Zankyou no Terror, or known as Terror in resonance in English, is a series made by Mappa studios, and directed by the legendary Shinichiro Watanabe. It has intrigued many based on the well structured pilot episode, and the well known staff behind it. The question is, Has this series disappointed more than it satisfied?
This might contain spoilers:
Story (7/10):
The plot starts up with a terrorist storyline, the terrorists in question being two fairly young men which have mysterious, and concerning pasts that are most likely connected to their motives towards their criminal actions. The pilot episode does a great job of a establishing
a narrative that's interesting, and intriguing enough to be extended onto a number of several episodes. The first four episodes are very thrill based, and follow the narrative fairly well. The next episodes though, take a different road towards the narrative than the first few. This form of narrative no longer is structured towards the daily terrorist acts announced through a series of videos, but a more personalized story which speaks more about the main protagonists relation towards the antagonist of the series. I personally think this is one of the main spots that stopped this series from going from good to great. The reason being, such storyline requires character based development, which unfortunately, is the show's biggest weakness.
Art (7/10):
The studio behind Zankyou no Terror's animation, and art style is Mappa studios. I was very much pleased with the amount of detail that came with the faces of the characters, specially the detail that came with the eyes when the screen had a shot that was near the face, in order to fit the thriller based tone of the show. The animation itself is quite smooth, not outstanding, but fairly good. There are moments though, were the animation really shines, and stands out. The most noticeable ones in my opinion are of the famous motorcycle scene, which demonstrates the whole city as a motorcycle drives smoothly, the run away from the laboratory in the pilot episode, and the sequences leading up to the train explosion. The memorizing colors of the background of the city are wonderfully put throughout majority of the series.
Sound (10/10):
One of the things Zankyou no terror is most remembered for is the wonderful soundtrack, and the genius ways it was used. Tracks such as Walt, Dare ka;umi wo, or IS are examples of beautiful songs used to fit the specific tone of the series. The soundtrack gives off a sense of tragedy while covered in tints of pure happiness, it leaves a perfectly bittersweet feeling residing in the minds of the audience. You can smell the scent of the sleepless city of Tokyo, and feel the lights of the city traveling around you as you place the sound of the soundtrack to your ears. It is used in wonderful ways, for example, the motorcycle scene of episode 4, a scene which is solely remembered for the sounds that were used in the moment, it wouldn't have been as remembered if it wasn't for the soundtrack. The soft song playing as we get a glimpse of the city through the perspective of the characters riding a motorcycle, truly what made the soundtrack so remembered.
Character (5/10):
This is where I feel most conflicted towards the series, as I have many mixed feelings about the character writing, and their development. On one hand, we have characters such as Nine, or Detective Shibazuki, that feel well placed in the series, and are compelling enough to be expanded further more, and have episodes dedicated towards them. On the other hand, we have characters like Lisa, or Five, which either feel very useless, or poorly constructed in the overarching story. The character development is one of the biggest flaws of the series, feeling rather incomplete, and not fulfilling promises of unsolved character perspectives that were established in the early episodes of the series. The characters don't feel as if they were expanded much as they could have been. A character like Twelfth, for example, having been disappointing compared to what was built in the pilot. He goes from saying a wonderfully creepy line in the pilot," If you make one false move, I'll kill you", while presenting an unsettling cheerful face, which feels so obviously odd, yet can't be pinpointed. It was a breathe of fresh air, but he later on turned into the generic cheerful, good boy character we all are familiar with, which isn't bad, but isn't as nearly interesting as what we saw in the pilot. Lisa was a wasted opportunity, and the show has a hard time deciding whether she's actually important or not. At times, she's treated as if she is important, but her actions don't showcase that. She could have had an interesting plot line about her family issues, or her obvious lack of self esteem, however, it wasn't explored. Five was, what I believe, the biggest thing that was stopping this show from becoming great. Her involvement felt very unnatural, and her character wasn't constructed properly. We never got to understand the relationship between her, and Nine, and when, and how her obsession with him started. So, when we have an antagonist that is placed in the centre of the narrative, while being this flawed, it was expected to backfire. She was just built as a crazy girl, with no further explanation than that. If she was written differently, she could of been a compelling character.
Enjoyment (9/10):
There is no denying it, this show is very entertaining, and enjoyable to watch. Whether you like what's going on through the screen, or not, you'll still want to watch more in order to fulfill those underlying questions the series has implanted in your head. You won't get tired of it while watching it.
Zankyou no Terror is a good show, that could of been great, but missed many chances to do so. However, the music, and the enjoyment factor make it a series that isn't a waste of time at all. It is a short series that can be binged easily. If you'd like to, pick it up one day, and watch through the episodes, its worth the few hours.
Nov 8, 2020
Zankyou no Terror
Zankyou no Terror, or known as Terror in resonance in English, is a series made by Mappa studios, and directed by the legendary Shinichiro Watanabe. It has intrigued many based on the well structured pilot episode, and the well known staff behind it. The question is, Has this series disappointed more than it satisfied?
This might contain spoilers: Story (7/10): The plot starts up with a terrorist storyline, the terrorists in question being two fairly young men which have mysterious, and concerning pasts that are most likely connected to their motives towards their criminal actions. The pilot episode does a great job of a establishing ... Jul 8, 2020
When I first heard there will be a new season of Love is war, I was both excited and scared. I wondered if the second season can live up to the high expections that season 1 set, and I can guarantee that it definitely didn't disappoint.
Story The story in this season is fairly similar to the one of season 1, a very entertaining romcom with a great balance of both comedy, and romance, but whoever, this season took the story to a more serious tone while still managing the light hearted aura of the series. This season highlighted the changes that are occurring in both ... Mar 8, 2020
Ao Haru Ride
Ao Haru ride is a shojo with an average story and average characters, this anime is far from bad but it isn't anything special or great.
What I like about this show was the story they tried ( but didn't) aim. The story has the basic elements of a shojo but the idea of old childhood love rebuilding when the partners are older seemed nice to me. The show was not boring, that is why I finished quite fast, and the interactions with the characters won't boring at all. The reason may be the energetic movements of the characters and the quick animation. What I ... Feb 12, 2020
This review contains minor spoilers:
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Maid sama is one of the most loved romance anime there is and I can see why : Maid sama overall feels like a plot from a typical fan fiction written by a 13 year old girl and thats not a bad thing at all. Maid sama does a good job at making the audience excited and it increases the fangirl levels to its highest . Its very unoriginal and its plot is very typical in very way but it is still very sweet .The characters are very likable and pretty fun to watch and they bring lots of live to the anime . My only ... Jun 19, 2019
Prison School
Prison school is a comedy mixed with ecchi and a show that uses these two elements to create this type of story . There are some advantages and disadvantages to this show:
This show's concept and story is non existing but the true elements are the comedy and the crazy amount of fan service . I will admit many of the jokes made me laugh and it can be very funny . The first few episodes were honesty decent but after that I realized the stupid amount of fan service there was. Like the amount of fan service is quite overwhelming ,and many times it ... May 22, 2019
Many shows have adapted the funny and the idiotic main character,if written well can be really funny but that’s not the case with Aho girl .
At first glance it seems like an average ok show but when you start to look at it fully it’s very mediocre . The jokes are very overused and the jokes themselves are quite stupid and distasteful . Most of the jokes are jokes about the girl’s serious obsession with bananas or plain poop jokes that sound like they were written by a seven year old .The characters are very generic and cliche,overall they are just plain. Most of the ... Feb 8, 2019
I know many love this anime , so I watched it suspecting it to be amazing I was disappointed
I'm gonna start with the things I liked , The relationship between Chitoge and Raku was very interesting and fun to watch . I wish the should have anime focused more over their relationship than shoving more not needed characters to the mix . One of the only reasons I kept watching was because of this spice that was Raku and Chitoge had . Now I have many issues with the show , the biggest issue was how the show shoved not needed ... Feb 1, 2019
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
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If you are looking for something that'll make you laugh this is the anime to watch . The jokes are honestly hilarious and some are pretty smart , the whole anime has this light atmosphere , it makes you feel good . The plot and events are not very original and most of the characters are the typical characters you'll find in anime , but the thing which changes this show from other anime , the whole strong main character is tossed out the window ... Jan 14, 2019
Now this anime isn't the best I have seen but its not the worst.
The characters were interesting but they needed to be more expanded , the plot is good but every episode seems to go on the same pattern that the other was going on . Now the thing which made this show decent is the very horrifying yet amazing art style and animation . It can be very cute and nice one moment the next it will be horrifying and scarcely entertaining . If you really enjoy creepy animation and gory scenes this will be a decent anime to watch but If ... |