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Feb 11, 2021
This is a pre-emptive review to try and get as many people on board as possible as it's airing.
So I picked this series up as a meme, because YouTube recommended me the trailer and Reki looks *astoundingly* similar in design to one of my favourite characters - Lavi - from D.Gray-Man.
Episode 1 is a wild ride, especially when you start to think about how Bones (My Hero Academia, Ouran High School Host Club, Full Metal Alchemist) got roped into this, but this series is beautiful and funny and engaging and character interaction is everything you want it to be.
So, pre-emptively:
Story - 7 - It's
enough to have you interested in how they're going to pull off the main conflict, since skateboarding isn't exactly known for killer gods or power-spikes. It's generic in the best way, and provides a great backdrop for the main stars of the series, the characters and their interactions.
Art - 10 - It's Bones. Enough said. You can see some Soul Eater in Reki which is very cute.
Sound - 8 - The series has an engaging soundtrack that I sometimes just feel gets lost a *little* bit in the background. But I have already thought about finding some of the tracks so that lets me say that it is a lot memorable than most.
Character - 11 - For real. If you want feel good character interactions that leave you fluffy, and inspired, and wanting to see your friends right now, this is this show. Reki and Langa shine in small interactions, from elbow nudges to screaming your friends name in class because you think he's gonna get seriously injured in a dream - Reki has ultimate good boy energy, and Langa is our dumbass genius who you're cheering for endlessly.
Also, you gotta hate ADAM. The sleaze oozing from the screen makes you want to take a shower.
Enjoyment - 10 - I get so much fun from this show. I have no idea how they're gonna pull this off, but I'm in it till the end, shopping on Amazon for my new skateboard.
So, overall: 8
It's great at what it is and what it is doing. Can it get better? I hope so. If you're sitting at home and you need anime, get on this.
Like seriously.
Get on it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 11, 2008
666Satan. When you first see that name you probably expect something really gory and R+ rated or something that you think will be totally NOT worth reading. How wrong you are....And let me tell you hat changed my mind :]
Story: Something quite captivating; the whole O-Parts concept,the other path of evolution and the Kabblah really are something different than what you usually read. Not too long and drawn out, the story is just the right size even having enough room for 3 time period looks( which all look awesome on the characters). The only thing that put me off was the clumped together information
/ battles. Maybe it's just a pet peeve but it slightly bothered me not seeing main characters for 3-4 (50 page long) chapters. Other than that, the plot really carries a deep meaning, sprinkled with those values that make us all go "Awww".The story is a 9.
Art: A lot of arguments can be brought up here as the style is VERY similar to that of Naruto. Yet you cannot call it a copy as in some parts it's actually better than Masashi's (I personaly think Seishi's post time-skip characters in some parts are superior to Masashi's). Anyway, the style fits the story like a glove on a hand. What made me from giving it a 10 was the sometimes corseness of the art, especially at the beginning. Other than that, in my opinion, it's actually a refreshing change compared to pretty-eyed, stylish and deatailed manga. You feel the rawness of power and action through the art and that draws out the full enjoyment. A 9.
Character: The strongest point in the manga, supporting the story 120% and fullfilling the arts expectations. All the characters have different pasts that are very often entertwined with others. All of them hold their own unique personalities and you can get a lot of enjoyment from any of them. This is probably the only manga where I don't have a hated(or deeply disliked) character. All of them show something to the reader and character interactions are simpy superb! The way they develop thoughout the story is also very believable and fitting so I think if you enjoy having a hard time choosing a favourite from a favourite, you should choose these guys. They deserve a 10!
Enjoyment: When sitting down to a chapter, you can feel the impatience bubbling inside of you, waiting to see what will happen next. And that is rightly so! I enjoyed many of the Ruby/Jio interactions (proabably 'cause I'm a romantic at heart), the O-Part battles, the steady unraveling of the plot. All of these factors made me read the story with feverish excitment and raised my enjoyment to one of the higest ones possible. I really got a full 10 out of the manga.
Overall: A manga worth the time and money. A bit of effort might be necessary to get into it (not to mention the english name isn't exactly flattering) but when you finaly get drawn into the story, it'll be very hard to withdraw. Shonen, Action, Supernatural, Spiritual and people can argue but I decide that there is definite Romance, this is a manga you really should pick up if you have the chance. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
Thank you for reading my review and hope that you will read the manga if you have the chance! I hope it has been helpful!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 8, 2008
[EDIT: I wrote this review nearly 11 years ago, and I am just as infatuated with the manga now as I was back then. If this doesn't convey how much of a 10 I think it is, then nothing will.]
Another misundersanding here, but why is this manga not reviewed?! Second review for manga! Here it goes!
Story: There are stories where we can skim over a few chapters and still understand what's going on; there are stories where we can skim over a few volumes and still get what is happening. D.Gray-Man doesn't fall into either category. If you miss even two- three pannels at first,
if that subject rises up a again, you will be lost. Everything is thickly intervoven; you won't find mentions of something just random, and you won't find side-plots ending up with a dead end (in turn with you wasting your time). For some it might be a letdown, but if you really want a manga with style and more than one plot that COUNTS, this is the ultimate top! A 10.
Art: Beautiful images with detailed expressions and actions, the only thing that puts me off is that there can be times when the toning can be overkill ( where even on zoom in on scans you can't see what is going on) Other than that, for a shonen manga, this is probably the highest quality art that you can get. Without a fault that I can name, I give it a 10.
Character:Probabaly the strongest point of the manga, as many old time readers will agree, the character development is superb! All of the characters have a story that, first of all, is not told in one huge chunk of flashbacks as we have so commonly seen ( My first pleasant surprise). Instead, the details are told little by little in situation that really require these explanations, in turn making the story more interesting. No one has the same character and we often see two sides of one character ( as they fight themselves in decisions or in some cases, physically). You will never grow bored of their adventures and soon you will see that they hold something that you can somehow realate to. A 10.
Enjoyment: I get so much joy from sitting down and reading a chapter of this manga. No visable fillers, no long conversations unless absolutely necessary, no random character stories, I find that the manga's whole beauty lies in that. After reading a chapter, it leaves you at a cliffhanger but at the same time, you are satisfied if only for the moment; you feel as if you are given a very good chapter with information ( unlike some manga where you read a chapter and dub it as totaly worthless as you feel you are back where you started). Really, I get a full 10 out of it!
Overall: If you are really in need of something supernatural, shonen-y and full of adventure ( even a little romance!) you must put this on your to-read list. A buy worthy both of money and time, I thing that this brings definitely a certain amount of happiness when reading. If you hve the chance, please give it a try :] I hope you won't be disappointed!
Thank you all for reading my review! I hope it was helpful to all of you!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 7, 2008
First review for a manga series because I have to do this! I can't believe no one has yet written one!!
Story: I am not going to go in the whole 'this happens and that happens' as you can read that in the summary up there *points* About the story itself, all I can say is that it has one of the best developed plots I have ever encountered. Everything comes closer and closer to the main goal and even when you think it has nothing to do with the story, you find out that it has a tremendous value to the whole tale. It definitely
deserves to be in the top spots for this. A 10.
Art: The art is a tad bit simplistic, but I guess this is what makes the pages nice and neat and pleasant to read, while also making the characters look absolutely endearing! It's not cluttered up like a lot of manga these days but it conveys the mood just as effectively. I really think that this deserves and 8.
Character: One of the best characters out there, I personaly consider Ed, Al, Winry, Mustang, Riza....everyone! to be absolutely perfect. So far I have no problem understanding what each person went through; no confusing twists in characyer development that could bring the reader to drop it just because they would give up on following them. Each and every one of these characters will make a you cry for them why you see their hardships and laugh with them at cracked skulls (of wrenches XD) A 10 and no less.
Enjoyment: From all of the manga I've ever encountered, I think this one will stay pretty near the top for the next 5 years or so. If you want Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi, Alchemy and even Romance, then this is definitely something for you. You get a little thrill everytime you sit down to a new chapter. I hope it doesn't end too soon XD
Overall: If you want a manga woth your time and money, FMA is for you. In all, nothing could be said bad about it. It's incredible!
I hope this helps everyone! :] Please take a look at it if you get the chance!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 5, 2007
(Second review! Eeep!)
Story: Though the story for this season is a bit overused, it holds true to its constant surprises and keeping people wondering what will happen next. Finally gaining some more depth than season one or two, many things happen to show that everything has changed and that life goes on whether they like it or not. Some Shonen-ai hints,generally almost non-existant, might be detected both in the Japanese and English versions, but this is more of a best friend thing compared to anything serious,turning out to be quite touching. I also found the speeches that Takao (Tyson) gave more realistic and down
to earth. Story gets an 8.
Animation: A definite improvment from season two and a 200% improvment from season one, the characters finally look their age, although at the end they are drawn considerably more mature. The battle scenes are smooth and bring a huge impact, even though some do repeat themselves. But that is compenstated by the great attention to detail, both on the Bit-Beasts, on the characters, on the blades and on the background. This is even more impressive as the show is Shonen so it deserves its 10.
Sound: New tournaments, new music. The standarts haven't dropped from the previous two seasons. A variety of new sound brings some freshness into the show, adding impact to the various scenes. Deserves a 9.
Character: The biggest surprise is how much the charecters have matured, both physicaly and emotionaly. I was also pleased to find that none of their characteristics were too drastically changed, from the brooding/dark Kai to the happy-go-lucky Takao(Tyson). More about them is found out throught this final season, about regrets that never seemed to be there, a new wave of overprotectivness and the discovery of lost family members. This final season brings out the best in all of them, though at first you might find cheering for those you never thought you would. A 10 all the way!
Enjoyment: It gives you that feeling of wanting to find out more. More often than not you might find yourself standing with your fist raised in the air yelling 'YESS!!' so that your brother or sister look at you strangely. More exciting than real sport and more magic than in any normal-kid anime this is definitely something you should check out.
Overall: A very nice, full ending to the whole series, this final season brings everything to a close while at the same time leaving quite an open- ended ending, so at the same time you get that feeling of satisfaction and dissatisfaction which brings a pleasant mix of emotions. Many things complement each other and you just can't help but feel that yes, this series is awesome!If you like competion, sports, friendship, rivalry and and a bunch of cute guys this anime is fo you^^ And so a 10 is granted.
[When I say shonen-ai hints, I am refering to one of the love/hate relationships that is considered by many Japanese magazines as Canon. Please do not bash my review because of this.]
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 5, 2007
(Gulp...My first review! Here I go!)
Story: At first I was reluctant to see what the show was about, seeing as the story was actually made in France, but then all that changed when I accidentally turned on the TV to catch the beginning of the first episode. The story is marvelous, full of everything a young girl could experience at that age. The constant secrets, conflicts, hinted love interests keep you on the edge of your seat. Not to mention the refreshing new concept of what the future could hold. What's more, the original languages it was made in were English and French so you
don't have to worry about anything being edited or changed. With that I give the story a 10.
Art: At first the art might seem strange, the main thing that would catch your eye would be the absence of noses, but once you get over the initial shock you just can't help but grow fond of the style. It deserves an 8.
Sound: Absolutely amazing! The opening and ending convey the right mood for the actual show ( Both being in Japanese with either English or French added). The soundtrack during the various scenes couln't have been more accurate ranging from the fast paced races to the hidden plans of Kanaletto and the Krogs. I was pleasantly surprised that during all of the 26 episodes very few times was the same sound used. This is especially true with the races, each of them having their own unique soundtrack. Sound gets a 9.
Character: Everything you want, they have. In addition to the predictable pace of each of the characters development, many times you will find yourself with your eyes wide open and your mouth gaping thinking 'OMG!Will he seriously do that?!' or 'SHE WHAT?!' Each of the characters have a unique personality from the sarcastic/comic Jordan to the well-mannered/secretive Aikka. They fit into the strory so well, nothing being given away too early that it might seem rushed or too late, when you might think the story is boring. They all deserve a 10.
Overall: If you like to be glued to the television, anticipating what's going to happen next then this is the anime for you.I love how the show implements the truths of life such as friendship, betreyal, deciet, loss, pain and the ultimate question of choice as an everyday person faces all of this somewhere in their lives. I don't regret watching and rewatching this series as it is definitely something to remember. A perfect 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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