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Oct 5, 2019
Story (no spoilers):
'Kimetsu no Yaiba' translates to demon slayer. It's about slaying demons that's all you need to know for now. It's better if you watch this show and let the story unfold on it's own rather than have to read a synopsis. I just jumped into this anime and the experience was better for me that way.
The action scenes were amazing! Some scenes switch to the first person perspective (zooming camera) making it feel as if you were part of the action.
Awesome soundtracks that will go into the anime playlist. LiSA does not disappoint.
The voice acting was good.
There's quite a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities. Michael Jackson is also the main villain/Final Boss. (or is he?)
This show was great at building suspense. The action scenes were on point as well as the comedic bits they threw in.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 5, 2019
Don't waste your time.
Well there isn't much of a story to begin with. I can sum up the "story" for you:
A boy gets teleported to an iseikai world with his mum and goes off on an "adventure". - The End!
That's it! Literally the entire plot.I get what they were trying to aim for but the comedy in this show wasn't all that great, I just found it plain stupid. The show felt like it had no sense of direction of where it was going or what it was trying to achieve.
There are shows out there like 'The Simpsons' for example or 'Seinfeld' that
are shows about nothing but everything is contained within the entire episode and they wrap it up by the end of the show. But 'Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka?' does not wrap it up within the 20 minutes of airtime and just strings along the non-sense they started leading you 12 episodes wondering what the hell you just watched.
The art was ok. I gave it a 4/10 decent.
Usually if an anime is trash, their last shot at redemption is any soundtrack that would make your head bop. But since this is a light-hearted comedic anime we're not going to be getting any cool bangers for the opening and ending sequences.
The "mom" doesn't even look like a mom. As for her personality, it's like the writers were making a concept or an ideal of how a mom should be and put it all together.
Overall, I'll forget about all these characters in no time, as there were no redeemable qualities from any single one of them. Wise is just a tsundere, porter the cute loli, and medhi is psycho.
The first few episodes of fan service they ran would be enjoyable for the straight male audience but gets repetitive and annoying later on. I personally did not enjoy this anime mid-way through and it was a painful struggle to finish watching this anime.
The only thing I have left to say is that, when an anime is bad, I have to explain why it's bad. But if an anime is good, it will need no explanation. You just watch it and immediately know that "Wow, this show is amazing" without having to exchange words.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 25, 2018
First off, do not let the negative reviews throw you off from missing out on this great Anime. Those giving it a rating of 1 or very low rating have only gone through 6 episodes. I usually don't like to review an Anime until I've completed it in it's entirety, meaning watching all the episodes till completion. I'm only 15 out 24 in so my opinion on it may change later on but as it stands I think it's great thus far.
And from the forum discussion I can tell you the fan base watching this series is very bi-polar, one weeks episode they will
rate it 1 out 5 'Hated it' and then the next week they will give it 5 out of 5 'Loved it'. I can tell this series is really putting the audience on an emotional roller-coaster.
Storywise, 'Darling in the Franxx' gives us a classic fairytale kind of story and modernizes it for our time. It almost has a Romeo and Juliette feeling to some parts about two lovers who just want to be together but things just keep them apart.
This Anime doesn't take itself seriously as a mecha and should be comparable to 'Gurren lagaan' type of mecha opposed to say Gundam series.
The series does feature a somewhat diverse cast but Zero Two tends to stand out the most in terms of character design and personality. She is the most memorable of them all, even more so than Hiro who gets the most screen time.
I've watched some Animes where the characters were so plain and bland that when I go back to check the anime series cast I realized I completely forgot who they were and what impact they had on the show. You won't get that with this series, though they do have a lot of characters to remember, some of them are memorable.
This anime has been hyped and I can start to see why. Probably the hottest Anime to drop in the start of 2018.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 31, 2018
I watch this show when I need to get my weekly fix of two buff dudes trying to see who can punch the other the hardest and knocking them out.
If you're watching this for anything other than entertainment you will be disappointed. The story is lacking and shows some inconsistencies and you can no longer make any sense of their abilities or power scaling. Aside from that you will enjoy this anime if you enjoy hearing people scream and kamehameha blasts.
Most viewers stick around because they grew up around the whole dragonball franchise, I believe it was the first of it's kind to take
on powering up and transformation genre. Dragon Ball was the pioneer at the time of this kind of anime genre but there are many more that have come out which are better but we're not here to talk about them.
I found myself enjoying the Future Trunks arc and the tournament arc the most, anything else in between you've probably already seen from the movie 'Battle of Gods' and Resurrection Frieza and I found the movies did it better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 18, 2018
What's there not to like about this anime? Some will say that it's simple and predictable but that's the whole point. It's not a beat-em-up anime that drags on for 200+ episodes.
I can sum it the premise of this anime for you as quickly as possible. The title is already a dead giveaway, he is the one punch man. Meaning Saitama can kill anyone in one punch.
Here we don't have a weak-ass protagonist that has to train year on end in order to get stronger to defeat his next opponent, No no no....here we have a protagonist who has already completed his ultimate training
of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, a 10KM jog and eats a banana everyday repetitively for 3 years. So we've established that he's already reached maximum potential/max capped skills. Now all he has to do is walk up to people like a boss and punch them once and move on with life.
He destroys his opponents so quickly you probably won't even remember them in the next 5 minutes, the way it should be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 8, 2016
Most of the top reviewers summed out just about all the thoughts and everything that needed to be said about this Anime, but I'll include my two cents.
I actually gave this a 6 at the start but bumped it up to a 7 because of the final episode. If you don't watch this anime to it's entirety you'll miss the part where justice is served. This is actually my second attempt at watching this Anime, it was recommended to me a while back and I couldn't get into it the first time as it started off slow. But now I watched the entire thing in
2 days.
Don't let the intro fool you with it's happy-go-lucky music and all three characters, laughing and smiling in the intro with beautifully lit backgrounds. This anime is the complete opposite, it's dark and demented.
Right off the bat the creators of the show set it up for you to dislike the main character. They want you to absolutely hate this guy and it worked (for me at least). If you don't hate him in the first couple of episodes you will about half-way in. The reason they frame it this way is because they want the viewers to receive the full effect of the outcome, that this scumbag without reasonable doubt absolutely deserved what he had coming to him.
For those who think that, "he's just some lucky pimp, so what's the big deal", that's not the case, you're only seeing the main character at face value. People don't hate him mainly because he sleeps around with all these women (though that is one of the reasons), he does it so causally without a care and seemingly with no regrets or regards to the people he hurts around him and discards everyone like trash there afterward. Makoto thinks he could just fuck around with all the girls he wants without any severe consequences. He shows a bit of guilt maybe once but that's about it. As one user mentioned I'm also convinced that the Makoto is a sociopath and sex fiend.
Other reason to build up a case to hate the main character:
- At the start they will frame him as some clueless idiot loser who doesn't even know the first thing about women but he somehow gets a harem of girls to swoon over him.
- There's also the parts where he tries to run away from responsibility, and direct confrontation; he can't even break up with the first girl he was with and beats around the bush for so long with these girls feelings. And after supposedly getting one of the girls pregnant I remember Makoto quoting, "Why did she have to get pregnant!" like it was somehow only the girls fault.
- He's also the main cause as to why all the females personalities, who started off with strong character traits, are broken near the end.
In his defense though, the first girl he cheats on with, it was the fault of him and the other party. Sekai used "practice partner" as a front to get close to him, what did she think was going to happen, of course feelings would ultimately develop. But the partners Makoto has sex with thereafter is solely because he couldn't say "no" and let his animalistic urges take control. They sped up the character development to get as much of the "Drama" going on in 12 episodes, so sometimes logic is thrown out the window for the sake of plot advancement (and building a hate case towards Makoto). But he's still not the victim here, he doesn't show any emotional damage compared to the female characters and carries on casually getting more of what he wants (sex).
They set you up for the ending in many episodes beforehand as well, like keeping the shot and frame focused on "a specific kitchen utensil", thus foreshadowing what the conclusion is going to be like. This is why other reviewers "saw what was coming" or it became "predictable" for others. The final episode everyone got what was coming to them and got what they deserved.
The ending is pretty messed up and creepy and might even psychologically damage you if you're use to "happy endings" types of stories, for those who can't really handle it, I suggest skipping this one (You might watch it out of curiosity now that I said that LOL.)
I've never watched a yandere anime before, not sure if this would be considered yandere but it fits close to the bill.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 4, 2015
I remember watching this Anime 10 years ago and the thing that stood out the most about this Anime was how long that guy (Kaze) took to load his gun with 3 soil capsules. Probably the most annoying part of this Anime, don't waste your time.
Sure there's a chocobo and moogle and Neo/Ultimate/Omega Bahamut (I forget which one) is in this Anime to give it a Final Fantasy experience but other than that, the overall story and character building sucks. No one really stood out in particular in personality just only in design.
The action scenes were nothing special and it became predictable like
a Sailor Moon anime that all it's going to take to win the battle was for the main character to show up, but instead of a "moon tiara magic", he's going to take 5 minutes to load his gun and shoot it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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