For the Japanese, Sakigake!! Otokojuku is a Cult Classic to the degree that any Japanese Otaku has either watched/read it or at least knows about it and can quote many of its memorable lines and the Memes it spawned(for example,"Minmei Publishing" is still quoted as the source of any outrageous statement about martial arts). It is popular to the degree that its manga's spinoffs are still going strong today,32 years after it started. For Western fans though, it is unfortunately a VERY underrated and underappreciated show that a lot more people imo should checkout.
So what is Sakigake!! Otokojuku? well, the 80s was the decade of
Jul 6, 2017
Kimi no Na wa.
i am someone who have been watching anime for years and is a huge fan, and i picked this movie not knowing anything about it, and now that i watched it i have to say that this movie is, by far, the BEST anime movie I EVER saw. its art sets a new meaning to the word "Gorgeous", its story is truly incredible with many twists and turns that I honestly didn't see coming and was shocked, yet it all fits together and is a joy to watch. the (Japanese) voice acting is superb too. my only nitpick, and it is a small nitpick, is
Jul 5, 2017
Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven
Just watched it. it is FAR more entertaining than Mars Of Destruction. technically speaking it is worse, but mars was just a bad anime. this is a very entertaining and hilarious bad anime ;)
one thing that is clear as day is that this was intended to be multiple episodes. all the cuts make sense in that case, such as when the girl was talking to the squid at the end, it is obvious that this was intended to be a long back and forth conversation, instead of a short one where the squid just makes one weird and annoying noise. the question though is why ... Jun 30, 2017
Corpse party was originally a PC-98 game. then it got a remake on the PC, PSP, and 3DS. I played it and fell in love with it. it has one of the BEST stories i have ever seen. its horror is psychotic not cheap, its gore is mostly auditory not visual. I don't even like horror games yet i absolutely LOVE it.
so what does the anime do? It takes this great story and throws it out the window. it takes the awesome psychotic horror and makes it cheap, and it takes the auditory gore and, not only does it fully change it to visual gore, ... |