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Apr 1, 2024
Man this anime really fell off hard. Alright to be fair, it was never that great to begin with, but man.
Season 1 of Blue Exorcist was one of the first ever anime I fully watched to completion, and it really helped me get further into anime and appreciate it for what it is. Obviously this was back when I wasn't a colossal weeb who felt a little more grass on an average day. Anyways season 1 in hindsight was a decent show I guess, but it had a unique flair to it that made it stand out despite being fairly generic. Season 2 came
out years later, and just, ended up being very....boring? I couldn't get into it at all and figured I'd drop the series, but alas, season 3 came after a very very short 7 years and.....yeah.
The story of Rin, the half-baked son of the devil of the whole wide world, continues as he attends a school to expunge demons alongside his absolutely and totally not super generic and cliche trope-type cast of buddies as they all fight for their own morals, all of which mostly totally don't align with "I must get stronger!".
I will actually give the story some props here. The first episode is terrible, extremely messy and rushed and just awful, but from there the story actually gets surprisingly interesting....for a bit. There are plot twists that actually make sense and are well executed, character developments that take place, and overall the feel is different.....for a few episodes. Eventually, without spoiling too much, this sort of returns to not at all being the case, but, at least for a few episodes the story actually became somewhat interesting. I haven't exactly read the manga for Blue Exorcist, but I have a feeling that the story was significantly better in the manga and that the anime adaptation probably cut some stuff out, because god the whole season felt as rushed as the birth of a mayfly.
As I said above, the characters do have some solid moments. Although Rin is still insufferable and painfully annoying, this season does focus a bit more heavily on some side characters, mainly Izumo and Shima, both of whom get some pretty strong character development and moments. The rest of the cast? Exactly the same. That's not to say the cast is necessarily bad, but they all sorta feel like tropes, and well, are no different from previous seasons.
One thing that helped previous seasons of Blue Exorcist stand out more was the unique art style, along with some solid animation. Unfortunately here we have neither of the two, as A-1 Pictures did not animate this season in their usual flair, and instead Studio VOLN took on the season. The art looks.....weird, and very plain. There are some moments where it looks decent, and the earlier episodes of the season actually look pretty good. However, as the season progresses, the art gets worse and worse, the character designs constantly seem to change and just look janky as hell. The animation....pure trash. Not gonna sugar coat it, it's awful. Every single fight scene in this season is just a still frame violently being shaken around like a damn pitcher of salt. There is also some CGI used throughout the season and my god. my lord it's so awful to look at.
The OST is just sorta there. No real opinion on it. Some banger tracks from past seasons return like maybe 3 times throughout the whole season. The opening is solid. Ending bleh. I will give props to the voice cast, as they do a really solid job with attempting to give these bland unseasoned characters some sort of personality and life beyond being a walking trope.
Honestly you could easily just not watch this season and absolutely nothing about your life would be any different. It's fine, it exists, and there are some great moments. The story is genuinely interesting, but unfortunately it's very much watered down by the horrifically fast pacing, the godawful animation, and the lack of overall development. I also had a major problem with the balancing of comedy and seriousness this season, it felt particularly bad during season 3, but that could just be me.
If you absolutely love Blue Exorcist and really want to see more of Rin and his McDonalds Playplace Buddies, watch Blue Exorcist Season 3 Shimane Illuminati Confirmed Saga. Or if you're just bored and need something to watch then sure. Otherwise watching this really won't derive much of an opinion out of you tbh.
Pros: Solid story, interesting worldbuilding, decent character moments, some good twists
Cons: The animation, the pacing, and most of the cast just being annoying, as well as a lack of development for both the story and cast. Gedouin is also a con of his own.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 21, 2022
Short and sweet, this movie encapsulates one of the best things about Fruits Basket, mainly within the 3rd season, and ties it to one of the anime's major characters who we unfortunately never got to meet due to tragic circumstances. If you know, you know.
The movie starts off with a recap of some major events specifically related to two very special characters. While some may not like the recap, I personally loved seeing all of these absolutely beautiful events compiled together, and so rewatching them was simply a joy. The rest of the film focuses on Tohru Honda's mother, Kyoko Honda, and her life
throughout many stages. Seeing her growth as a person is great. The romance between her and Katsuya, Tohru's eventual father, I won't lie is kinda sus and not something I or most people approve of. However, the story is still quite nice to watch, and to see how they get together and create this whole beautiful story known as Fruits Basket through their daughter Tohru is wonderful.
Plus, the very end of the movie gives us some.....really, really nice content. I won't spoil what, but, if you love how Fruits Basket ended, you'll be very pleased.
Overall, if you loved or even enjoyed Fruits Basket, you'll love this film. It's short, sweet, and is a nice recap that also gives us insight into some previously unexplored characters and ties them to the themes of the main series. You don't have to watch the film by any means, but it's definitely nice to see.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 20, 2021
this anime was seriously something. i went into true tears knowing nothing and expecting nothing. what i got was a surprisingly enjoyable experience, one that kept me hooked, invested and through a trip of various conflicting emotions.
i wont say much because this anime is great to go into knowing as close to nothing as possible. however, if you love drama, romance, comedy, a complex love situation with a huge touch of realism to it, you'll dig this
noe isurugi best girl. all i gotta say.
animation and art are great for their time. aged well? sorta. the cgi is horrific and distracting but it doesnt
take away from the anime really.
can i just say that THIS ANIME HAS A GOD TIER SOUNDTRACK!!! like seriously why does noebody talk about it?!? it's SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING!!!!
watch true tears
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 11, 2021
this show was a masterpiece. i loved it, so much. it was so good that within a few episodes, it had made my top 5. absolutely phenomenal.
however, that ending, and the last 2 episodes, just ruined everything about it completely. can't ever see this show the same way again.
basically, a phenomenal anime until the end. the end is so absurdly awful that it's the worst ending i've ever seen in my life. i didn't know that bad of an ending was possible. for that reason, don't watch this anime. the phenomenal majority of the anime will be crushed completely by that godawful ending.
i'm only still giving this a 6 because i loved the rest so much, but unfortunately i cannot call it a masterpiece anymore.
if you do decide to check this anime out, stop at episode 10. thank me later.
rest in peace, wonder egg.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 28, 2021
Man, I'm so glad to have seen this anime while it was eren'! You could say Attack on Titan is really at its pieck!! Better stop armin' yourself, for there is no more need to stay arlert, AOT is back!!!
At long last, after months of warfare between fans of Fullmetal Alchemist and Attack on Titan fans, after months of debates over whether or not to fappa to mappa or to crappa on mappa, and after months of trying to decide who in the hell is in the right versus the wrong here, Attack on Titan has wrapped up the first part of its
final season.
The beast shall be back for more, but man, what an experience it was. Never has Attack on Titan, a show that started off as giant naked men eating little people, been so intense, both within the realms of the show itself and in real life surrounding it.
If you have seen previous seasons, you would know that Attack on Titan has started off as a very simplistic anime, but has slowly become more and more complex with each season. Season 1 began with giant naked men eating people, before throwing in the twist that people can become giant naked men. Then, season 2 throws in the wrench that there are people who can become giant naked men within the military fighting against them. Season 3 comes in with the revelations as to where giant naked men come from, and provides a narrative on war and idealism. Finally, this season turns everything around, making it practically impossible to decide what is truly morally correct in Attack on Titan.
That being said, the story here is rich as hell. If you aren't absolutely absorbed into it to some extent, then you're clearly just watching for action. That being said, there is almost no action this season, with action only taking place in four episodes. Instead, we are presented with a beautiful, engaging story that simply cannot be put down.
The characters, holy shit. Your favorite character may now become one you despise, with vice versa being just as likely. The first half of this season focuses on Marley, and focuses primarily on Reiner. If you hated Reiner before this season, that is sure to change. The rest of the Marleyan warriors are all excellent additions to the cast, and ones who are quite likeable.
The second half of this season shifts back to the dev- wait, devils?! Yes, my friends, it turns out the main characters we've spent three seasons with may not be saints after all. But my god, have some of these characters changed. Eren Yeager, the whiny little brat who slowly became more mature from his experiences, has become, well for one an absolute chad, and two, an extremely interesting character. I shall keep this as spoiler-free as I can, but I will simply say that Eren is quite, erm, interesting. I also most note how badass Zeke is, and how interesting he is as well.
Now to address an elephant in the room. Yes. Wit took a shit, and sadly enough, Attack on Titan fell out of their ass. But that's okay, because the crappa went on to Mappa! While the art/animation is nowhere near the caliber of previous seasons, I'd still say it looks pretty solid, albeit with some questionable cgi and inconsistent character models. It doesn't detract from the experience too badly, but I definitely had a much better reaction to certain scenes that were extremely well animated, such as the finale of episode 16, compared to the cgi episodes we saw in episodes 6 and 7. You could blame Kodansha and Mappa's administration for the horrible conditions and rushed schedule, but nonetheless, it could've looked better. Could've looked far worse however, and for what it's worth, it looks good enough.
The voice actors absolutely nailed it this season, with Yuki Kaiji and Ayane Sakura standing out to me in particular for their performances as Eren and Gabi. However the rest of the cast did absolutely amazing. Not a single scene felt lacking at all in the voice acting department. This season's soundtrack was fantastic, with the re-use of old Sawano classics as well as new tracks that absolutely slap from Kohta Yamamoto. The opening, Boku no Sensou, is so damn catchy, arguably the best AOT opening among them all. The ending theme, Shougeki, is pretty good, very pretty and also a bop. I will say, the OST used during the declaration of war scene was severely underwhelming, but not worthy of threats against Mappa either. Overall excellent sound per usual.
I wouldn't say this is Attack on Titan's best season. Season 3 Part 2 was phenomenal and remains the best piece of fiction I've ever seen. However, this season did come pretty damn close. Despite being in the hands of an entirely new studio, with entirely new animators, directors, and other workers, as well as an extremely unreasonable 8 month production schedule, this season turned out to be quite fantastic. I cannot give it a full 10, because there were some complaints worthy of mention. The direction, while still pretty good, hasn't always delivered, which has left some scenes feeling rather dull or empty rather than absolutely slamming like they could have. The CGI, I will admit, I'm not hating on Mappa nor eating Wit's shit, but the cgi didn't look that good in my opinion. Some scenes were excellent. Episode 1's cgi was superb, and some fight scenes looked great. But in other scenes, the cgi just doesn't look that good, kinda ugly if anything. In addition, the character models here were inconsistent to a noticeable degree, and towards the end of the season, it did often feel like watching a powerpoint presentation with an audio track. However, despite these complaints, I still had a lot of fun watching Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 1, and am very excited for Part 2 when it launches next winter! Attack on Titan was absolutely on fire this season, and this is all setup for fantastic things to come. With more time given to work on part 2, and with how damn good that finale was, I have no doubt that The Final Season Part 2 will truly be something absolutely special. Go watch this season of Attack on Titan, and enjoy it. You may miss the insane action of previous seasons, but if you love the story and lore/dialogue then you are in for a real treat.
Story: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Art/Animation: 7.5/10
Sound/Music: 9/10
Enjoyment: 9.5/10
Overall: 9.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 29, 2020
Damn, being friends for one week? Must suck man.
Holy shit. If you want to watch living, breathing dopamine, this is your place to watch it. The amount of times I cracked the goofiest damn smile while watching this anime is absolutely insane. Of course, the anime is pretty sad too (AND THEREFORE BETTER) but like, goddamn, you WILL smile at some point.
The story is quite simple. Kaori Fujimiya (aka BEST GIRL WHO MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS) is a lonely girl who forgets any memories involving friends at the start of every week. This one desperate simp named Hase Yuuki likes her
and wants to be her friend. After successfully being her fantabulous friend, he makes it his goal to MAKE HER SMILE AND BE HER FRIEND EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!!! The story is simply cute as hell, honestly. The story gets quite interesting, with the mystery surrounding Kaori's weekly amnesia and the various ways in which Hase becomes her friend again. Admittedly, the story feels a tad slow at times, but every episode is just so fulfilling and satisfying, and so the fact that the episodes felt slow only meant more time to enjoy this wonderful anime unfold.
Isshuukan Friends is a character-driven story, for the most part. The cast is very small, with four characters who receive actual focus. The rest of the cast plays a role extremely minor, so minor that it puts Netflix's Cuties to shame. You've got Hase Yuuki, aka simp jesus. Honest to god this man is so precious and so sweet, holy fuck give this man the nobel peace prize PLEASE. Kaori Fujimiya is A BLESSING TO THIS WORLD AND MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS!! Absolute kawaii factor aside, Kaori is a very interesting character, and is easily the show's biggest strength. She's just so damn epic, and the fact that she's cute as hell only makes her more SWOLE. Hase and Kaori's chemistry is just so goddamn cute man. You're going to smile. In addition, there's Kiryuu, Hase's chill friend who is best described as a living, breathing mood. He can be an ass at times, but he's always just chillin, you gotta love the guy. Lastly, there's Saki. Saki is cute as hell, and well, that's about it, but her chemistry with the rest of the cast is quite epic. Overall, characters are Isshuukan Friends's biggest strength, and are just, so awesome to watch honestly.
This anime's art style is ridiculously cute. The character designs are quite unique, and yet look just so cute, really add on to the wholesome feel of the anime. In addition, the color palette in this anime is so nice and pretty to look at. The animation is surprisingly fluid, which really helps bring the cast to life. The backgrounds are quite impressive as well.
In terms of the audio department, Isshuukan Friends succeeds quite well. Every voice actor feels full of life and fully expresses the feelings and emotions of each character. The opening is pretty average, but is a nice listen nonetheless. The ending theme however, a cover of "Kanade" by Sukima Switch, is so pretty, and at the same time, so painfully addicting. I watched this anime 2 weeks ago and still jam to this song daily man.
Isshuukan Friends is quite simply a very enjoyable experience. With an interesting story, fantastic characters, adorable interactions, and nice production values that really enhance the story, Isshuukan Friends is a must watch for anyone looking for a simple story and for a smile. While most will likely see this anime as a solid watch at best, I personally loved it to pieces, and was sad as hell to finish it.
Overall, this anime gets a 9/10 from me.
Great, interesting story
Fantastic characters and interactions
Huge amount of adorable
Excellent art and animation, great colors especially
Fantastic soundtrack and voice performances
Extremely enjoyable viewing experience, addicting too
Occasionally the episodes and plot feel very slow, which can make it hard to pay attention at times
There seriously needs to be another season of this anime, it doesn't feel complete, I know there's more source material, WHERE ARE YOU BRAIN'S BASE?!?!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 24, 2020
I'm gonna be real, this ain't half bad, considering the fact that 59 episodes are crammed into 2 hours for a film. Obviously, if you haven't seen attack on titan before watching this recap film, DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM. This film only shows minimal spurts of the most significant events from the first three seasons. You are not going to get the full AOT experience if you just watch this film instead of watching the first three seasons.
This film does serve as a good refresher, especially for those who barely remember the events of season 1 as it aired
quite a while ago. Perfect for if you need some memory refresher before watching the new final season currently airing.
That being said, Attack on Titan is epic, great anime, and if you want some epicness then this film is worth it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 24, 2020
Akudama Drive. Where the fuck are we driving? This isn't McDonalds. An anime about a bunch of criminals rescuing another criminal and going by some robo cat's orders? What the hell, man. I just want a big mac ffs.
Jokes aside, Akudama Drive is the kind of anime that requires literally no thought whatsoever. It's the kind of show that allows you to just kick back, relax, chug some Coca-Cola and enjoy. If you're looking for some deep, thought provoking story, don't come here. For Akudama Drive, it's simply fun, but holy shit, it's REALLY FUN to watch. Why in the hell did I give
this anime a 9/10, a masterpiece-level rating? Simply because this anime is one of the most entertaining anime I've ever seen.
The story of Akudama Drive, as I previously mentioned, is basically about a bunch of criminals partaking in a quest given to them by a robot cat, and one promising hella money. While a very simplistic story at first, Akudama Drive later expands on this story, and my god does it get intriguing. I will not spoil how or why, but let's just say you're gonna want another big mac. In addition, with cyberpunk 2077 just releasing and with the whole cyberpunk craze, yeah, maybe it really is cyberpunk season. It is really fresh, however, to see a cyberpunk anime. I can't name too many, if even any, anime that fall underneath the category of cyberpunk. Very interesting story, very lore-intensive in certain aspects, simply epic.
Akudama Drive's characters are simple. Very simple, so simple in fact that their names are never once revealed. Instead you get codenames, such as "brawler", "courier", "doctor" and "swindler". While some may find this rather ambiguous portrayal of identity to be an annoyance, I quite earnestly beg to differ. By giving these characters simplistic identities and with personalities that match those identities, the story flows so much better than it would have. As I previously stated, Akudama Drive is very simplistic and is not meant to be taken as a deep anime by any means. The characters themselves feel rather shallow for the most part, with exceptions being certain characters who feel far more fleshed out later on. Particularly, swindler is very interesting, as well as the kitty cat siblings who meow their way out of hell.
In terms of animation and art, woah. When I saw that Akudama Drive was being animated by studio Pierrot, I thought "shit, this isn't going to look good." Oh man was I damn wrong. The animation in this anime looks hella good, even with some clunky CGI and some oddly stiff animation in certain moments. The real deal however is the art. Good god the art in this anime looks absolutely sick! The art really helps set the tone and atmosphere of Akudama Drive, and well, it's epic. You may notice it looks rather similar to Danganronpa, and well, that's because Danganronpa was created by the same creator as Akudama Drive, fun little obvious factoid of the century.
To be fair, I barely remember the soundtrack for this anime. However, I do remember it being epic sometimes. The opening is oddly annoying in that you hate it, yet it's catchy as hell and quite epic. The ending theme is chill, just some nice little rap-ish kind of music, not sure how to explain the style but it's chill. However, THESE VOICE ACTORS DID AMAZING! In particular, props to Tomoyo Kurosawa for once again delivering an outstanding performance as Swindler. This woman is a goddess, first Kumiko Oumae from Hibike! Euphonium, then Phos from Houseki no Kuni, and now, here she is once again blessing us with her amazing talent as Swindler! But, my simping for Kurosawa aside, the rest of the cast is very well voiced. Voices feel very expressive and truly bring out the best of each character, and helps carry the feel of the show.
Akudama Drive is insanely entertaining. Some fans may wanna nitpick every last fault or minimalistic detail regarding this anime, and that's fine, do as you please. But, if you turn your brain off a little bit, sit back, relax and chug some Coca-Cola, you will have fun watching ABSOLUTE BADASS CYBERPUNK ACTION CRIMINALS BE BREAKIN INTO THE STATION!! AAAAHHHH!!!! IT'S THE MOOOOON!!!! I can't really say much else without giving heavy spoilers, but I will simply say, this anime is ridiculously entertaining and is a blast to watch. I am giving Akudama Drive a 9/10 because this is how you make an anime fun to watch, and entertain an audience. Yes, it's that entertaining, and I HIGHLY recommend you go get a big mac and Akudama DRIVE into the McDonald's parking lot for some extra Coca-Cola, then sit back and enjoy the show.
Amazing and interesting story that slowly unfolds as it progresses
Great, fun characters
Beautiful art
Great animation
Epic soundtrack
Insaaaaaaaaaaane entertainment value
The fact that watching the anime doesn't guarantee free Coca-Cola or a big mac
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 13, 2020
Trinity Seven. Wow. Seven different bibles that save the world? But like....from what? I don't know man. This anime makes little to no sense alright. A bunch of high schoolers use powers of the seven deadly sins and beat: EEEEVVVVIIILLLLLL!!!! And then there's this one young lad who joins this quest, all for the salvation of his lovely apparent cousin.
So the story is pretty fucking bland. High school setting, overpowered MC, unnecessary ecchi, and of course, the classic: Harem Farm. Yes, this man is decked out in waifus. As a superpower high school anime, the story doesn't break any mold. If anything it just pours
water over said mold and lets the mold get even moldier.
BUT, the saving grace of this anime is undoubtedly the characters. Honestly, I didn't dislike any of the characters. Even if they lack development, they're so likeable that I can easily forgive it. Arata is one of the best MC's I've ever seen in an anime, as he has his fair share of flaws as well as strengths, and is a genuine person through and through. The seven supporting characters, the TITular Trinity Seven, are all honestly awesome characters. LEVI IS BEST GIRL!! Also holy shit, Sora is so adorable. I really like this one character who's introduced at the end.
The art is pretty solid. I love the character designs. The animation is rather stiff and inconsistent, but it looks pretty good at times, particularly in the last few episodes. The opening is awesome, the rest of the OST being rather forgettable. But damn the voice actors killed it.
Even if Trinity Seven is fairly average and should be something I hate, I honestly enjoyed the hell out of it. And that's why, despite it's gaping flaws, it gets an 8/10 from me.
Decent comedy
Epic voice acting
Great character designs and art
Enjoyable as fuck
Plot is nothing new whatsoever
Animation inconsistencies
Almost everything is left open ended (due to the limited time probably).
Overall: 8.3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 19, 2018
Attack on Titan (or Shingeki no Kyojin if you prefer that) is one of my favorite anime. I have seen several, but it always delivers excessive excitement, thrills, and a complex world with so much endearment. Season 2 was my favorite anime of last year and one of the best second seasons I've ever seen. Coming from that, I was a bit worried for this arc, as I had heard of it being poor and whatnot. However, the idea of politics and human V.S. human really got me excited. And it did not fail to deliver.
Seriously though, the execution in this season man, like, oh
my god. The new plotline, following governmental things, had me a bit "meh" at first, to where I was questioning if this was really Attack on Titan. However, the ending of episode 1 had me pumped, and I knew exactly from then on that this was gonna be a damn good season. The chase scene in episode 2, the backstory to Historia in episode 3, almost every episode had something to offer, whether it'd be a major secret reveal, a memorable fight, or something else.
One thing that really caught me by surprise was the development and the new characters, in particular with Historia. I was shocked at how much Historia has developed by the end of this season. After all of the development she had last season, I'm just completely shocked at how much more she got fleshed out. Other characters, such as Kenny and Rod Reiss, were nice additions to the cast. Levi got about 100000000x more screen time in this season than the last, and we even found out his backstory, which is quite nice. My only real complaint here would be the complete lack of Reiner, Bertholdt and Ymir, but I know they're going to play a major role in the next arc so not too dissapointed there.
The animation looks nothing short of spectacular, especially during the chase scene in episode 2. I'll admit there were some quality dips here and there, but that's expected with the situation that WIT is in. Despite some minor dips in quality, the animation is just simply breathtaking. Never has it looked THIS good. The OST is fantastic too, specifically the Kenny theme (don't know the actual name of the song but it's awesome). The opening is much different from previous openings, but is perfect for this season, and is simply holy. The voice of Hyde is stunning, and the opening is amazing. The ending theme is pretty good, especially in episode 12.
In the end, this was another awesome season of aot. It did take a bit of a different turn compared to previous seasons but was just as thrilling, and provided so much history. I'll admit, I didn't enjoy this season as much as season 2, and the shock factor wasn't quite there, but I know season 3.5 (the second half we have to wait HALF A YEAR FOR) will have plenty of that, just from what I've heard and saw during the ending of episode 12.
We need season 3.5 NOW
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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