I didnt read the manga completely so im not sure if any things I'll type here are changed later on in the manga.
So the second season starts with some nearly interesting episodes if it wasnt for the constant "jokes" Ami does. I have no idea if thats a japan thing with wearing the unfunniest mask possible while also repeating the same unfunny word 6 times but it does get infuriating when this show DOES have the ability to actually make a scene emotional. I pray to god japanese authors one day will grow up enough to not add those type of characters into their mangas
Apr 13, 2021
I dont know how to feel about this "anime". Its not your typical anime, it looks more like coloured manga chapters where sometimes the mouth or eyes move to bring a little life in to it. Sounds negative but it is what it is. I still gave 8 points out of 10 because For me the most important factor in this anime is that the MCs voice actor is Kenjirou Tsuda who is famous for voicing badass characters. Its like this character was based all around that mans voice. Another factor for that score is that I like the premise of the show where an
Mar 14, 2021
I dont know where to start with this Anime. Hiro is literally the only character that is an actual character with a personality. We have the clichee teeny children. If we dont look at Robohitler and Roboghandi every person in that anime is highly illogical. Im not a fan of that weird animated style but thats probably just me. The Story was kinda meh and the sound effects while shooting were definitely absolutely silly. The anime ONLY has 11 episodes yet this could have been a movie or a 4-6episode OVA. 30% of this anime is characters crying or whiny screaming while 15% are "bang"