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Jan 2, 2022
Tldr at the bottom
This is a standard isekai revenge story that we've all read before. In a way, I appreciate how quickly it moves at first. It doesn't spend a ton of time explaining skills or inventory and how it works etc. I like how fast it moves through the plot bc we've all seen it before, but its hard to tell who the mc even wants revenge on once he gets sent away. We have one scene where the mc is with his classmates and they are kind of indifferent about the food he's made for them. Then everyone gets transported and the mc
gets sent away almost immediately. I get him being upset at the kingdom bc they are rude and forceful(especially to him), but he says he wants revenge on everybody besides one girl who's nice to him. I wish we'd have learned a bit about his classmates and the nations that summoned them. This might be fleshed out in the future but for now it feels like its lacking something.(we didn't even get the typical part where his classmates ignore him or say how much they hate him as he's tossed out, the kingdom just started forcefully separating all the heroes between different nations and they were all along for the ride)
After being thrown away the mc goes through his powerup/training arc, which I loved for how quick it was. I was really excited for him to head back to civilization and figure out where the story was going. So what happens next? We get a 12 chapter plot-line about a murder mystery lol. I would have loved this if it was only 5 or 6 chapters long bc its something I rarely see in isekai, but it lags too much on this one plot-line. We are introduced to some new characters but nothing that warrants the 12 chapter length. Its bizarre how quick the author moved at the start and how he slows things down to a crawl with this next section. After this the mc is just getting ready for the next arc and whatever it will entail in the latest chapters.
Lets talk about the characters for a bit. We have the mc who's the typical edgelord chuuni with a heart of gold for the people close to him. We find out more about his past life and how sad its been as we go along, its fine. Then theres the first member of his harem who I have way more trouble figuring out what the author is trying to do with her. I think he was shooting for the hard worker who's also had a rough go at life, like the mc. She meets the mc who saves her from being a slave and now she never wants to leave his side. I think the author fumbles a bit with how he writes the characters and their interactions at times. Although, its about what I expect from isekai and doesn't bother me too much. The side characters are fine, although not very memorable. We also have two new party members that just joined and it remains to be seen how they will be.
So, should you read this? If you're an isekai fan with already low expectations, this is for you. I get whiplash from how the author handles the pacing, sometimes its good sometimes its bad. The characters are all just okay, nothing special. Its got fun action when its happening and some comedy thats hit or miss. I do like the art, I'd give it an 8 out of 10.(this might be skewed from the last manga I read having awful art and this one in comparison looks great, I'm no expert on art lol) This manga doesn't bring much new to the isekai genre, but if you found this I'm assuming most of you aren't looking for something that reinvents the wheel. Give it a go if you really like isekai. (sorry if this review turned out shit, I was done with it and then I accidentally deleted it all. I liked my first draft better when I wasn't annoyed to be typing it all over again -___-)
Tldr: Stock standard isekai revenge story with inconsistent pacing/characters that doesn't bring much new to the table, only read if you really like isekai.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 24, 2021
Tldr near the bottom.(with a tiny spoiler at the very bottom, its spaced so you won't see it if you don't want to)
This is a decent manga if you are a fan of the isekai genre but I don't think it does anything amazing or adds much that hasn't been seen before. Our mc gets reincarnated as a slave and is then bought by a very kind family. He's brought up under their loving care so that he can protect them in the future with his insane barrier(magic) skills. The mc is along for the ride and has very little agency. This might not be
an issue for some people, but I like my mc's to have a bit more worry about what they want to do in life and not so easily accept everything w/o a second thought. I'm sure some of you just face palmed over me asking for a slave to have agency :P but they let him do almost anything and he has next to no goals or ambitions, he just goes along with anything. The family he grows up with are all nice people and he forms a fun relationship and deep bond with them. Honestly, they aren't very memorable outside of being nice and treating him well. The older daughter is the most memorable since her backstory is a bit more interesting and she's very cute. I have no issues with them and how they are presented its all just "alright". Most of what we've got so far is Slice of Life while growing up and learning magic with the family.
The manga is still in its early stages and there isn't a ton that's happened so far outside of the massive event in the newest chapters.(read past my tldr at the bottom and I'll give the tiniest spoiler about it if you are interested, it'll barely be a spoiler but some people hate even the tiniest spoilers so I'll put it at the very bottom just in case:) This is where the manga will turn and it remains to be seen where it will go in the future. I read ahead in the light novel and I can say it still follows a lot of the classic isekai tropes and situations.(I can already see the mc building his harem) The mc hasn't had a ton of development outside of figuring out what he wants to do with his life. In closing, you should read this if you like the isekai genre. It never wowed me in anyway but the quality is good, just don't expect much variety compared to what you're used to outside of the big event. The art is pretty good and I have no complaints in that department.
TLDR: Give it a go if you like Isekai, its stock standard in most regards but not offensive or lacking in quality. Its just slightly better than "fine" to where its enjoyable enough. The only real difference I'll hint at in the tiny spoiler below. (don't read if you hate spoilers, no matter how tiny)
The story takes a tragic turn in the most recent chapters and gets pretty emotional, which I really enjoyed and adds in some much needed variety. Its actually pretty depressing so if you're looking for all happy days I'd steer clear of this one, as for me I loved it and was excited to see something different from what I was expecting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 10, 2021
Tldr at the bottom(I feel like I kind of rambled a bit w/o get my point across super well so don't read unless you're super interested in what I have to say :P)
I've really enjoyed this manga so far. Our mc Alan is part of a giant space empire that is currently at war with space bugs when his ship is mysteriously hit by something and he has to take over captain duties and crash land on a nearby planet. He rescues a girl named Cleria nearby his crash site and so begins our story. One of my favorite things is how advanced Alan's equipment
and technology is compared to the normal medieval/isekai setting we are all used to. The world has magic but for the most part Alan will always be the scariest enemy to face with his nanomachines that can enhance and heal his body along with his rifle.(he may or may not be able to learn magic at some point too) When he first meets up with Cleria he has to try to speak with her and I really appreciated how they didn't immediately understand each other even though his nanomachines can record speech or almost anything to streamline the process. It was a joy watching their relationship grow as they fumble through trying to understand each other. The relationship that forms is one of my favorite things about this manga. Alan is a bit generic but he's so kind and caring all the time so its really hard to dislike the guy. Cleria is just great, I really appreciated how she didn't immediately start swooning over Alan despite how much he helps her at the start.(He helps her regrow the limbs she lost from a wolf attack and nurses her back to health) She is fairly logical about most things but not like the robotic knight character we often get in these stories. She is also very kind like Alan and she has a ton of very cute moments throughout.
The story is in its early stages so there isn't a ton to talk about yet but Alan and Cleria are more than enough to keep me reading and interested. Alan has to learn to fit into this new planet and society and decide if he wants to help Cleria with a request once he finds out her mysterious background and circumstances. All the while Alan has to try to rebuild his ship and figure out if he can get back to his world. Fyi it does appear that this will be a harem, at least in the way that every girl is going to like Alan, so if that isn't your thing beware.(it didn't take anything away for me and cmon Alan is pretty great, although he's dense as a doorknob) I haven't read many stories like this one so it feels very fresh and new to me. I also don't want to give away any spoilers about certain things that happen so everyone gets to experience it for themselves like I did. Art isn't a huge deal to me and it looks fine most of the time. I can tell its not the best but its not terrible or anything. I feel like I just rambled a lot and I'm not sure if I got my point across very well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. In closing I really liked this manga and our two mc's. There are plenty of things to keep you interested and the characters outside of our main two are also pretty great. It looks like there will still be a lot of the traditional isekai story points and world building elements so if that's your thing definitely give it a go.(even if its not I'd still try for our two mc's relationship) As far as enjoyment goes I'd give it a 10 but its not perfect so I'll give it a 9. I plan on reading the novel since waiting for monthly chapters is too slow.
Tldr: Mc from advanced space empire crash lands on a medieval isekai world with his advanced technology and has to learn to fit in and decide his next steps. He saves a girl nearby and the relationship that forms is one of the main reasons to read this. They are both fun characters that play off each other very well. The story feels very unique and I highly recommend giving this a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 4, 2020
Tldr at the bottom:
This is a pretty fun isekai. Like most of these a huge chunk of your enjoyment is tied to if the mc is any good. I'm happy to report our mc Touka is pretty great most of the time. He's smart and analyzes situations very well with a calm and calculated logic and occasionally some luck for his stronger opponents. He figures out what he needs to do to make the best use of his unique skillset and later on in the novel he has some pretty inventive ways to make use of his skills but I won't spoil anything in this
review. He's also not a bitch and he's hellbent on revenge against the "shitty goddess" that summoned and tossed him away at the beginning of the story once she thought he was useless.(revenge plots are always a plus in my book:) The second character that your enjoyment will be tied to is his very cute, elvish dork of a knight Seras. She reminds me a lot of Saber from the fate series and not just because of her appearance and swordsmanship. She's very earnest and hardworking about everything and the two of them play off of each other very well.
There's currently only 11 chapters out so I went ahead and read up to current in the novel and it only reinforced my opinion of what we have in the manga so far. There are more characters added at times like some of his ex-classmates and new traveling buddies but for the most part you are reading this for Touka's quest for revenge and his and Sera's budding friendship.(and hopefully romance in the future) I was bored at times reading about some of his ex-classmates in the novel that will obviously play a part later on in the story. I'm thinking the manga will handle these better since its already moving at a fast pace and isn't wasting time on the "fluff" and sometimes boring details that can clog up a light novel. I don't notice artsyle too much unless its terrible and this one is good/very good to my plebian eyes.(at the very least it certainly doesn't look bad or cheap) Even the novel is still in the very early stages but I'm confident it will retain its current quality and the two mc's are enough to keep me reading on their own. A score of 8 might be generous because this isn't the most inventive or new story you've ever read but if you're a fan of the isekai genre like I am I'm pretty sure you'll like/love this one.
Tldr: Cool mc is hellbent on revenge against the goddess who summoned and tossed him away once she thought his unique skills were useless.(spoiler, they weren't) His sidekick is an elvish Saber clone that is also the cutest dork of a knight. Give it a try if you're a fan of Isekai like I am, just don't expect some grand story or super fresh ideas
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 27, 2020
Confused? Fear not, so was I. If you watched the trailer then you watched the show 👍. This was a project made by someone named Loundraw for his graduation from University. The goal was to make a fictional trailer for an anime and I think they did a pretty good job. Since the description on here wasn't adequate(or I didn't do a good enough job reading the background section) the trailer made me curious enough to research if the show/movie was coming out in the future. As far as I know there are no plans for this, hope this was helpful to the 5 people
that stumble upon this like I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 21, 2019
Tldr at the bottom.
I finally finished watching all of these so I guess its time to edit and finish up my review. My thoughts haven't changed at all from when I saw the first two eps. Like a lot of the 1st season the ova feels very relaxed and slice of life, a very wholesome watch mixed in with some pretty good/great comedy. The first two episodes are stand alone with one being inside a dream world after Rimuru takes some sleeping pills and the second being a beach episode. The next three episodes tell a story
of Rimuru helping the kids that he saved with a competition they take part in for their school. As far as I can tell nothing here moves the story along in any way which is to be expected from ova's.(although I think the last 3 eps introduce some characters we will see again in the future if you're interested in that)
I'll quickly go through animation, sound, character, and enjoyment. I thought the animation was pretty good. Its been a minute since I watched the 1st season but I remember being really impressed by how great they did on that. I think the quality is about as good in here although I'm no expert on animation so it might be different but I didn't notice anything. I rarely notice sound unless its really bad and it was definitely fine to where I didn't notice anything. The characters are great and its a joy watching everyone interact. I like the first two episodes better since we get to spend time with main cast and I really like watching Rimuru's harem fight over him lol. That's not to say the next 3 eps are bad though, they are very wholesome and the kids are cute a lot of the time. Rimuru is the constant along with the system administrator who make everything interesting and humorous. I really enjoyed myself throughout, I was either laughing or being happy and relaxed with how wholesome things were. In conclusion watch this is you liked the show and you like the characters, you won't be disappointed.
TLDR: A very funny and wholesome watch. If you liked the 1st season I'd definitely recommend this, just don't expect a continuation of the story or a ton of action.
P.S. Episode 2 is the beach episode :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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