their characters and plot, then i would watch something else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 21, 2024
To first be banished as healer from a well established group, to slowly rise in fame with a new adventure, is a classic and possibly great tale, but sadly seems to be a bit tame.
In this anime do we mainly follow the two adventures Laust and Narsena, where Narsena has recently started her adventure career and decided to form a party with the experienced healer Laust. We then follow the two as they start their adventure as a party, through this do we see them conquer monsters, form enemies and find both old and new friends.
The plot in the show is fairly straightforward, with it
being adventures dealing with monsters and other adventurers. Then a larger and more overarching plot starts to be revealed as the show unfolds, with it staying to the very classic and stereotypical adventure fantasy tropes. The plot in itself is very straightforward and somewhat leaves more to be desired, since it doesn’t have much depth and the twists happening are very predictable, which is kinda disappointing.
All the characters in the show are once again very straight forward, where they each clearly fill their own social role. It is again very stereotypical, which is in itself not bad, but when the characters are not then followed by great depth or developing story arcs, does it feel very underwhelming. Which is like the story, kinda disappointing, since they are playing with some good classic tropes, but are just not making it truly their own.
Animation wise is the anime quiet average, they don't put much in the characters design, in the form of changing outfits, hair styles and so on. But there's still a fine flow in the animation, both in and out of combat, with the combat in itself being held to a fine standard that keeps it more visually interesting.
To conclude it all, is the anime just very average. The characters, plot and animation is nothing really special and is just fine. So I would only watch this if you really are into the concepts or these types of shows, otherwise I would watch something.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 19, 2024
To fake a marriage with your coworker, just to avoid being transferred to a new branch opening in Alaska, might be seen as a drastic step, but it can bring a new future with it.
In 365 days to the wedding do we follow Honjouji and Oohara, who are colleagues at a travel agency. But when it is announced that one of the employees at the branch will have to be transferred to a new branch in Alaska, they will have to act. Since they are both prime candidates for this spot until they announce their upcoming marriage, which is in reality a fake story to
avoid being transferred.
The story throughout the season is based around this fake marriage and how they have to keep up appearances while still trying to live their separate introverted lifestyles. What gives the plot its twist and turns is the people around them, like their families and coworkers who of course have questions and want to be included in the upcoming wedding. They also of course have to interact more with each other, which brings its own complications and brings all sorts of events that have to be solved. These things make a nice plot that gives each episode their own theme of sorts, but also helps bring the two characters over all closer together and thereby bring the overarching plot forward.
When it comes to the characters is it very much focused around our two main characters Honjouji and Oohara, with the side characters mostly either introducing or representing problems and questions they have to face. This structure puts a big focus on the two main characters and their development, while there is very little development on the side characters. But we do then get a lot of progress on the main characters, with them having to overcome obstacles both together and alone, which push the characters to evolve and often look critically at themselves. This gives a great development in the two characters, and has a great synergy with the plot.
There is also an overall theme throughout the show, which is of course marriage. The show brings it up in many aspects such as: why we do it, why we avoid it, how it can hurt, how it can be beautiful, it can be simple and it can be complicated. This is a thing that really helps making the show feel both streamlined and detailed, since it focuses so much on this theme.
Overall it is a great show with progression in both characters and plot, with the only thing holding it back is the tone being more relaxed and thereby affecting how invested people automatically are. But if you like romance and especially with an adult cast can i only recommend this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 12, 2024
The end is drawing near and the final battles are on the horizon, the culmination of all the villain's plans and the heroes acts of protection is coming to ahead, in the final days of the conflict.
In this season of My Hero Academia, are we starting to finish off plot lines as the show as a whole is coming to an end. We see the final build up occur as we pass the point of no return for the story.
For the plot of the season it is first showing the few events and preparations that happen just before the final showdown between villains and heroes.
This sets the stage for the final part and helps setting all the characters in place, for seeing the end for their plot lines. When we come to the final fight, where both sides plan clashes together, the plot first intensifies and brings the heat of the conflict higher and higher. Where we then start to see them reach their individual conclusion, where one conclusion carries on to the next plot which keeps the momentum going for the final moments.
Just like the plot, we are also starting to see the end for some character arcs, which follows nicely with the plots. Overall throughout the season we are either seeing the final moments of progression for the characters, or we are seeing the end of their arc and finally getting an ending for them that has been building up for years. It has been very satisfying to see characters reaching the end they have been building towards for years, while still keeping some characters going and having the viewer on the edge of their seats.
The season also shows a lot of action throughout, which includes high speed battles, powerful quirks unleashed to their fullest and with it an amazing show of animation. For the animation for all the fights in the season, can simply be described as impressive. They show their quirks in the truest form with animation carrying each detail of the fights, which really draws one attention and keeps you invested in the episodes.
Overall is the series coming to an end, with the next season being the last. This means the season is the lead up for the end, and it does so brilliantly, it finishes some story arcs and characters, and gives room for the final. So if you have liked My Hero Academia till this point, can i only recommend watching this season, so you can tag along for the end of the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 6, 2024
We keep digging deeper into the entertainment industry with all its drama, issues and its dark secrets behind the scenes. While we try to figure out the truth behind Aqua’ and Ruby’s past and future.
In this season we first follow the Tokyo Blade arc, where Aqua stars in a theatrical show together with Akane and Kana. Where we later in the season then start to focus more on Ruby as the idol world is calling once again.
For the plot of the season it is mostly structured around one major arc and then introduces a new arc. Through the major arc is the plot focused around
the Tokyo Blade play, and is very much focused around acting. But the plot is not just focused on their acting skill, but their reason for how they act, what drives their style of acting. This gives an in-depth feeling to the plot where it is not just a play, but a media that shows who they are as people and how they show themselves. We also get an in depth perspective to how the adaptation of a story from one media to another can be a struggle and involves many elements.
For the later arc it is somewhat a build up, it is leading up to the future and what is to come. But this is not done with small plotlines being hinted at and is instead done with bold scenes that really draws in the viewer.
For the characters, they are as amazing as the first season, where we keep getting highly detailed characters with great character progression. The characters are very consistent with the first season, where we now see them continue through new dilemmas and conflicts. We see how the characters are put in situations where they show their true side or are forced to face their problems, where they have to get through it or give up. This is not only done for the major characters, but is also shown for the side characters which helps build up the main characters, but also gives the whole show a really detailed feel to it. Overall the characters are just done right, they have their own personality, they show progress and feel like real people struggling with their own problems.
The show is also very well known for its high quality animation, which continues in this season. The animation keeps a high quality in both fast paced scenes and more intimate scenes. Both types of scenes are also supported by its artistic styles, used as symbolism to help viewers get a visual understanding for complex emotions or situations that the characters find themselves in. They also show great detail in their animation when it comes to both big and small movements, which overall helps keep the viewer invested in every second of the show.
Music has also been a big part of Oshi no Ko, for this season the music is still great but have taken a turn to songs that feel more aligned to the arcs we follow this season. This means the songs are more focused on the hard feelings characters have to go through, and less focused on the glorified idol world.
To conclude it all, can i without a doubt say it's a great season, where we get to see the plot continue, characters evolve and experience both the beautiful animation and the powerful music. So if you liked the first season can i without a doubt recommend you watch this season too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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