This is the only Anime I have ever given straight 10's, it is that amazing, at least in my humble opinion.
The opening theme song is superb. The MC is Over powered, fun, and down to earth, in other words someone we all wish to be somehow, yeah I know I have some crazy ideas hehe.
Each episode is at least 40+ min long and here are 13, so basically the same as 26 normal episodes......the flow is great, you do no get lost and most of all you are greatly entertained.
They borrowed the mech design from Dual Parallel Trouble, but that is easily over looked
Jul 5, 2015
I have read all 18 volumes, and can say this is one fantastic, yet at times frustrating story. The frustration is with the MC himself. He is heroic, yet when it comes to the girls he is frustrating. HE is not your typical useless MC, but every now and then he reverts to one when it comes to relationships. Other than that is he a bad ass MC that you can count on.
The Novels flows nicely, tho they do time jumps to get you caught up with what is going on and understanding the heroes of this story. This is a Harem story, but ... Jun 27, 2015
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Beautiful! FUN! Totally satisfying.
This anime has almost no plot, except the main female wants to get into the MC's pants.....simple eh? Once you watch the anime you will understand, why this may be problematic and begin to enjoy it to it's fullest. The main female voice acting is just superb, and is the main reason you will watch this show. Sure it is quirky, at times stupid, but in the end it is just pure entertainment and fun. I am not going to go into all the details but simply to say, if you need a smile (especially if you finished watching something like Clannad After ... |