If I have to describe it in three words- unfinished, distracting, incoherent. Vague, but I think others who watch the show will agree.
It seems that all of the important scenes consist of still, blank characters. And I mean STILL. Like, either they don't move, or their mouths don't move, or often times both. See episode 10 for a severe example.
Throughout the entire show, there are 4-frame scene cards that show up every 10-30 seconds saying either "Red Scene," or "Black Screen." 10-30 seconds is generous, as sometimes they will show up within 2-3 seconds of each other. It's absolutely dreadful, and the fact that they
Jul 5, 2017
That was honestly the least complete ending I've ever seen. It felt like any other episode and it pisses me off. I regret watching this show for such an unsatisfying love story and resolution. Pure trash.
The beginning seemed promising, but it turned out that the characters never really changed or grew. The sound was phenomenal as was the character design and artwork. I felt that the animation was okay at best. Overall, if you're looking for a complete romance, then just don't watch this show at all. Look for some other show, as this one fails to deliver in any way in my opinion. |