This anime isn't for everyone, if you like quirky stupid shit in your anime like Fairy Tale had this is it! Black Clover is basically a carbon copy of Fairy Tale just it lacks a little that FT had and BC doesn't.
Nice quick and easy, Show is slow but it has some good development. Theres something about a character that overcomes the seemingly impossible that i love ( coming from a DB fan lolz ) i know its slow and huge parts of it are super cheezy but i find myself excited to see each coming episode!
Thank you for reading my terrible attempt at a
Mar 7, 2018
I watched this beautiful show about a year ago and its still lingering in my mind so i have to try and write a review for this.
This isn't a show i would normally pick to watch or actually spend time finishing cause of some things i didn't like in the beginning but as i neared the end of this beautiful dance of a show i found myself falling for each move of the main character. The MC starts off rather interesting and then i found he turned boring as he is super OP but i still think about the end of this show to this ... |