My name is EpIcChEeSeMaN, call me cheese, cheeseman, whatever works but my name deserves utmost respect
I started watching anime when I was about 10-11, and my first anime was Attack on Titan. I continued watching anime on occasion until 2020, when during the pandemic I, like many others, started watching anime lots more. I've since slowed down considerably but I still love to sit down and watch some new episodes of an old favorite.
I've stopped rating every anime that I watch since it fluctuates so much and no one's ranking is concrete, so I only rate an anime if I have a very firm idea of what it deserves in my mind (in other words if it's really amazing or really terrible). For the animes that I have rated, anything that I've put at a 7/10 or higher is something that I would recommend watching and that wasn't a waste of time.
Like all rankings this is subject to constant change but I'm fairly confident in this list until I start discovering new animes. Re:Zero and Fate HF might switch around sometimes but Violet Evergarden is firmly in first place for me, I'm man enough to admit that that anime made me cry like a bitch.
Favorite Anime
The light novels for Violet Evergarden are almost impossible to track down but I managed it and it is an incredible experience. The way that the author describes emotions is so breathtaking and convincing it stuns me.
One of the most beautiful things I've ever read
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