This manga is an adaptation from a Lovecraft Novel just with this you know it will be good. But with the art and the special type of the manga it is even better
The Art is really good and manages to reveal just enough to keep you entertained without revealing too much and keeping a part of mystery.
The story and characters are very good (since it is Lovecraft it is to be expected). The story is really in the style of Lovecraft and fans of him will definitly enjoy this manga.
For those that don't know lovecraft the manga is still very good and a definitive read
Aug 10, 2018
Sayonara Karada
This is a one shot manga on life death and how to part with a loved one.
There is no story outside of this and that's make it more special. You know nothing about those two characters and yet you still are here, in their most intimate moment, watching them try to stall time and win a few more minutes to stay with eachother. The art is really good and makes you enjoy every moment of this short manga. If you want a short and sad manga about life and death this is for you and you won't regret it. Aug 9, 2018
Hansu no Kikan
Hansu no kikan is a coloured manga happening at the end of the second world war. It follows the adventures of a group of german soldiers and civilian trying to flee the soviets to surrender to the americans in the west.
Under it's simple apparence with animal like characters Hansu no Kikan shows a more subtle and darker side with the horrors happening at the end of WW2. Story: 7/10 A good and simple story having alot of historical informations but still suffering from the 3 chapters format. A bit too simple also. Art: 7/10 At the first having colours and a more comic like aspect can ... Apr 21, 2018
This manga is a collection of 3 stories based on historical facts.
The first one is on misterious fireballs and it can seem quite weird at first and the story at some points is a bit hard to understand but it makes a certain style. The second story is on a lost regiment in burman jungle this one is very interesting because it goes over a bit of a philosophical sense of the war. The third and last one is on tanks and the evolution of armoured. warfare the drawings of tanks are pretty good. The Story in itself is quite good even if in the first story it ... Apr 9, 2018
This manga is one of the very few aerial combat heavy mangas wich already gives a huge plus for those that like this style.
The start can be a bit long if you don't like character developpement and prefer action but after a few chapters the story really begins. Everything was really good from the Story to the characters but if i had to say i still have a few regrets, i would have like a longer manga wich describes more some events and the end was a bit confusing with alot of events in a few chapters wich seemed more rushed. Still a good read 8/10 |