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Jan 23, 2025
This anime is stupid.
But that's what makes it so lovable. For shows that we have plotlines that have to either make sense, or nail it down to a tee, so it doesn't become a mess. Here we have a show that can follow on both merits. Purely just cause wile the plot is easy to follow, at the same time, it's silly nature can really bring out the best regarding it. Not only making it funny, or amusing, but for the record, god damn wholesome to boot.
Story and characters: 7
Giving this a 7, as while I do enjoy the show, you can't argue that the
only well meaningful character is of course going to be our MC. Not that makes other characters bad, but more that they'll get the spotlight. They'll get the attention above all else. As if you could throw any generic type of prince or handsome guy character, and it still would've been fine. Like hell, one's name is 'Ann Doll' almost sounding like 'Am a Doll' haha. Clearly showing who is the vocal point of the series.
But to go onto our MC, honestly, you've seen so many of these shows, to make a judgement, and I swear each version that gets adapted, brings out a whole different version, which may keep it fresh and alive. This show could've been very weird, more then it actually is, but thanks to our MC, is so god damn wholesome, it's unreal. Along with the comedic element of 'Villainess' really puts a nice spin and touch on the whole product as a whole. If there is one thing you'll watch this for, is just the silly, goofy, wholesome MC, and how much of a 'villain' they truly will be.
Art and sound: 8
The way everything comes together so nicely in parts. To really capture not only the scene, but how the characters emote and react to boot. Along how each scene transitions to each other, really making it out for a solid effort all round. As if those who brought this show to life, wanted to do so by adding a touch of sparkle, and sweetness. Which is nice to see. Along with a stellar job with the VAs, which make a wonderful product to consume and enjoy.
This show is a real good time of a watch. I'd advise watching it. It's certainly not anime of the season, but it's damn sure fun to enjoy and watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 21, 2025
Storys and presentation are truly important. How one presents something, but also, how one sounds while doing so. Such can bore someone to death. While in other case, it'll capture you in, drag you kicking and screaming, locking you in for the ride of your life. This is what Hana wa Saku truly showcases such.
Story and characters: 8
While the story presents itself as such, there is such underlining details that truly make it stand out as something more. Which throw in characters which one may say 'Oh they look like normal and generic' but when you get under their layers, and see and discover what
they truly are, and how deep them themselves goes, it really opens up the anime in a whole new light. Which makes characters that look and seem like normal characters fitting an anime set in the school, have more flavor, have more interest and depth to them. Which only makes getting to know them much more pleasant for the viewer. Making it more in case of watching to see for yourself, and let them come into your life, to let them express themselves, rather than reading words on a screen.
But going back to the story, it really captures the watchers interest, as if there is way more than one realizes about it, and that we're in for more twists and turns as we go along. As if the title has flower in it's name, as if we're waiting to see this flower bloom into success, or failure. Keeping us on the edge of our seats throughout. As if taking such a simple idea, and presentation, and going about it, in the most creative way.
Art and sound: 9
For me, this gets the highest of grades, as while you may look at it at points, and think there is nothing special about it, they did a great job, it looks great, you don't need to spend a whole section going on about it. But given what the show represents, and how it's delivered and so. I feel like it's way more important then one may realize. As broadcasting takes a lot of effort and passion, there is a drive about it, and through this show, and how it's told, it's as if there is a magic about it. But it's not only the sense of that, being able to tell a story, to capture a reader's interest, to have the talent and creative passion. That can add a whole different element to it, and the way this show captures that through it's beautiful flowing animation. It's really charming, and lovely to see. Matched with great sound to boot.
Like seriously. I do love how they make it so you'll basically hear nothing in a moment, but then flow effortlessly into a different kind of track that naturally flows really well together, transitioning in a well mannered, and great way.
Hana Wa Saku certainly is a treat, and is a very good show to sink your teeth into for many reasons. I'd be watching for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 19, 2025
When a joke lands, it can be a right ol laugh. But when a joke feels like it's either run into the ground, or becomes less and less interesting, you know you have a problem on your hands. Which is where we have NEET kunoichi.
Story and characters: 4
The trouble with the story and characters of shows like this, is that they have to be quick, and try to be impactful as they can. In order to draw your attention. The trouble is, when you're not laughing, at a show that's meant to be gag humor, then it falls flat on its face. The other trouble
of it, as it seems to borrow comedic elements from other shows at times, other shows that have more interest, and are much more enjoyable then what this show is.
The problem is that the story feels such one note and shallow, and with it's gag humor, if it's not hitting, then it can be the most eye rolling thing. Ithas nice and cute weird characters sure, but when just feels like as if it's there, and that's it, it doesn't feel anything special at all. Not the worst anime by any stretch, but certainly nothing special, that you won't be too fussed in missing. Characters are such one note, that if the jokes aren't making you laugh, then they'll get tiring real quick.
Art and sound: 6
This is where it can be seemed as it's best trait. There is a lot of neatly flowing animations, and can be flashy, and fitting for purpose. While some elements don't look so great, but there is some level of care put into it at least, you can give the show that. If it deserves anything at all. Being colourful when it wants to be, or being grim and dark when it needs to be. As if all the care and attention has been on the art and sound side, and that's it's biggest highlight of the entire product.
NEET Kunoichi is quite the afterburner show, the kind you'd watch after you finish one of the big hits of the season, and then that's it. Though I highly doubt many would be jumping at the gun to watch this. It's not the worst, but certainly not anything special.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 18, 2025
Is the show enjoyable? Yes.
Is the show interesting? Yes.
Will you remember the show after it's finished? For about a week lmao.
Story and Characters: 6
I've given this a low rating because if I'm perfectly honest. When looking back to this anime, more than likely you'll mainly remember the main character alone, while the rest not so much. They're not bad characters, not at all. But given they're not the stars of the show, it almost can feel like the most side characters of all time lol. As if you could've thrown anyone into that picture, and it would be fine. Hell, it's clear as day given
the name of the character is within the title itself. She's the star, and others are sucking off of her light, and are barely giving much off as a result.
Does that make the story bad in context? Not at all. The story is quite a fun time. Like despite me saying that, I would say that the show is a good watch, enjoyable, and if you're looking for something to watch for this season, something filler that you can kick back, enjoy, then move on. Then this is the kind of show for that. Despite what I said about the characters, the show keeps you engaged, it's not a boring mess like some generic shows could be. Covering some serious topics in great detail, and seem like you can have an enjoyable experience watching such. Having an energic MC, who can carry a show, can make the experience feel more enjoyable, and in sense, rub off on other main characters, so they're not completely not interesting.
Art and sound: 8
This is the highlight for me, mainly because of how things naturally look and flow. There is a level of care, and detail when it comes to this show, how looks, how it sounds. You can also tell from how it sounds, that those voice acting this, clearly had a lot of fun with it, and it seemed the experience was enjoyed by all. Combine that with great flowing animation, though I might be biased to certain scenes, but it just shows how well put together it all looks. Cannot say enough praise towards this direction and department. Great stuff.
I'd recommend this show, it's the type that'll be enjoyed in this season, maybe season after, but after that, something else will fill the void. But the kind of show you can certainly enjoy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 18, 2025
I honestly don't know what this is supposed to be in all fairness.
Story and characters: 5
I give this a 5, mainly cause while the characters seem to come off as one dimensional, I wouldn't call them flat out useless. Or waste of spaces. I've seen, and heard worst characters then this, but then like it's story, there is...Barely much afterwards??? Like for the story, or the lack there of, you wonder half the time what on eart is even going on in the sense of the direction of this show, and where it's trying to go??? Like you read the synopsis, and think 'Oh,
this will be a nice show.' When really, it's anything but. I wouldn't call this straight up slop, but to me, you know what this feels like???
This feels like it was put together by a group of friends, placing their OCs in a world, with a generic story that is made to grab interest, and then when it's trying to deliver such, it falls flat on it's face. The sort of show that I wouldn't blame you for dropping, or skipping. It's one dimensional at times, but it feels like a show that if you blink and miss it, you won't be missing much. If you're looking for a more fine tune show, you're looking in the wrong place. Like, if you had to think of one of the characters, all you can think is 'oh her boobs jiggle.' It's sad really.
Art and sound: 3
While I've given this a low score, there is some props, as it's not all bad. The issue more lies with how certain parts of it looks. How can one part of it look nice, good colouring, the works. But then the rest feels like they either outsourced it to AI, or put little care into it. It's not all the time, but it's clear as day, that there is some form lack of effort trying. It's not all bad, and while it does have a decent sound part, which least puts this up a few grades. But it's nothing special.
Not that bad of a show, but would not recommend at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 17, 2024
Honestly. If you're in the mood for the most weird, and madshit anime of the whole season, then you are in the right place. Dandadan is as mad as it gets, and is worth the watch from the moment you put it on.
Story and characters: 9
Normally during this, I would give a detailed first three episode description of how the story is, how the characters are, and such, and why you should watch it. In regards, do I really need to go in depth? Not that there isn't any story, but more with the anime's themes, and how fast paced it is. The story
could've been anything, and it'd still be good. That's how wild and entertaining Dandadan has been, and will continue to be. Giving a wild, and wacky experience, that is also fitting and perfect for spooky season in the process. Wen 2024 ends, you'll be glad to have watched, experienced, and enjoyed Dandadan.
To give a bit in depth of it's story, just to cover basis. Imagine curses, like you remember Dark Gathering right? Well, throw some acid into that, and you've got Dandadan. A very action packed, cursed experience. The kind that you'll never know what the hell is coming next, or is right behind the corner. Each and every episode is a roller coaster of emotions, and really pushes our characters to the absolute limits. Which also only brings them out their comfort zone even more, to make them stand out, more so then they have already. A well put together show from start to finish.
Art and sound: 9
Top tier. Not only is it borderline nuts with it's visuals, and how it presents itself. Giving it a vibrant colourful, and flashy in your face feel. While still maintaining a great way to showcase more gripping, and disturbing kind of scenes. Just take the second episode as an example of that, pure creative goodness. You cannot mention the sound either, without going over the OP, cause of how god damn good it is. Even after long this anime is finished, you'll be listening to it over and over again. Even when you're sick of it. Great stuff all round.
Dandadan is an experience, pure and simple, an experience that you should be watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 17, 2024
First of all, holy the starting animation. Second. Ah. Who doesn't love such a simple, well enjoyable high school romance.
Story and characters: 8
While there are many elements that make this story, from it's simple and effective story, to it's art direction. But the characters really do make it flow nicely. Normally when it comes to shows sometimes, regarding romances. They can be a bit of a slow burn in regards to how characters react and act. But in the case of Blue Box, the characters seem to have a bit more movement about them. A bit more personality, that really pushes the anime more so,
then it would in certain romances. Each and every character, adding a certain element to the story, that drives it home. Rather than being a plain, and borefest. Which in turn, will only make you want to watch, and push for its on goings more and more.
Also Hina is a national treasure. Forever.
Art and sound: 9
I cover this highly, because I really do have a great fondness of how it's not only presented, and flows. While sure, it does calm down as the show progresses, which might be by design, but it doesn't make it any less impressive then it already is. But what I mean by it, is how at times it mainly has real detailed important bits in regards to characters, and scenes. Just take a look at Hina, and Chinatsu's hair for a perfect example. The shine and colouring, really is top notch.
A lot can be said through it's flowing of it's first episode. Just look at the OP for starters. Like hell, sports is a part of this anime, but the way the shuttlecock flows and moves. There is a level of care of detail taken, and put into great use.
Blue Box defo is worth watching. While there is action anime, more casual anime, there is sweet and loving animes such as this, that are a great entertaining watch from start to finish. Give it a watch now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2024
Fun, fun, fun.
Is what can be best described as when it comes to this show. While also being a semi realistic take on VTubers, and VTubing as a whole. As VTubers come in all shapes and sizes. I say semi realistic too, as it's not 100% of what and how VTubing is like or goes. But it's certainly a very close enough take, that it almost feels like it is. If you are a fan of VTubers, then you're going to love this show, and everything that it stands for. Let me explain.
Story and characters: 8
We all dream big. We all do. While again, I
noted that this is a semi realistic take, but stuff like it can indeed happen. As there is so much range, and depth in the VTubing sphere. Hell one of your best friends could be a VTuber right now.Or be balls deep within such, it almost feels like they are. But my point is more, that it doesn't matter if there is a wide off the mark points within the show, as there will be some truth to those words and scenes, cause of the wide range of VTubers. You can tell the people behind this, really did their in depth research.
Anyone can be a VTuber after all. Sometimes you just need your big break. You can hear many stories from successful creators. Dokibird, Maidmint, among others. Who put their all into VTubing, Much like the characters presented within the show do too. If that's not a realistic take on VTubing, and VTubers, I'm not sure what is.
Art and sound: 8
I'll go into a certain part of this in full detail, as it's a neat touch that really sends it home. But what the product looks in general, is very well animated, and drawn. Not to mention of how it sounds, as if too, every single VA not only gave it their all, but had a blast while doing such scene by scene. As Is said in the story, but it fits here too, it's as if they really did a big deep dive into the subject matter, and actually looked to see how VTubers are like, how they sound, the works. Attention to detail has been taken in very carefully here, and it shows.
What one touch that I really dug, was within episode 3, which really highlighted how the show works. By that I mean not actively showing them outside their personas. After all, some have characters, some have an extended versions of themselves. Or really, all of it IS ourselves. It's what we either SEE OURSELVES as. Or would WANT to be. So for this show, to only show the 'persona' and never their look outside of their models, is a neat touch. They escaped the wage slave, escaped a forced version of themselves, and they can truly be THEM. Which is shown through it's presentation. Great stuff.
Honestly. What an actual good solid show for VTubing. Go watch it now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 21, 2024
Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh
deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer.
I honestly could post the review like this, and that'd be the end of it, because man, after watching this, you may think of what you just watched, or think this is the funniest shit ever. I feel like I'm watching Nichijou, or Kill me Baby.
Story and characters: 8
OK so. You know typical characters right? Yeah? Well. Throw that shit out the window, and far away as the eye can see. While the story does advance per episode, it's not random for the sake of it. But you take these characters, and basically crank them up them by a 100. A 1000. The works. As if you put their personalities on max, all for the best comedic effect possible. There isn't a dull moment within it's story, or it's characters, which only makes for an entertaining product from start to finish.
To touch into it's story more, as yes it does have one. But you get the feeling the story is more the side piece, as if the world doesn't revolve around everyone, it revolves around the main cast, and anyone associated with them. Which is more shown how everything doesn't seem out of place, or not normal to the general mass of NPCs. It's as if nothing is wrong, and and they're here for the fun and silly ride. While the main cast's antics takes center stage. Which only provides more fun comedic exciting moments.
Art and sound: 8
God. I can't help but laugh in this regard, given not only the fun and vibrant way it's animated. But how they showcase deers throughout the show itself. It's a wild ride honestly. Like from both the art side, and the sound side, I can almost feel the Directors, and everyone who worked on it, laughing and joking behind the scenes as it's playing, because of how weird and wacky it all is. Not to mention a dance that has become rather memorable for all the meme reasons. Great work all round.
As for is it watchable? Hm. Needs more deer lol. But yes, it's very watchable and enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 19, 2024
To think I thought I was done with Batman, or in this case, it's more rouge gallery in anime, but here we are haha.
There is quite an element of weirdness when it comes to 'Isekai' Suicide Squad. Yes 'Isekai.' As it more feels like they threw em into a new world just for the hell of it. As if you're coming into this, expecting a normal kind of Isekai, then you're in the wrong place lol. But that doesn't make it bad at all, more given it's approach and charm. Going for a more fast paced, and wild approach. With the only weird bits seemingly
being the voice acting in parts. It's not terrible, but some of it, and it's characterization can come off as weird, more so if you know the source material of these, or are super glued into this series in general.
But how does it fair? Lets see.
Story and characters: 8
I'm giving this a high grade, more because of the performance itself. Earlier, I touched upon how some of the VA on the JP side may come off a bit off, which is mainly due to them maybe not getting the characters full on. Even if some of them do a real good job in their portrayal. But what is on screen, seems like a wild ride from start to finish. Like I could say you don't even have to care too much about the story, as the meat and potatoes is more down to the wild antics, the goofy fun. Of course, there are good elements to the story, it's easy to follow. More so if you know the characters/lore more. But what really shines most, is the silliness and goofy nature of the show in general.
Like to me. They've nailed certain characters, such as Harley, Amanda Waller. Then they throw the most weird but not bad in terms of character in this version's Clayface. As a long term Batman/This world fan, it's quite shocking to me, but do I hate it? Not at all. I wouldn't say it's super amazing, but it's certainly not bad atall. It can seem a little butchered for some maybe, but in general,it's a solid effort, a fun one at that.
Art and sound: 7
There is a lot to love regarding this part. They've got a number of details, from being flashy, to colourful, to being dark and grim looking. Really catching the eye, and really catching the vibrant, and fun silliness that this show seems to come off as. While also seemingly seeing and hearing the voice actors having a true blast with each and every scene. My only complaint of course, is that John Cena isn't in the dub LOL. But that's more a meme complaint, it's still decently good.
Isekai Suicide Squad feels like an Isekai on crack, and it's a weird and fun experience. If you're in for a goofy fun ride, with bit of turn your brain off. You're in the right place.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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