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Feb 6, 2025
I don’t quite think I have the words for this one. Along with the fact that what hasn’t been said about it already?
So I’ll just say this. It’s a masterpiece, plain and simple. It’s grotesque and upsetting, sure, but so’s life, and art shouldn’t shy away from showing this sort of thing.
It’s not as fucked up as some puritan terminally online folks seem to think, but it’s definitely something I can understand some people having trouble sitting through it.
I do not like the reputation this film has, mostly by people who have not seen it, so if you see this review, take this advice with
you: Do not believe the people that call it torture porn, and don’t believe the people that claim it deserved to be banned and to never see the light of day, watch it for yourself, and then judge. It really is worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 30, 2024
Despite the kinda stressful climax and philosophy, this is actually a very therapeutic film for me, I sometimes used to put it on as I go to sleep. Maybe that’s mostly due to Kenji Kawai’s score, but the left to detail in the city and the way the characters move, plus the fact it’s beautifully cel animated is very comforting to me.
Now having rewatched the original again so close after seeing Innocence, Innocence is still better, but I’ve come to appreciate this first film even more. Maybe it’s because I’ve become more in touch with how films are made and what makes them so great,
despite not being very good at putting that into words.
Ghost in the Shell is probably a perfect film, is what I’m trying to say.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 18, 2024
As someone who’s never seen or read anything Black Jack related, this is an absolutely amazing introduction!
I honestly didn’t really know what to expect going into it, but I really enjoyed it. I really have to get into the rest of the series now.
Kuro Hazama/Black Jack really interesting, I don’t know if it was the intent but he’s kinda shrouded in mystery. You don’t really learn much about him, he’s such a great character, it’s one of my favourite types of character, actually.
The story is rather simple, but it’s got a lot of tension and intriguing elements that makes it a great watch. Not to
mention the animation and directing is beautifully done. Osamu Dezaki is slowly becoming one of my favourite directors. There’s just something really cozy about his style.
I love movies like this so much. Protect Pinoko.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 17, 2024
I hate Air, I always will, but this movie ain’t half bad. Obviously it has Osamu Dezaki directing it, so it already has that over the series. But also it handles the romance better, the AIR arc is not total dogshit, and that the Summer arc is used better.
All in all, it handles THAT part at the end with a little more tact and nuance than the series did. Haruko is still a bad parent, but she tries a lot harder here, and that’s all I can really ask for. This is my ideal version of Air.
It’s still not perfect, I feel like it could
have been a little longer 10 or 20 minutes more, perhaps. The final act is very speedy. But hey, at least it doesn’t have that crappy epilogue from the anime.
I highly suggest watching this over watching the series. I’ve never read the Visual Novel, but if the series is considered more faithful to it then that can only mean the visual novel is also complete garbage.
I can’t believe people don’t consider this the definitive version.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 3, 2022
This one is the best entry so far. Gundam gets better as it goes along. Given how this one isn’t looked upon as highly as Zeta is, I thought it was gonna be boring but I had the most fun watching this. Judau and his friends have a chemistry that feels realistic, like they’re actually friends. That’s my favourite sort of dynamic too, so maybe I’m a little biased.
This one also has the best villains so far. Haman Karn and Glemy Toto are truly evil but they’re not without depth. They have clear goals and ideals that make sense.
It also has the most overall
good quality. I probably like some stuff better in Zeta but overall I think it’s just a little bit too long and the middle of it kinda drags. ZZ is the perfect length for what it’s trying to do.
It’s not flawless, but I just love these characters too much for the flaws to really matter. Even in the episodes I didn’t quite like, the characters are constantly bouncing off each other’s dialogue in such a way that it’s never boring.
The music in gundam has been pretty consistent through 0079, zeta and this one, but I’d like to add that the Second OP is an absolute banger. Definitely adding it to my playlists right away.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 22, 2021
I’ve been so apathetic towards Star Wars for a couple of years now. I didn’t hate the new Disney movies, however the constant yearly releases, and the constant arguing from fans, by the time episode 9 came out I was just done with Star Wars. I didn’t really wanna have anything to do with it anymore.
However, with the announcement of this anthology series, I felt happy about Star Wars again. The trailer really grabbed me. I was still skeptical, of course, but I was more happy about this than other Star Wars media because this was going to be something unique for the series.
And I
was right to be happy about this, because this set of mini Star Wars stories were, for the most part, really great. It just feels fun to be happy about Star Wars again.
My ranking of the episodes from best to worst goes like this: 8,6,4,1,3,7,2,5 and 9. The only one I really disliked was episode 9, however, even that one had some moments. It’s difficult to rate overall, since it’s an anthology and all. But I feel like a 9/10 is good for it. It’s just so great to see all these different takes on Star Wars. And it’s no secret that Star Wars is somewhat inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s samurai movies, so this feels like it’s come full circle in some ways.
It’s difficult to talk about this without spoiling by things but yeah. I really enjoyed it, Lop is the best Star Wars character, and I really hope we get more of this anthology series. Maybe even some continuations of the episodes here. Especially for episode 1, 2, 5 and 8. Those I would love to see more of.
Story: 8/10
Overall, the stories were all pretty damn solid. The only major problem being that there’s not enough of it! I need more of these stories! The highlight for me in the story department is episode 8!
Art: 9/10
It’s the main reason I decided to watch it, and it doesn’t disappoint, it’s worth watching for the animation alone. The highlight for the art is either episode 3 or episode 6 or 8… or 4. It’s a tough decision.
Sound: 9/10
I’m not great with deciding if music is good or bad, but I enjoyed it in this, the soundtrack for episode 4 is the highlight of this.
Characters: 7/10
While characters have only a 7/10, which is the lowest of the scores I’ve given here, they are still great. There are just a lot of two dimensional characters that I didn’t really like, but also a lot of great characters, so it evens out. Lop from episode 8 is my favourite, but the Jedi F from episode 4, Kara from episode 5 and Ronin from the first episode are also pretty amazing characters.
Enjoyment 10/10
I was not bored for a second. I had fun even with the few flaws I had with it, especially episode 9, but still. I’m definitely rewatching this soon, and this time with the original Japanese language version.
Overall 9/10
Go watch it. This is super important. If it gets popular enough, Disney might let these studios or even more studios have a go at playing with the Star Wars IP. It’s a wonderful anthology!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 1, 2021
This review contains spoilers, though they aren't direct spoilers, they could probably lead you to guess what will happen.
School Days is an anime with an amazing story that's held back from being boring to watch for a majority of it. What I mean by this is that it takes so long for anything to actually happen. In my personal opinion, I think it could have been a couple of episodes shorter. Unfortunately, it has so much boring filler to reach the 12 episode mark. I feel like it would've been much more enjoyable if it didn't have as much fanservice and all that, but
I digress.
School Days is about dislikeable characters doing terrible things. That's putting it lightly, anyway. The only character's that are actually nice, or at least decent human beings, are Kotonaha, Taisuke and Otome (kinda), and though Kotonaha does a pretty messed up thing by the end, I can't say I really blame her for that.
It should be noted that characters doing bad things doesn't make them bad characters. You aren't supposed to like these characters. At least, that's the way I see it. And it's not like they don't get punished for their actions. Makoto and Sekai especially. by the end of it, I just felt happier knowing what happens to those two
I personally thought it was pretty good. but, again, if it wasn't so slow I would have given it a higher score. I'd have a hard time recommending this to anyone, really. I considered dropping it a couple of times in the first half, but I'm glad I didn't. Because this story was really worth seeing, despite the flaws.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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