Cannibaliens is one of two things in my opinion:
1.) A poorly conveyed message, with said message being changed or having multiple potential meanings.
2.) A nothing burger mockumentary/romance made for humor which I still think it fails at.
I'll quickly summarize the events and plot. the video is capped at 720p and can't be full screened. save yourself the time although the full 32mins is in a thread on here.
Earth's food chain has changed, Cannibaliens the dominant species. Humans, seemingly the only type of food they eat besides plants, are raised akin to pigs, horses, cows, chickens and other livestock on farms for consumption.
It starts
with A Reporter named May, a Cannibalien, in a sushi adjacent restaurant where "Japanese" is served. She showcases a cooking montage which is just various parts of humans being sauteed, boiled etc. It shows an assumedly over the top montage of May devouring heaps of food (im not typing japanese everytime) with the audio being the equivalent of someone eating an apple really close to their mic. Of course, the food also contains millions of gallons of blood for some reason, gushing all over the place with every bite. its gross, but the way back machine with a website for this movie deems it a "Splatter/Comedy" so i guess it's justified.
Afterwards, when May is off the air, she steps behind the building and pukes (she doesnt like human) where she is kidnapped by the HFL, or Human Free Life, what i can only assume to be a PETA stand-in, with a dash of Antifa. Oh yeah, this movie has Osama Bin Laden, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jiping, and even a tiny pet George Bush.
Back to the plot. HFL's leader, a Cannibalien named Chikatilo, tells May to air their broadcast tommorrow on the air.
May does, and the broadcast shows Chikatilo infecting, and releasing two humans with HIV onto a livestock farm.
He does this to incite fear, as he is opposed to eating human. It works, and this one move causes the world economy to crash, business owners killing themselves and burning down their shops, riot's and unemployment rates skyrocketing. it occasionally pans to a guy in a suit, presumably Mr. Big Food himself, but they don't do anything with him and I couldn't find any sequels so i won't mention it.
In the span of 3 minutes, some great pacing going on, it's revealed the symptoms of HIV, green dots, were painted onto human limbs and slipped into food markets by HFL. As for how the guy advocating for human rights sources his human body parts humanely, I don't know, this movie didn't bother asking that question. the agricultural society starts to breed new species of humans to try and make a safe food source. They succeed and decide to kill the current human population and replace it with the new breed.
This new breed, presented as a typical trailer park family, is named "White Trash.". benefits including "more likely to put on the pounds", "less intelligent" and "easier to control". this gets cannibaliens worldwide to start eating human again. May leaves her job and starts a blog to expose the human industry, hiring bodyguards. a hobo deliriously asks May to marry him, and for human meat. I only mention this because this hobo is a cop following may, but undercover. May see's Chikatilo (HFL leader) in an alleyway spying on her, and chases him down. They reunite cause I guess they love each other now, and go back and Wahoo at Chikatilo's hideout.
May asks Chikatilo's next step to stop human meant production. Chikatilo says while the camera pans at him foaming from the mouth, that Cannibaliens are the next food source, as humans can't produce fast enough for the cannibaliens explosive population. A random talking point never mentioned again. CHikatilo tries eating may but she escapes into a room with dozens of Cannibaliens in various states of dismemberment on meat hooks. May hides but Chikatilo finds her and stabs her through the cheek, the hobo from earlier ( a cop ) arriving and shooting him 16 times. It cuts to May doing another report on Humans, eating the new white trash breed. it then shows humans in labs being sick. The cause? White trash eating other white trash. It ends with a flashy barrage of white asking "What is cannibalism?".
Nothing in this movie supplements, services or even attempts to answer this question. It's portrayed more as an animal rights advocation. As the only real plot we get that has some fleshing out is with the HFL. In the worst part of the movie, the HFL shows two humans being tortured horrifically. Partially flayed, a cattle prod stuck up their other ends and electrocuting them, cutting of limbs only to leave them alive and taste the cut off extremeity. I hate it, and it's just like how people hate how PETA shows the most over-exaggerated violence towards animals as normal. This is the only thing fought about in the plot. This movie sucks ass. The movie's website says there not affiliated with any ideology. it also states the crew consists of vegetarians, meat eaters , vegans etc, just stating no connection I assume for legal reasons. It's pretty clear they all have clashing ideologies, but collectively agreed on doing the most over the top violence in this rotoscoped piece of garbage. I don't want to talk about this anymore, it is a great case study for me on morbid curiosity. I hate myself for thinking about this for too long.
The director comments about ideology and diets makes me think this could also just have meant to be a satire. But it sucks there too.
Nov 4, 2024
Cannibal Seijin
Cannibaliens is one of two things in my opinion:
1.) A poorly conveyed message, with said message being changed or having multiple potential meanings. 2.) A nothing burger mockumentary/romance made for humor which I still think it fails at. I'll quickly summarize the events and plot. the video is capped at 720p and can't be full screened. save yourself the time although the full 32mins is in a thread on here. Plot: Earth's food chain has changed, Cannibaliens the dominant species. Humans, seemingly the only type of food they eat besides plants, are raised akin to pigs, horses, cows, chickens and other livestock on farms for consumption. It starts ... Mar 8, 2024
Beautiful as expected from mr Nihei.
Bleak look at Humanity and what it can be dwindled to in times of despair. As is usual with Nihei, lots of subtle subplots intertwined with side characters, as well as the oneshot-attached character "Digimortal". I don't think it's ever explicitly stated, but considering the art style, and the similarity to the Executioner ladies in Abara & Digimortal, I like to think that Abara/Digimortal is in the same universe as both Blame!, APOSIMZ, and a proof of concept for blame! called "NoiSE" I doubt that if you liked Blame!, you wouldn't like Abara, even given it's minimal dialogue and hard to understand story. I ... Mar 8, 2024
I'm not sure how this manga isn't/wasn't mainstream or at least popular to some extent.
I'll only say what I have to as a fresh, blind read is the best experience for this manga. The story follows Yoshiko after a day at university, delivering groceries to her agoraphobic uncle who rants about "time" coming to get him. The first volume hones in on Yoshiko's uncle, telling us he's been locked in the 40th floor of a highrise apartment building for a DECADE. The night Yoshiko brings groceries, is the night her uncle is proven right as a heavy rainstorm flows into the quiet town. The rain is pitch black, ... |