Supercub is not a "masterpiece" anime, nor is it mind-blowing to any extent. But taking into consideration what it was able to do with its 12-episode runtime, it was still a great ride.
Let's start off with the story (6/10). With this anime, I tended to appreciate it more for its execution rather than the actual story. To put it bluntly, the plot was about a lone girl who found happiness in a Super Cub. It may sound a bit far-fetched, but it really isn't. How exactly? The Super Cub acted as the bridge between her and the outside world. It led her to different
places and introduced her to various people. According to her, she has no parents. No money either. Nor does she have any hobbies, friends, or goals, but with a mere vehicle, she was able to find happiness.
The thing about the story that makes it special to me is the way the story moves. I found myself very fond of it halfway through. Each situation she encountered brought about a new idea or theme. Sometimes this was stated directly, and sometimes, it was cleverly subtle; in the way I interpreted it, of course. The show doesn't go out of its way to present intensely deep topics in a blatant manner, but when it does, I personally think it does it very well. --Episode 11 is what I'm referring to. It might have been my personal favorite. It stuck out from the rest of the anime to me because of how it dealt with Shii's dynamic with both Reiko and Koguma. It also hit me hard as that certain idea was what I related to the most among the others.
Sometimes, these aspects are tackled in such a relaxing manner. It just feels so nice watching it. When paired with the visuals and sounds, it's heightened to a higher extent. Though, I also have my problems with it. I occasionally found it a bit too slow-paced in some areas. It's just dragged on for a bit too long that it ruins the overall experience of the episode. Along with that, there were times when the dialogue was weird and unrealistic; I'll tackle this more later on. Needless to say, It's simple, but it was carried out very well.
Now, onto the art (8/10). The 2d art style this show has is stunning. I absolutely love what they've done with each aspect of the animation. It fits so well with the theme of the story. It has this distinct stylistic choice where the colors lighten up and saturate when something lively or joyous happens. I adore that too. My main problem with the art is the CGI which I don't like but don't mind either. Sometimes it's very noticeable, but when the rest of the animation is enough to make up for that then I'm fine with it. Another thing I caught was the repetitive use of random shots or sequences that I often can't unsee. I'm glad that they change it depending on the current season though. Overall, the art is very good. It helps elevate the story for me; they wouldn't work as much as it does now without one another.
After that, we have sound (7/10). I'm not really an expert at sound but I think Super Cub does it very well. Sometimes there are singular piano notes played in certain parts of the episode, which strengthens the mood of the situation. The subtle sound effects and how they're dealt with are great too. I don't think the opening and ending themes are that great but they're still pretty good.
Next, the characters (7/10). Once again, I appreciate this aspect of the show more for its execution than the actual concept. It's pretty simple: three different girls who love the Super Cub. The way it's dealt with though is why these characters come to life. I can't say they're amazing, but just from their interactions alone, I can confidently say that I like them. They're realistic, for the most part.
I love the way they depicted Koguma's happiness, Reiko's undying determination and strong personality, and Shii's admiration. But sometimes the way they interact is just so unusual. I don't know if it was for the sake of advertisement or they just genuinely tried to pull these types of dialogue off. The dialogue in question is when Koguma talks about the Cub as if it's some sort of god. Statements like "Thank the cub," are just so unrealistic and corny to me. Sure, she can appreciate the Cub for how much it's helped her, but not like this. This was my main problem with Episode 11. Aside from that though, they're good characters.
Lastly, enjoyment (7/10). There's nothing much to say here since my enjoyment was mostly swayed by the major features of this anime. I enjoyed it, though, sometimes it would be quite boring. I especially love the sweet feeling it gave me as I watched it, which wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for the sound, art, and story.
Overall, it's a good slice-of-life anime. Don't take this review too seriously but if you want to have a discussion about this then you can comment on my profile 😁. I'm just a random dude on the internet, after all. Have a great day. My score for Super Cub is (7/10).
Jun 24, 2021
Supercub is not a "masterpiece" anime, nor is it mind-blowing to any extent. But taking into consideration what it was able to do with its 12-episode runtime, it was still a great ride.
Let's start off with the story (6/10). With this anime, I tended to appreciate it more for its execution rather than the actual story. To put it bluntly, the plot was about a lone girl who found happiness in a Super Cub. It may sound a bit far-fetched, but it really isn't. How exactly? The Super Cub acted as the bridge between her and the outside world. It led her to different ... |