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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
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Guimi Zhi Zhu
Guimi Zhi Zhu
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Guimi Zhi Zhu
Guimi Zhi Zhu
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Akatsuki no Yona
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Mar 5, 1:52 PM
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S-kyouya May 9, 2024 9:42 AM
I heard back from my top uni and I got waitlisted. I hope I'll hear back again if not eh at least i passed the initial exam. Here in my country we can apply to as many unis and to as many courses as we like but the catch is the country is SOO overpopulated theres just way too much competition. So it's really tough to get into even one uni. I'm applying to some community colleges too so as not to take risk. I really hope things work out.

Damn bro that sucks. You have to worry about the exam AND the statement that's so much pressure. I hope all of those go smoothly. Goodluck! I think you'll do fine dw! I haven't been studying that much either my mom's really sick been worried about her. When I'm not doing chores I just play Baldur's gate 2. I love this game sm. Btw is that Lara Croft in your profile picture?

Yeah I tried reading sign of affection in 2021 but didn't really care for it that much but the anime managed to hook me in. The animation was really cutesy loved it! Yeah same when my head's cleared up I'll catch up to all the manga i've been piling up. I started reading this romance manga called "Shinobi life". It's totally my cup of tea. Y2K, romance and shoujo but stopped midway cuz of all the bs in my life. Looking forward to finishing that as well.

Bro Nana's first chapter is that big? damn.

Gyro's whole getup is such a vibe tbh. I can only dream of looking like him TT

Bro when akayona ends it's gonna be an end of an era TTTTTT
S-kyouya May 3, 2024 8:16 AM
Love you lots man. Yeah my head has been full of shit since admission period started. I can't wait to be in Uni I'm so freaking tired of applying to unis, studying, sitting for the exams, passing then go thru another step of selection. Like rn im waiting to hear back from my top uni and a uni cluster. I just hope I get SOMETHING cuz I deadass can't afford a private scl rn TT. Man, I hope ur friend gets accepted to that Uni cuz rejection suck ahh. Is there a time limit to how long you can take to make your personal statement? If there's a bunch of time left then it may be a good thing that you're taking your time tho. Hope you get to go to a Uni to your liking man <3.

Yeah before getting into a Uni everything feels like auto goflow mode, there's so little options. Hope you ace the exams man!

Tbh if you feel like it you can start with whatever you prefer most cuz both are GOATED. Bro Gyro is literally so beautiful I fell in love with the volume 1 cover. Bro you're defo gonna like peach girl cuz even if it is hella dramatic the main girl is really likable. And the y2k fashion is sooo good. I think it's because of the y2k trend that nana and peach girl are trending on tiktok. I may watch Nana soon. I love the fashion in that show sm. That's enough to make me sit down for those 50 eps.

Seriously Zeno has got to be the best character, glad they build on him even more. THE NEW KOUKA KING??! Hells yeah
S-kyouya Apr 22, 2024 10:50 AM
Heyy! Sorryy I didn't get back to you earlier TT. Bro im getting rejected and waitlisted left and right 😭😭 But prolly gonna get a uni soon tho.

I straight up dont know what im gonna do after uni just going with the flow rn. So don't worry too much you'll figure out soon <3.

Bro I just finished sign of affection today it was Soooo good. Made me feel a whole other level of loneliness fr. Yeah I'll give hana kimi a try I've heard good things abt it. and it being like ohshc is such a selling point for me hell yeah! Peach girl's about a misunderstood girl mainly and the bs she faces everyday for no reason. it's SO dramatic makes my blood boil lmao i love it. and it even bends a certain norm for most romances that makes me love it even more. itll keep you guessing till the LAST PAGE.

Bro okay ill catch up on akayona then ive prolly piled at least 30 chapters by itll be good binge reading :D

S-kyouya Feb 20, 2024 7:30 AM
Yeah college was really in full swing last year so I was barely on mal at that time so np. Yeah it's been going alright I just wanna get to major in something worthwhile the job market's so sucky rn. Nah I'm applying to in country only I'll prolly try overseas after graduation. Hey congratulations on film school so happy for you!!

Tbh life's been so crazy I'm only watching sign of affection this season 💀. I may watch dungeon meshi too later on it seems good. And MAN I binge read peach girl and it was so crazy holy shit. Like I was on the edge of my seat till the last chapter omg. Nah I haven't read akayona for maybe over a year now looks like I'll binge all the chapters ive missed now hope suwon's not fuking shit up 💀😭
S-kyouya Feb 15, 2024 1:43 PM
Omg you messaged me I'm so happy 😭😭. I'm doing alright (not really) just going thru university admission stuff rn. How have you been?
Ashhk Aug 22, 2023 11:28 PM
Happy birthday! :D
S-kyouya Aug 8, 2023 11:40 AM
Yeah I don't even remember what happened in the last cp that I read. Yeah BC movie seems to be an original story so that must be why it was forgettable but the manga is so sick I read after the anime. Asta is GOATED. Yeah I'm hell bent on finishing yyk after the test it's fire.

Hell yeah I roped my bro into watching jjk and csm with me. He enjoyed them so much. True happiness.

Bro I'm so excited to watch the entirety of part 6 and everything that entails after.

Btw what are you reading/watching rn? Anything interesting? I just finished reading kitchen princess and it was so good.
S-kyouya Jul 20, 2023 9:19 AM
Ohh good luck with ur work and college then! same same that's exactly why I"ve been piling akayona for almost a year now. I just loved binge reading it sm i wanna feel those emotions again TT.
Nah haven"t seen the new movie yet. but hoping to watch it after my exams tho p excited abt it really. nah cuz fr yyh slaps hard and DT arc is insanely good. I haven"t yet finished it yet but damn its hella good.
aww damn but when you can get siblings to watch the same things as you the happiness is REAL.

Yeah fr. i Ioveddd stone but I"ve only watched the first part. Sooooooo excited for the next two parts. Can"t wait to watch them!
kyoneko2216 Jul 16, 2023 8:56 PM
Oh yess link click s2 i am super excited for it too , i havent watched it yet but i am def goimg to watch very soon i love that anime , oh really i am planning on watching that too i heard its awesome anime so , yesssss i am also super excited for gear 5 very very excited
kyoneko2216 Jul 13, 2023 5:44 AM
Thats great , i am doing good too :D
yes lol it has been some time
you know summer season has a lot of new good anime , so i have been watching them and other than the OG one piece ofc , i am really excited to see what will happen in one piece :DD
wbu ? What have you been watching ?
kyoneko2216 Jul 3, 2023 9:33 AM
hey how are you ?
S-kyouya Jun 27, 2023 8:14 AM
Nah it's been more than a year since I read akayona tbh. School's been so tough. The finals and admission test pressure is eating me up so I'm just saving akayona till all of that ends 😭 ohh hell yeah hope u enjoy catching up to op. I kinda stopped watching op and got carried away with other shounens. Completed black clover and now watching yu yu hakusho. Binging these both with my brother that's why it's way more fun. Hope I can get him to watch op with me. Then hopefully I can catch up too. Lately I just can't find the fun in watching anime without my bro anymore.

Ikr so long since we chatted 😭😔
S-kyouya Jun 6, 2023 11:41 PM
hey how have you been? its been so long since we last talked here. what you watching this season?
SpiritGT Mar 6, 2023 6:24 PM
Them ones, and ah fair enough, that's good.
And no lol, I've not watched anime in agessssss...
i wanna watch stuff and read manga but aint had the time tbh.
Alcachofiu Mar 6, 2023 2:22 PM
Well a bit of everything tbh, im mainly catching up to stuff i had half abandoned coz ive been having a tonne of exams lately, hbu?
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