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Jun 23, 2024
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
This really could have been something special, but whenever it's presented with the opportunity to do something interesting it fumbles.

The setup is great, I really want to see a subversion of sentai shows explored. But the show focuses almost exclusively on action instead of worldbuilding or characters, and that action is undercut by how we're never really told the extent of the Rangers' powers, and the monsters never use their powers in anything approaching tactics save for once or twice.

Are the rangers stronger than normal humans? ...yes? Maybe? Just the leaders or all of them? How and why? To what extent? Why do some of ...
Jun 23, 2024
A surprisingly good show that goes downhill over time. The more it tries for authentic feeling the more it falls flat.

It's better than you'd expect from the description/context in basically every way. Great animation, a creative twist on the isekai premise due to its tone and how it frames the protag, good acting, good comedy. I kept expecting it to trip over common pitfalls and it kept surprising me. When it's gotta give some exposition, it'll do it in a bath scene with a bunch of maids. It knows you're there for a fun time and it delivers.

It does, however, dip significantly around the ...
Feb 4, 2024
Preliminary (5/13 eps)
A tremendously positive show, especially when it comes to portraying adolescent boys and girls. I stuck around season 1 to watch Yamada eat things and cheer for this little idiot to put himself out there. I'm sticking around season 2 because I kind of can't believe they're actually executing on the threads they put down in season 1, and doing a damn fine job of it.

It's building off that strong foundation to become something more than just a gag/romance anime. It's clumsy in places, and not just when it's making a point about middle school awkwardness, but it's still competently tackling subject matter way above ...
Jan 23, 2024
I really wasn't expecting this one. I came in for a straightforward gag anime, and it was pretty good, with jokes that land and surprisingly good fight choreography.

Twelve episodes later, I've finished a shockingly nuanced and drama with excellent characterization and elements of psychological horror. The depth given to all the characters in this show, even the side characters, easily beat out the main characters of standard anime schlock I'm forced to trudge through the rest of the season.

Beyond just depth and likeability, I can say pretty much without reservation that this is a *good* show, that encourages compassion and humanity beyond simplistic relationships and ...
Jan 22, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
A surprisingly high production value unfortunately can't save this anime from using what seems to be its only joke in the first episode, leaving it with almost nowhere to go and a rapidly declining impact each time it tells that same joke again.

TL;DR - It's just not that funny. They tell their one joke in the most straightforward manner possible, and they do it with minor variations four times in a row until their 20 minutes is up. Tune in next week to see us do it again!

The premise is good, the voice acting is good, the animation reaches some highs I really wasn't expecting ...
Jan 11, 2024
Mixed Feelings
TL;DR - 8/10, a bit of a Made In Abyss filler arc that doesn't feel like it should have been a full season. Better than the movie, worse than the first season. Leans into the worst elements of the story and away from some of the best, but pulls up in the end to be a distinct story that doesn't feel like a total waste of space. The preoccupation with underage sexuality and the scatological that it inherits from the source material has gotten worse, but it eases off as the season goes on and is pretty much gone by the end. All in all, ...
Nov 28, 2023
Undead Unluck (Anime) add
Preliminary (8/24 eps)
Showed a lot of promise, with an interesting idea, fun characters, expressive and high-quality animations. The quality drops off pretty precipitously though, and by the midpoint of the season its devolved into generic battles, emotional moments that don't have nearly the setup or payoff that the show thinks they do, and frankly boring plot developments that make me *less* interested in what's going on, not more.

By the time the main character revealed his Dark Goku Transformation to immediately kill the asshole we've spent three entire episodes ineffectually fighting (not in like a clever way, he's just so strong and invincible when he gets long ...
Nov 12, 2023
Under Ninja (Anime) add
Preliminary (12/12 eps)
Probably the most unique show airing this season. Sleeper hit with an interesting premise, good execution, the comedy lands very consistently, and in the couple moments thus far where it's taken its setting more seriously it works shockingly well. It's a breath of fresh air, especially for comedy anime, which even when done well rarely try something different stylistically. I'd liken this to a ninja What We Do In The Shadows - dry, understated comedy that lets the fking hilarious situations stand on their own.

Did I mention the surprisingly good fight choreography? The fight choreography is surprisingly good.

I'm not going to spoil anything, this show ...
Nov 5, 2023
Preliminary (6/25 eps)
It's got an interesting premise, and even though it was using it to tell a pretty conventional fantasy isekai power fantasy story, it had enough style that I didn't mind. But after the first couple episodes, the pacing slows *way* down, more and more time gets spent on digressions and flashbacks, the premise comes into play less and less.

By episode six, watching honestly has started to feel like a chore. Every episode after 2 or 3 just left me thinking "well, that was ok I guess, maybe the next one is where stuff starts to happen?" Episode 6 just spent the entire runtime to not-finish ...
Oct 28, 2023
Preliminary (6/11 eps)
I'll be brief - this show is bad in a way that makes you a bad person if you can put up with it. The camera very clearly thinks that you think it's sexy and hot and funny when a middle-aged dude molests a sleeping preadolescent, and for a sizeable contingent of anime fans it's right.

It's an absolute crime that art, music and voiceacting this good are wasted on this garbage. I keep wanting to give it a 1 but then I remember all the rest of the show and can't bring myself to grade it below a 3. When it comes to everything except ...

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