Oct 5, 2019
Black Bullet
Despite having a setting I am fond of (lolis and scifi), this show has some serious issues. The biggest are broken pacing and inconsistent narrative. As already mentioned in one of the top reviews, the first 4 episodes feel like they could well fill a whole season if directed properly. Instead, because the action progresses so fast, there is no room for any significant reflection moments or character development. On top of the pacing issue there is the narrative problem. The shows jumps from emotional drama to ecchi comedy in a span of minutes. Because of that, the comedy scenes feel unnatural and out of
Feb 18, 2018
New Game!!
Minor spoilers ahead, though this show is not really story driven, so that is not taht big of a deal.
I actually feel a little bit let down with the sequel of New Game!. While I absolutely loved the first series, being my first SoL rated >8, I cannot praise New Game!! as much as I wish I could. First part was great due to the characters, interactions between them and their struggles and development. And at first, New Game!! continued on this premise, with it's first couple episodes being equally enjoyable as it's predecessor. Unfortunately, something broke around the middle of the series, with introduction ... Sep 30, 2017
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
I have mixed feelings about this series. I have to note that I am a type of man who rates anime based on general enjoyment. To me, it feels like it wanted to do several cool things but never really got them right and eneded up as a very good action series, but nothing more. It tried to incorporate some darker themes and psychological/philosophical topics into the show but different elements weren't linked to each other on a sufficent rate. There were some really cool concepts: questions about the true nature of humanity, about psychological profile of a prey, there was even a romance ... |