First of all: I did actually like the story. It was done thoughtfully and it made me look forward to the next episode. But what I didn't like was the animation itself. What did I not like? For example the eyes showing through the hair. Who in their right mind thought to themself that it's a good idea to draw the eyes THROUGH THE HAIR?!? That's not how hair works! And who thought "hmmm yes, drawing the eyes throught the hair is a nice idea. I think I will do that too" and now a lot of animes the same thing now. WHY?
Jan 30, 2023
Shoujo Ramune
This is a true Masterpiece!
As an avid anime watcher, my parents never understood why I like to watch animes. When they see me watch animes, they'll ask me why I'd watch those animated series because they think, it's for children, so I wanted to show them an anime that is not just for children but an anime, everyone could watch and because of that I showed my parents and my little sister Shoujo Ramune. Needless to say, they were absolutely blown away with this one! Not only did they cut off every contact with me but I'm also forbidden to speak to my little ... May 17, 2022
Kaizoku Oujo
I I I I I If you don't want to see any *SPOILERS!*, Skip this please! You have been warned: Imagine you see a group doing their adventure, you see them develope and encounter dangers and in the end it all doesn't matter because the protagonist gains the power to rewrite the course of history, bringing people back to life and defeating the meaning of the story. This anime had potential in the beginning but the last 2 episodes destroyed everything because the protagonist gains godly powers and is able to change everything. Sorry the Review needs to be longer, even though it needen't be because there isn't anything left to say, so ... |