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Dec 12, 2024
I’ve seen this series once before a few years back. A few days ago, I decided I’d rewatch it for nostalgia’s sake almost— and by doing that, I rediscovered why I loved this anime to death back then.
I’ll start off with the visuals and music. I don’t want to get into the deeper topics right off the bat. Anyways, I absolutely loveeee Survive Said The Prophet and their music in Banana Fish: Found & Lost as well as Red. I see them as pieces of art, and I’ve listened to the songs for years, thanks to the anime. The other opening and ending don’t stand
out as much to me, but they’re still good. Moving on to themes, Golzine’s theme is so good. Literally sends chills. When you hear it, you know something’s up. Yut Lung’s is really beautiful, and there’s something so familiar about how it sounds but I can’t place a finger on it right now. Anyways, that’s really all I got for music right now, as those were the memorable tracks.
When it comes to the art, I think it’s really hit or miss. The animation looks really lazy at times, especially when they use still frames and put sound over it. Or when the camera pans to something uninteresting while characters are talking. The animation isn’t incredibly fluid, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I will mention one scene though— that military dude near the end whipping out the pipe and spinning it so fancily was hilarious— it felt so out of place to be animated so well but I definitely enjoyed it. The good thing Banana Fish does is that there’s no shortage of really emotional scenes. The animators did an amazing job at making the vulnerable scenes with Ash and Eiji really touching. The colors of this series are really pretty. The yellows, greens, and browns are so nice on the eye.
Now, moving onto characters. I kinda wanna write about the characters before I write about the plot. It’s gonna make everything more cohesive. I’ll start with Shorter. He was only in the anime for a handful of episodes, but his impact was insane for having such little screen time as compared to other characters. His existence helped me understand Sing and Ash a little more. I loved his design and he was so loyal and fun to watch. I’m sad he wasn’t there throughout the show. Sing is a fun character, but I didn’t feel a personal connection to him. He felt like a convenience character almost, being there for times that Ash or the other needed help. However, I do wish his relationship with Yut Lung could’ve been more fleshed out (honestly same with Shorter, I feel like he and Yut Lung had an interesting dynamic that I would’ve liked to see fleshed out a little deeper). Yut Lung was awesome, I really felt his jealously and selfishness was portrayed perfectly. He wasn’t exactly a villain and I don’t think he ever wanted to be one— he just had events he wasn’t able to heal fully from. I also think he had feelings for Ash. I’m not quite sure, he could’ve felt for Blanca a bit as well. I was really hoping things would turn out well for Yut Lung as I watched the show. Blanca was a great addition, but I think he was introduced kinda late. He was really intriguing and I wish he got more screen time. I liked how calm and strong he was. Now, time for one of the most underrated Banana Fish characters: Max Lobo. I loved this guy. He was kinda funny but was so loyal to Ash and Eiji. He was super down to earth and just a nice guy in general. His now-wife, Jessica, was rad as well.
Anyways, before I mention the big three, I’ve got some littler characters I liked. Cain was my favorite gang leader by far. The dude was super reliable and talented, plus his design was really cool. Eduardo, the weird military villain dude near the end of the series, was horrible. I felt like he had been rushed into the series and he was so painstakingly uninteresting. However, Arthur was my least favorite Banana Fish villain. He seemed so irrelevant and weak from the start. I knew Ash would beat him someday and he was just sooo annoying. Griffin was the most depressing character to watch, especially when he gained “consciousness” and then immediately got shot. It still rips me apart, I swear.
Okay, now on to the big three. I’ll start with Golzine. He’s a horrible person— but such an amazing villain. He outshines all the other horrible people in Banana Fish. He’s done disgusting things, but it makes him perfectly horrifying and fit for playing the role of a villain. There was always something scary about him. He had a crazy will to live and probably had an IQ rivaling Ash’s. His downfall was his obsession with Ash, wanting to be the person to fully control him (or kill if necessary). This made for such an interesting twist near the end though, when he shot Eduardo. I’m writing this review technically after rewatching the show, but I completely forgot the ending. Without Golzine as the main villain, the series just wouldn’t have been the same.
Ash and Eiji get their own section. I’m doing this because there’s a lot to say about them but also just cuz it’s kinda cute. I’ll just say it, I think Eiji as a character is somewhat bland. He’s got some things going for him, like that he used to jump and can cook well, but there’s not much substance. What he stands for and how he impacts Ash is interesting, but for me, he doesn’t have much going for him outside of that. I love how he provides Ash youthfulness and promises of a different life when they’re together by just being him. Its super cute. Ash experiences what a normal teen boy would when he’s with Eiji. I wish Eiji was a little less boring but the friendship dynamic makes up for it. It’s super adorable. Contrary to Eiji, Ash is full of personality and is a very well fleshed out character. His childhood really touched me and the show did good job taking such deep topics seriously. Ash feels human to me, and a lot of anime characters don’t. His struggles are real people struggles. Being objectified, having to fight to keep his life, having trouble making actual friends, etc. He’s so strong at such a young age. It’s painful seeing him fight so hard the entire show and only having a few times where he could actually settle down with Eiji and hang out. It was so heartbreaking to see Eiji so sad that he couldn’t keep Ash from the danger (and on some occasions, be what gets Ash in danger). Ash was fun to watch regardless of the depressing moments. He’s smart, and I love an intelligent protagonist who isn’t too over the top. He has a lot of complex emotions but I feel like I kinda have an easier time understanding them fully than someone else might, as I’ve had people in my life like Eiji before. People who brighten my life and challenge my perspectives, but knowing it’ll eventually fade away or end because I have to move away. Anyways, I really believe Ash is a beautifully written character with so much depth and so many layers.
The last thing I’ll go over is plot. The first episode alone hooked me in right away. For me, that’s usually a sign that a show has a good plot. That was the case for Banana Fish. The plot is very unique, dealing with topics I won’t delve into due to their heavy nature. I feel like I learned some life lessons from this anime and I feel cringe putting that into writing but mannn it’s true. After watch Banana Fish, I felt like I needed to cherish my loved ones even more than I already did. It’s so such a touching show and can definitely bring change to viewers’ lives. I don’t wanna go super in depth honestly, just cuz spoilers and such (even though if you’ve read this in full you’ve probably already been spoiled on a few things). But yeah, great show and I definitely reccomend it.
Banana Fish is in my top anime for sure and give it a watch! It’s a beautifully touching story. 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 29, 2023
Waited for Kougami the entire time watching hoping he’d eventually show up, and was severely disappointed in the end. The series foreshadowed him multiple times, even stating he was out on the run somewhere, but there was no search for him or anything. Usually, I can forgive plot twists like these in other series but Kougami really made the first season for me, and I wanted to see him again because he was so important. His relationship with Akane and his struggle with Makishima is what made season 1 as good as it was.
The new characters felt bland, and their incorporation in the story felt
rushed somewhat. Sho was basically just there for his work on holos, his background barely mentioned besides his pills. I was really interested in him, but he was just so lackluster with little development. Tougane, as first, annoyed me a little bit because he felt like a Kougami replacement. Especially in the scene where he fights with the dummy and then has a smoke afterwards, talking with Akane. Really had me thinking the show completely dropped Kougami and replaced him with Tougane. However, Tougane began to change a lot and show his true colors to us. I was so interested in seeing how he’d turn out, but he literally just turned out as a dude with mommy issues.
The worst new character to get involved was Shimotsuki. People say that if a show can introduce a character you feel strongly towards, whether you hate or love them, it’s a good show, but in this case, Shimotsuki was just poorly done. She is just awful to watch; being the worst inspector we’ve seen so far. I don’t think Ginoza was a great inspector (even though I love him), because he was always pretty incompetent, but at least he was FUN to watch. Whenever he was paranoid about his psycho-pass or wary around the enforcers, you could always tell there was a reason why he was; it being explained later on is season 1. Shimotsuki is just an ahole.
This brings me to another point. Ginoza was made an enforcer, and I thought that was one of the only good things seasons 2 did. Until he got barely any lines, and all his development at the end of season 1 was just forgotten. He was one of my favorite characters, I loved the complexity of his relationship with his father from season 1 and how interesting the differences between him and Akane were. I’m upset at how little lines and screen time Ginoza got, especially since he is one of the only remaining members of the season 1 cast.
There was another character remaining in division 1 who was there in season 1 besides Akane and Ginoza, and that was Yayoi. She’s so irrelevant, but she definitely had potential to be something more. We got a good episode about her previously, explaining her past and motives to join MWPSB as an enforcer, but she was barely in season 2. I wish her relationship with Shion was explored more, because we’re given a few scenes with them together in bed, but nothing more. It would’ve been better had it been developed.
Now, on to the main antagonist, Kamui. He’s really just a sad attempt at recreating the amazing villain that Makishima was. The show tried to make us care about him, but it was so hard to care about the plane crash events or anything that had happened in their society 12 or so years ago. Kamui also had such little personality and besides his violence, was extremely uninteresting. Makishima had more going for him than just being violent, as he was very intelligent, had interesting motives for his crimes, etc.
I really wanted to like this season, but it was so disappointing. I really love psycho-pass, but this sequel was just not it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 7, 2023
I had no expectations for the movie going into it, considering it was something random I found and decided to watch. It's honestly not that good, and the only thing carrying it was the animation. While watching it, I was really hoping for it to be good because of how stunning the art was, but the story was extremely lackluster. The romance seemed forced, and none of the characters were fleshed out and I felt no connection towards any of them.
As for the love aspect, I don't like how rushed it was. However, I'm generally not a fan of the love at first sight trope,
so I might be too critical of it. Anyways, I feel like there wasn't exactly a coherent build up to the love. Hibiki originally seemed quite offput by Uta, yet when he randomly remembered she kissed him, he just starts to like her. They spent very little time with each other and didn't have many bonding moments, which is why I feel it was forced. Also, the fact that everyone from BB felt so compelled to save her and risk their lives for her during the second bubble fall was weird, considering they had basically just met her. I'm also a little disappointed they didn't really touch on Kai's crush on Makoto. It would've been cute, but it was kinda forgotten after it being mentioned a few times. I wish I could blame the flawed romance upon the short amount of time it was given to unfold, but other anime movies have done leagues better in even shorter time.
The story was pretty bland and predictable. As mentioned in other reviews, it felt like a culmination of other anime's plots. I feel like the parkour part was a little odd, and didn't exactly fit with the story, but it made for some amazing animation, so I won't complain too much. I wish we saw Shin do more parkour though. He was an interesting character that I wish got more screen time. Also, it's really weird how the Undertakers got developed in the story. When they were first introduced, I honestly thought they'd be the main villains, and that girl with the talking device would have more to her. The Undertakers had literally kidnapped Makoto, injured Hibiki, and cheated in the games, so the fact they helped BB later on was unexpected. After their little arc, they randomly turned good for some reason and lent their boots to BB to save Uta. They had no reason to help them, and I don't see why they would, especially after being introduced as somewhat villains.
The art and music were on another level. Honestly the four points I give this movie are because it was so wonderful to look at. I do art myself, so I was just admiring some of the shots of Hibiki and Uta. Hibiki's character design is a little generic, but he's pretty regardless, and so is Uta. Some of the background scenes were so nicely done as well. The music also fit the story and art and was pleasing to hear.
As a character, Hibiki didn't really have much to him. There wasn't really any character development for him besides him randomly liking Uta. Uta was handled a bit better, the progression of her turning into bubbles was interesting, and although her love for Hibiki still seemed rushed, it was a bit more genuine than Hibiki's love. As for the other characters, I actually felt like Makoto had decent screen time. She didn't really develop persay, but she was just a good character. I liked her along with Kai, but Kai didn't get much screen time. I wish he got more, because his parkour was pretty cool and I loved his character design. Shin also had some decent screen time and a bit of development, even though I wished to see him more.
Overall, the story was weak and it was hard to develop a connection to any of the characters, but the animation was incredible. Honestly at some part it was hard to sit through, as it was kind of boring and predictable, but I wanted to finish it for the art. Certainly, it's not the worst anime I've seen, but I feel like animation like that was wasted on a story so bland.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 22, 2022
Oh my goodness... what a ride. And to think I finished it in only two days. That is an accomplishment that very few anime have achieved. I was always on the edge of my seat when it came to Kaiji. Every episode felt like 5 minutes. Such a great time holy moly
Story: I give it a 9/10. It would be a 10/10 for sure if I couldn't guess the plot twists, but I could. I could guess a majority of what was going to happen in the story, but I actually found it quite fun when my predictions were correct. Anyways, I absolutely love what
the author did with the story. The stakes always feel high during the gambles, and it didn't feel like Kaiji has plot armor, which I appreciate.
Art: Now this is a (somewhat?) controversial category. I get that the art looks weird, but when you watch the actual show, you notice how much detail goes into it. I was surprised with the animation to be honest, considering how old it is. The shading and details in the face are incredible. Maybe I only notice it because I am an artist myself, but I love it. I'd also like to mention that one scene where he's giving that talk to the other guys before they crossed the bridge. The animation was really, really good for some reason lmao- The side profiles are still kinda weird though, but I don't mind it. A show like this would honestly feel strange with a normal anime style. This style fits the tone real well imo
Sound: 10/10. I legit love the opening theme so much. It's such a bop. As for the soundtrack itself, it's outstanding. Most of the time, I don't notice background music that much, but the music in Kaiji stood out a lot. I like pretty much every track. It's honestly almost up to the Gintama soundtrack, which is amazing in my book. I also LOVE the narrator. I can literally only hear Hasegawa when he speaks istg I love him
Characters: 7/10. This is the category I think Kaiji excels at the least. The characters are fine, but you gotta be honest, Kaiji hard carries the show in terms of characters. He's a literal badass, but the others aren't. I already have forgotten all their names lmaoooo- Hyodo is a good villain though, I'll give the show that.
Enjoyment: I binge-watched the heck out of Kaiji, which I haven't done for any show (besides Shark Tank lmao) in a while. I was literally so invested. It's so good. However, I took off a point in this category due to the second to last game. It was a little dragged out, but still mostly interesting nonetheless. I am especially impressed with the way this series didn't shy away from killing characters off and destroying Kaiji's plot armor. Good stuff right there.
Overall: Sums up to a 9/10, which I think is a perfect score for an anime as great as Kaiji. This anime had me questioning and thinking about stuff I've never thought of before. It's only the second gambling anime I've seen, but man, it's fun as heck.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 28, 2022
I don't even know why I started to watch this anime. I just remembered that it was on my watch list and decided to give it a go a few days ago.
Story: 8/10. The story of Tokyo Revengers is pretty cool. Main character time travels to save those close to him. It's good, but the actual time travel part makes no sense to me. Especially later in the manga, it just becomes even more confusing. But besides that, I love the gang fighting. Tbh I like to imagine that they're older than middle school/high school age so the story seems more realistic. Like bro
no way Taiju is 17 he legit looks 20 something
Art: 8/10. I actually really love the animation. Mikey looks so badass, and I'm in love with his hair. The fight scenes are done really well, and everything feels nice. My favorite part is the character designs though. Most of the designs are unlike those I've seen in other anime. They're also really unique, and Kazutora's design (even though I hate him) is dope af. Everybody is just so cool-looking
Sound: 7/10. To be honest, the opening is only good during the beginning and end of it. The music in the show is fine, but doesn't really stand out like how music in other series did for me. The voice acting is really good though, and Hanma's voice actor was the best imo. He had an amazing voice.
Characters: 9/10. I literally enjoyed these characters so much. I went into the show thinking I would hate Mikey, but he's actually great. Everybody is so lovable, and even Kisaki is great because of how delicately he's written. Mitsuya and Hanma are my favorites. Hakkai is also up there. They're more developed in the manga, and are overall endearing and great characters. As for Takemitchy, I don't really get the hate. He's fine.
Enjoyment: 10/10. Now this is where Tokyo Revengers really shines. Call it a bad show all you want, but it's just so fun to watch. There's action and plot twists everywhere, and it kept me fully engaged. I binged it in just two days, and that's an accomplishment because recently anime hasn't been as engaging for me after watching Gintama lmao-
Overall, it was a fun watch. The cliffhanger at the end was just straight up disrespectful, and I ended up reading the manga to chapter 215. I stopped because honestly the last arc didn't interest me. Hell of a ride though. I'll probably watch season 2 whenever it airs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 27, 2022
I'm pleasantly surprised with Sasaki to Miyano! It's a slow burn romance, which I haven't seen much of at all in the BL genre. It's like a breath of fresh air, and I think the way their love for each other develops is pretty realistic.
Story: I'd give it an 8. It's pretty good. I enjoy the way Miyano slowly comes to realize his love for Sasaki, and how Sasaki is patient. Sure, Sasaki wants to be around Miyano a lot, but he isn't very pushy and doesn't force Miyano to do anything sexual. I also like that not all of the characters are automatically gay
because it's a boy's love story, and that some characters have girlfriends. However, there's some points off in this category because I feel like sometimes the show can be a bit boring at times, but it's no big deal.
Art: The art is very, very good for a BL anime. It's animated very well, and is pleasing to watch, so it gets a 9. To be honest, the anime I've been watching recently are all from the early 2000's though, so maybe I'm just used to choppy animation, and Sasaki to Miyano actually just has subpar animation. I don't think that's the case though. The colors are bright, the hair is highlighted and shaded well, and the hands are beautiful. Overall great animation.
Sound: The opening is cute, and so is the ending, but the overall soundtrack is kind of forgettable in my opinion. It fits the scenes, but they're not outstandingly good or memorable. But the music isn't bad either, so it gets a 7. I'd also like to mention that the voice acting is very good. All the voices are so soothing, and you really feel like the actors put emotion into their lines.
Characters: 9/10. For a boy's love story, it definitely gets a 9 for characters. They are different from normal BL anime characters. Miyano isn't completely weak and submissive, and he wants to be seen as masculine, which I haven't seen in many non-dominant BL characters. Sasaki is very gentle with Miyano, and I love how he was able to recognize his own feelings early, but doesn't rush Miyano's feelings. Also, random thing, but I have a weird love for Kuresawa. I just really like him and I don't know why. His voice actor is really great. Ogasawara and Hirano are also good side characters.
Enjoyment: I'd say my enjoyment for this BL anime is an 8/10, compared to the 10/10 enjoyment I had for other BL anime like Given and Doukyuusei. Sometimes there are scenes that just aren't interesting to me, but most are, so I'll only take off 2 points.
Overall: I really enjoyed Sasaki to Miyano! Very cute and actually pretty realistic anime. It gets an 8/10 from me. I recommend it to anybody who's looking for an adorable love story. It's one of the few gay anime that I've seen that have gone really deep into emotions and feelings. It's great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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