Dec 23, 2010
I was first drawn to Yosuga no Sora by its poster. It stood out in the Fall 2010 anime preview, where every other series used every color of the rainbow to grab the audience's attention, this series had a rather simple depicting of Haru and Sora under a blue sky.
The expressions of the characters reminded me a bit of "ef - a tale of memories", "True Tears" and other romantic anime that weren't also part comedy. My favorite genre is romance and I had high hopes going into this series. Unfortunately in this case, the old axiom of 'never judge a book by its
cover' proved itself true.
====== Story ======
When I read the series synopsis, I came in expecting a serious story, perhaps even tragic in its setup. In contrast, the problems the characters dealt with in the series felt very trivial, adolescent even in importance. Only in Sora's arc did I feel that the characters were ever dealing with a true issue, not one so easily solved in an afternoon's worth under the sheets. Ultimately, I would describe the storyline as shallow at best, but perhaps this is what was intended. Those looking for a deeper storyline as was alluded to in the synopsis will only find disappointment here.
===== Art =====
The character designs in the anime were well drawn out, with proportions that closely resembled real people. There were varying levels in consistency from episode to episode in how the characters were drawn; it seemed that as the series wore on, some scenes revealed poor animation. Expressions were not as detailed or varied as one would have hoped, given the anime relies so strongly on character interaction. The backgrounds were weak to average at best. They looked very 2D to me, with low attention to detail. It seems as if the artists did just enough each scene to make it work, but nothing to make it stand out.
===== Sound =====
One constant throughout the series was the great soundtrack that helped to set the mood. Especially in the more serious scenes, the music felt very appropriate to what was happening on-screen and really helped convey whatever emotions the characters were feeling. Beyond simply setting the mood, the music was beautiful to listen to, I found myself listening more to the music in certain scenes than the voices. Both the OP and initial ED were well done, fitting the series quite well.
===== Characters =====
Perhaps it was due to only having a 13 episode season, but outside of Sora and Haru, the relationships between characters were not convincing at all. Characters felt very static, as they changed little throughout their respective arcs.
===== Conclusion =====
The main selling point of this series is the amount of skin that is shown. The story of the show is very weak, especially in earlier arcs and there is little redemption to be found in the characters; I would go so far as to say some of them were even annoying in how often they changed their moods or worried about problems that weren't really problems at all. If the promise of incest is enough to keep you watching despite these problems, then I would cautiously recommend Yosuga no Sora.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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