The original Evangelion is known for its complex, raw depictions of human emotions, and the effect different types trauma can have on one's individuality. Eva rebuild 3, however, will not be known for this.
Ignoring the blatant character assassination of Shinji aside, many characters are severely underdeveloped. For example, Mitsato and Ritsuko have such little screen time, which is fine with the context of the original route (since you already understand their motivations) but for the rebuild route means when they show up in the final act, their existence has little meaning, acting like emotionally flat robots. This is worse for Asuka and the other
Aug 3, 2021
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
Not Recommended
I dont really leave reviews, as a non-veteran/conisseur of anime, there are many other people qualified to do so.
This however deserved a review from a casual anime fan... (note I have not read the manga and therefore am going to reference TPN universe as if the anime created it... reading the other reviews though, you will be able to see that the anime did create a TPN universe, because the narrative we see on screen sounds WAYYYYYY worse than the one crafted in the manga [god some of the arcs and the certain handling of a characters decent from humanity to save humanity sounds absolutely ... stunning and would sort out Emma being this one note savior, who never has to stop and think about what she's risking, but ill get into that later...], and doesn't deserve to be called the same) I wasn't the biggest fan of the first season, I thought it was very well done, but just couldn't get behind the characters, I appreciated their flaws and amazing development though. Most of all from season one of TPN I enjoyed the world. It was so intriguing how demons had presumably enslaved humans, and I really wanted to see how the demon society existed. How did it get so powerful? How does it successfully run a human breeding system? How did demons function and survive? The first season hinted at so much, humans on the outside? A hierarchy with the moms, and the humans who helped make the farm function? I mean heck, season 2 couldve gave me an explanation to just one of those things and I would've been more than satisfied. But instead it tried to do more. It tried to give me 3 seasons worth of narrative and worldbuilding into one. Taking away the mystery and intrigue, and spoonfeeding me answers with a 'here comes the airplane!'mentality. Essentially, this season thought it had shoes to fill, and rushed through the story in a mere 11 episodes. That's right, many arcs worth of content, covered in less than one season. The original season was 12! And that was amazingly paced so why did they try to cram at least double the amount of arcs in less time than the original? They even wasted time crafting a terrible ova serving as a recap to get this, the FIRST 5 EPISODES OF SEASON 2! (I get how the ova would be way easier and way cheaper to produce than a whole new episode, but come on couldn't they of skipped that and put the budget somewhere else?!?) This left many flaws with the show. When the baby takes the airplane, they don't get much time to chew. TPN season 2, decided that those wonderful, well crafted flawed characters from the first season, would get no more development. Emma gets what she wants, without pushing through every obstacle. After her triumph on season 1, everyone just makes sure she gets her way with everything. Ray's only edge (A prominant trait of his character, seeing as he was cursed with remembering how demons control the childre can be found in his physical appearance, because after his realisation of what it means to live in the first season, Ray becomes soft, and not in the way where he trusts Emma more and believes in her while still trying to be pessimistic, making sure Emma is aware of the hardships she might face, no instead every problem that occurs, Ray faces it with 2 steps: 1. Ray brings up how he learnt the value of life after Norman and Emma successfully showed him what they have to live for 2. Tackle the problem exactly like Emma, taking in no consideration of the risks behind jt. Its rare to see him have a thoughtful conversation with Emma, if anything he's more of an advisor existing purely as a stepping stone to help Emma. Ray's deep thoughtful nature that made him such a lovable character, has been replaced with such a lifeless character... Let's look at a positive, however. Let's get back to why I looked forward to watching this; the worldbuilding. And I have to say, I am impressed. I cant say much without avoiding spoilers, but everything we learn from the demons from how they function, work and they're sense of immortality, and their sympathy towards humans is thought provoking and massively plays into the psychological thriller genre we established in season 1. This can be found in the first 3 episodes, from the kids first few nights after escaping the clutches of Grace Hill. These episodes kept me on my toes, presented information that made me rethink how I viewed the antagonising demons, and overall was paced very well introducing two characters who were interesting and had a place in the show. Unlike some of the other characters in the show who couldve shouldve had more voice than they were given... Emma and Ray escaped with 13 (I think) other children, all of which have names and distinctive faces, and apart from 2 of them (Thomas i think one of their names was, the 2 younger kids who were playful), TPN season 2 absolutely HATES them. Whenever they are on screen, they have no presence, and most of the time are just smiling because Emma's there and Emma solves everything. Don't get me wrong I love the character of Emma, and she's the most consistent in the entire show, but Emmas kindness needs to be challenged these kids have put their lives in the hand of Emma after a promise she made in season 1, I wish they didn't just go along with it in this season no matter how dangerous it got towards the middle of the season., Gilda and Don appeared a lot too, but are the same rehashed from season 1, the older kids who arnt as interesting and leading as Emma and Ray, however im honestly fine with that though, gives the others more screen time. The neglecting of grace hill's escapees couldve easily been fixed with another episode, where we couldve explored more to how the kids were feeling, and any doubts they had about Emma and Ray's plan to reaching safety. Unfortunately due to spoilers, I cant get into the latter half of the series, but let me tell you, it is terribly paced, little character development, any issues and stakes are retconned, and many new characters are introduced with interesting backgrounds and could give more insight to the world and how it treats humans, but instead are just there so the story flows easier and makes more sense. It feels so rushed, so much skipped out on, and even certain things that characters whisper to each other are just NEVER told to the audience! The show decided in the name of the narrative, all worldbuilding exists solely to move on the narrative, and any and all characters should just be dummed down. Seriously though, the characters I mentioned earlier with interesting backgrounds, have they're whole philosophies turned around at the end of episode 7 (I think, it could be 8) and have everything their working towards get questioned as they realise they are making a mistake. And for the sake of Emma getting her way, within ONE MINUTE these people are just like YEP SCREW EVERYTHING WEVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR, EMMAS WAY WORKS BEST. Its dumb, and honestly insults the audience intelligence. It's so incredibly angering to watch, and its probely due to the harsh deadlines the anime industry unfortunately has to oblige to. Overall, I'd highly reccomend checking out the first 3 episodes, and if you were caught up in the mystery like I was, it would be worth continuing from there, while rushed, it is a fairly cohesive story, and its nice to see how far each characters ideology has come since the first season. Just be prepared to be very angry though, as you have a beautiful delicate anime rug ripped from under your feet... TL;DR watch first 3 episodes but be cautious with any more, cos the anime creators didn't get greedy and milk each arc. (which would've given them way more seasons to tell what they did in season 2 thereby giving them more money) so instead stuff is skipped or sped through, meaning the end result feels empty, mainly due to the amazing characters being treated as nothing more than wasted space. Luckily though, TPN universe is rly cool, and exploring it in the anime is an absolute treat.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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