*Spoiler free*
Having a sweet grandmother become a magical girl is a adorable concept and it works surprisingly well! It's a great twist on the magical girl genre as the traits that magical girls typically have can be found in a grandmother, caring, supportive, loving, friendly and many more. I really adored the art style and especially the designs of the magical girls themselves, especially Clover. The art style takes heavy inspiration from 90s magical girl anime but puts a nice modern twist on it! The story isn't amazing but it doesn't have to be as the characters are the main focus and interact with
Nov 27, 2022
Uraaka Joshi
This manga is NOT for people who are sensitive to graphic scenes.
Ura Account Joshi follows many different main characters all with their own reasonings as to why they're posting on a secret account, hence the manga name. All the stories are connected in someway, whether that be through the actual main characters or simply through their similar actions. The manga can go into some darker topics and ideas but it's a great representation of how young people can use social media as an escape or validation. There are a lot of dark truths and dangers to posting very private information online and this manga does ... Nov 27, 2022
Repost/Edit to help explain more. I was enjoying the manga until it's revealed the main character "gave" himself DID (Dissociative identity disorder, formally known as Multiple personality disorder). To me it felt massively like a cop out with little to no setup as to how he actually "gave" himself DID. He simply decides to form it as a tool to get revenge, the story goes into little to no detail as to how he even did this. It feels as if DID was slapped onto the story as an afterthought. I enjoyed the built up/mystery the series had for a lot of its chapters but felt ... Sep 23, 2022
Shi ni Aruki
The way Shi ni Aruki views and treats death is very intriguing. It challenges the conventional view of death and how one might react to it or simply not react at all. The art is good and helps to express the mangas feel but I think maybe a more abstract art style would help to convey some of the feelings and concepts explored. The ending may be a bit of a cop out to some people but I tend to look at is as more of a "make up your own mind" kinda ending. Overall I really enjoyed this manga and I especially enjoyed getting ... Jun 16, 2022
Wonder Egg Priority
For me, Wonder Egg Priority feels like a bunch of great ideas for an anime, mashed together into a strange experience that feels kind of awful but also feels awful to not like? It's a strange feeling.
The story is confusing and tends to jump around a lot. It feels like the writers didn't have enough episodes for the story they wanted to tell and had to shorten it down and cut content. The art is wonderful but tends to switch art styles when fighting, not a bad thing but jarring at first. In conclusion I feel like the anime wanted to give an insight ... Mar 24, 2022
Warikitta Kankei desukara.
I enjoyed reading this manga, the art is nice and the characters are both likable yet easily dislikable, I think it just depends on how you view them and the story as a whole. For me, this is about two girls who are toxic in different ways and use each other. Aya is looking for someone, something, anything. She wants to be seen by someone Sei is not over her first love from high school and tries to relive that through her relationship with Aya. At first it's Sei who seems in contorl of the relationship but as the series goes on, it turns more so into ... Mar 10, 2022
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen
I don't normally like shounen but I adore this series so far. Especially this season. The story isn't great, it's passable but it's not great. There's a lot of clichés and an almost a repetitiveness to the series as a whole. But I tend to find that with most animes that go on for more than a season or two, plus the shounen genre is extremely prominent and has well known clichés. Some of the 3D scenes felt REALLY jarring to me as well as the 3D effects at times. Though the further in the series I got ,the less I minded. Despite all this, ... Oct 24, 2021
Transjitter: Ibitsu na Karada
Manga was Discontinued. This manga is a more realistic and dark telling of the classic gender swap trope. Our main male character Shun is gay NOT transgender, so when he's turned into a female, his reaction is that of disgust, terror and repulsion. I appreciated this greatly as it set a clear difference between sexuality and gender identity, something I feel that often gets overlooked in gender swap stories. To contrast his reaction ,were given Yuka, our female lead. Yuka was gender swapped into a male but seemingly is fine, at least on the surface. It's told to us that Yuka has a hard time ... Oct 11, 2021
Sacchan, Boku wa.
This manga left me speechless, in both the best and the worst way.
**Spoilers for chapter 1 ahead** Our main character, Kyo, is pretty apathic about most things in life, he feels empty. He decides to give the next girl who asks him out a chance .Which just happens to be a Sa-Chan. He has fleeting moments where he feels something for Sa-Chan, he just doesn't know what. 4 Years pass and he's moving away for university, where his neighbor happens to be a married woman ,they end up sleeping together. Kyo does this to see if he feels anything and the story takes off from ... Jul 15, 2021
Otonari Complex
A charming love story that explores identity and romance, whilst seeing how the two interact with each other. If you're into love stories or reading about identity in anyway, I'd recommend it.
Mild spoilers. Although Akira's ignorance can come off as annoying to the reader, I think this story does a good job of not going into that trope. She's content with how things are, she's never really realized how much Makoto means to her as she's always just had him around. She's also never really explored who she is, her identity is in a way, molded by her environment and others opinions on her. Makoto on the ... |