Oct 15, 2015
This is hard for me to writte about because i really enjoyed watching this anime but and *spoiler alert* that ending is asking is begging for a 2nd season which we never got *tears*. So my classification was greatly affected by that crap dumbster ending which annoyed the living hell out of me, the anime itself is lovely it's about realigion and the refugee basically we have our main caracter which is trying to join the church but he is a special kind of person so there is all that conterversy about if the demon deserves to serve god and be forgiven for being born
Oct 15, 2015
This anime is kinda old comparing to the day i'm writting this which is 15-10-2015 this was realeased in 2006 so keep this in mind if you are considering watching this. I liked 009-1 it's a story about an special ops assasin that works for a company in security mainly, the action part is really good in the anime the plot itself kinda feels it could give us more. Watch this with the intent of watching an action based anime don't go for the story which is nice but nothing from the other world. Overall an good anime to pass the time watching and for