If you want me to summarize what reading JK Haru was like, imagine a fat, balding, and ugly middle-aged male feminist telling you - a man in his late teens or early twenties - that you're a worthless, misogynistic pig who no woman will ever love... in a fat, balding, middle-aged man's impression of a valley girl accent.
Now picture that soyboy poorly dressed as an anime schoolgirl in a paper-thin attempt to convince you he speaks for all women. There are no photos of Ko Hiratori online but I bet my ass I've got my description down to a T.
How do I even begin
to put this? JK Haru... is bad. It's so bad it made me envy the blind and illiterate. Never buy a copy. Just read it online. To start with, Hiratori doesn't work within his premise. He's too good for that. You're supposed to root for the main character because she's an underdog surviving without cheats...
Until it's eventually revealed Haru HAD CHEATS ALL ALONG. In retrospect, that means all of this could have been avoided had Haru taken the slightest bit of initiative. If this was revealed from the beginning, nobody would feel sorry for her, so he narrator withholds this information from the audience to gain sympathy for the main character. When your character is so insufferable that you have to resort to manipulation to make them respectable, then it was never a likable character to begin with. All the author fucking did was perfume a big fat stinking turd. Literally the most disingenuous, transparent, cowardly attempt at manipulation ever.
This is not a spoiler. This is something EVERYONE deserves to know right off the bat. It is a manipulation tactic designed to deceive readers into sympathizing with what is obviously a worthless lying whore who is no better than your average "i have a shit class but im the strongest" protag out there.
The author wanted to make Haru an underdog. But then he got bored and made her the bestest most wonderful most overpowered mary sue ever... while still being a fucking underdog! Make up your mind for Christ's sakes you spastic retard! Jesus Joseph and Mary, all you've done was create a character that was super powerful yet did absolutely nothing because MUH SOCIETY! MUH SOCIETY!!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!! And no, "women aren't allowed to be adventurers" isn't an excuse. This would be like if Superman sat on his ass and did nothing all day except suck dick all day and cry and bitch about how much society hates him and the readers said his behaviour was OK because vigilantism is illegal.
The sheer goddamn lengths the mangaka goes to tell you "u-u-um there's nothing bad about Haru - HERE focus on this asshole instead" is is like listening to the CCP blasting whataboutisms in your face every 15 seconds.
Every single other character exists for the sole reason of making Haru look better. Every single fucking one. I am not joking.
For example there's Chiba, the supposed Otaku stereotype. All his lusting and simping exists for the sole purpose of making HER look like a victim, for the purpose of making HER look desirable when the only person who would ever simp for her are balding middle-aged nonces like the author. If Chiba is a porn-addicted otaku, he would not be into Haru at all. The vast majority of weeaboos are ridiculous purity fags who think that a girl standing next to their brother is cucking them. So what in your cocaine-frazzled mind would convince you they would EVER get it up for a whore who takes in 100km of other mens cocks a day? I call BULLSHIT.
Another thing: this fails at satire. WHICH isekai setting is this supposed to satirize? WHICH isekai protagonist is Chiba supposed to be? Well if you ask ANYONE who's read this drivel you'll see them short circuit like the toaster they've dropped in the bath while eating breakfast at 6am while jacking off with the dicks they curse themselves for having... because the answer to both of them is NOTHING. It satirizes ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.
It does not criticize the Average Isekai Setting, it does not criticize the Average Isekai Protagonist (because it has NEITHER), it makes a ludicrous strawman stereotype of either that has ZERO resemblance to either of these things, and pats itself on the back for being such a Smart Boy. Let me ask you again: WHICH isekai settings glorify the abuse and mistreatment of women? WHICH isekai protagonists are mincing queers who simp for whores? Absolutely fucking NONE! No it's not a fucking satire it's a satire of a cargo cult version of isekai you made up in your 70IQ hysterical post-menopasual feminist fever dream shut the everloving fuck up retarded delusional whore cunt bitch please just overdose on whatever antidepressants you're on already.
JK Haru was like Garth Ennis's The Boys if Ennis sawed off his dick and had a lobotomy, then binge-watched Feminist Frequency through one eye and Velma (2023) through the other, and Cuties with the third eye he has in his asshole while squatting over an iPad, while pumping estrogen and heroin up his ass, while flogging himself for being born with a cock and balls chanting "Hail Dworkin! Hail Dworkin!" 10000000000 times. Which is basically the best description of Ko Hiratori I can come up with so far. Faggot.
And don't even get me started on the blatant pedophilic undertones.
You can read it between the lines on every single panel of this godforsaken, worthless excuse for a manga. "Ko Hiratori is a Nice Guy. He knows what you girls have to deal with. He empathizes with you. He understands you. He's not like those sexist weirdos in your generation like Chiba, because Hiratori knows how to treat a girl right. So that's why you should whore yourself out to him for 2,000 yen because it's So Empowering and feminist guys with recessed chins and receding hairlines are HOT!" This whole manga is utterly disgusting pedophile propaganda dressed up as a feminist empowerment story, which is kind of like a balding tranny sex offender pretending to be a little anime girl except if it were a book. Every page of JK Haru advocates for the right of middle aged men to pay for sex with high school girls because Hiratori is a Nice Guy and not an incel like Chiba.
What kind of person would spend so many pages belittling and degrading teenage boys? Who would spend so many freaking pages hyperfixating on his every last flaw, unless this fully grown ass bitch male can feel more secure in his own masculinity? Ko Hiratori would, because his prey is teenage girls which would make boys around their age are his competition. So he has to go all out and demonize them from the perspective of his underaged dream girl. Of course going too far would blow his cover, so he disguises his coping session as super empowering feminism. All while vicariously pretending to be a chick so he can feel morally superior to every other man on the planet. Male feminist ally everyone!
What the fuck. I can't even joke about this shit. It's fucking unreal!
In short, JK Haru was shat out by a spastic retarded knucklehead who was foaming with so much seething, bitter rage that he forgot to tell a story or even get across a coherent message that made sense, nor did he make any attempt to do so. Nothing but hatred, jealousy, envy and bitterness towards every other man on the planet, particularly those younger than him, dressed in the skinsuit of feminism that nobody except braindead semen-vaping diarrhea-swilling retards would fall for. I can't believe this piece of crap made it to print. Fuck JK Haru, fuck Chiba, fuck Lupe, fuck every single named character, fuck the author, and fuck everyone involved with this shitty ass manga. Its only use should be as toilet paper in a bathroom gas station.
Aug 9, 2024
If you want me to summarize what reading JK Haru was like, imagine a fat, balding, and ugly middle-aged male feminist telling you - a man in his late teens or early twenties - that you're a worthless, misogynistic pig who no woman will ever love... in a fat, balding, middle-aged man's impression of a valley girl accent.
Now picture that soyboy poorly dressed as an anime schoolgirl in a paper-thin attempt to convince you he speaks for all women. There are no photos of Ko Hiratori online but I bet my ass I've got my description down to a T. How do I even begin ... |