Okay so I really like this novel, and Im watching the donghua directly after the novel so my review is based on that.
So far.... well the animation looks great in some shots, but the fastpaced scene ARE SO FUNNY IT LOOKS LIKE THE SIMS BAHAHAHAH
The plot.. is different. I get why they did some stuff bc of censorship. Obviously the chen guy cant give Mutipo Shen Qiao as a sex slave DUH .
Also let me just say I enjoy Yan Wushis character so much in this, although the animation is off putting sometimes and also wtf is the 'evil gang' BAHAHAH WTF??? U
Oct 13, 2020
Great Pretender
YALL- I WAS LOOKING UP INFO ABOUT WHEN S2 WILL COME OUT BC I DESPERATLY NEED TO KNOW LARUENTS BACKSTORY AND- there was a tab bar below that said should I watch the great pretender' and 'is it a good anime?' AND THE REVIEIW THAT WAS THE PREVEIW WAS A HORRIBLE REVEIW AND I ALMOST DIED BC THIS ANIME IS SO GOOD WATCH IT .......ITS A MASTERPIECE ITS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE ANIMES NOW. (okay Im not a professional anime critic so my definition of masterpiece may be different but I really liked the art, characters, and plot.) Um so apparently this site wants